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🧱 Board game constructor

User friendly engine for creating custom board games



  • Defining a game by JSON file
  • File structure is designed to be easy-readable yet flexible
  • Rich board defining possibilities
  • Supports defining complex moves like castling and en passant
  • Integrated state machine for game states handling

Config file structure description

Root structure is key-value. Fields and their examples are (descriptions separated by horizontal lines):

name – game name

"name": "intellector"

players – list of players names

"players": ["white", "black"]

cell – object that defines cells space and how to display them

cell.coordinates_names – names of dimensions of space where cells are located

cell.geometry – list of (x, y)-points, defines polygon that is drawn as cell

"geometry": [
    [0.9,	0.39],
    [0.675,	0.78],
    [0.225,	0.78],
    [0,		0.39],
    [0.225,	0],
    [0.675,	0]

cell.position – object that defines how cell screen coordinates are calculated, each coordinate defined by JavaScript expression

"position": {
    "x": "x * 0.675",
    "y": "(y + x / 2) * 0.78"

cell.colors – object that defines cells colors, each color defined by JavaScript expression

"colors": {
    "fill": "((!(x % 3) && !((x + y) % 3)) || (!((x + 1) % 3) && !((x + y + 2) % 3)) || (!((x + 2) % 3) && !((x + y + 1) % 3))) ? 'grey' : 'white'"

board – object that defines which cells are in board and how to rotate board accordingly to current move's player

"board": {
    "rotation_angle": {
        "white": 180,
        "black": 0
    "cells": [
        {"x": 0, "y": 0},
        {"x": 0, "y": 1},
        {"x": 0, "y": 2},

figures – object that defines how figures can action

"figures": {
    "intellector": {...},
    "defensor": {...},

figures.some_figure_name – object that defines how some_figure_name can action

"intellector": {
    "movement": [{...}, {...}, ...],
    "cell_actions": {...}

figures.some_figure_name.movement – list of available movements

"movement": [{
    "x": 1,
    "also_reversed": true
}, {
    "y": 1,
    "also_reversed": true

figures.some_figure_name.movement[]movement description

  • keys which are dimensions names ("x", "y" for example), describes move coordinates delta
  • cell_actions is an object that describes actions sets, which should be done if move fits coordinates delta
  • actions set can be of type destination or transition
  • destination means that actions set processed for destination cell
  • transition means that actions set processed for cells that the figure should transit in order to reach destination
  • cell treats as transition for some action set if figure can reach it using only coordinates delta from this actions set
    "y": 2,
    "cell_actions": {
        "destination": [{
            "actions": ["move"],
            "if": [{
                "self": {
                    "moves_made": 0
                "computed": {
                    "is_figure": false
        "transition": [{
            "actions": ["cancel"],
            "if": [{
                "computed": {
                    "is_figure": true
            }, {
                "computed": {
                    "is_cell": false

actions are executed consequentially, as they defined in actions list.

Available actions are:

  • move – sets target cell figure to source cell figure, then clears source cell
  • take – clears target cell
  • swap – swaps target cell figure with source cell figure
  • cancel – cancels move

Conditions sets for each actions set can be provided, defined as list by key if

  • actions set is executed if one or more conditions set are true
  • conditions set considered true if all conditions are true
  • conditions divided into 3 categories: self, target and computed
  • self conditions are an object, which should match source cell object for the condition to be considered true
  • target conditions are an object, which should match target cell object for the condition to be considered true
  • match means, in simple words, that conditions are a part of target object (for the curious: of course, it supports nesting (that is, the so-called deep match))
  • computed conditions are object which keys are built-in functions names and values are values that this functions should return

Built-in functions for computed property are:

  • moves_after_last_move -- moves pass after last move of figure located on source cell
  • is_figure -- is there a figure on the cell
  • is_enemy -- is there an enemy figure on the cell
  • is_cell -- is there a cell

cell object always have the following properties:

  • properties with names of dimensions and values of coordinates ("x": 1 for example)

If an figure located on the cell, cell object also have the following properties:

  • figure – name of figure that is located on this cell
  • player – name of player to which belongs this figure
  • moves_made – amount of moves made by this figure

cell_actions can be defined both into figures.some_figure_name (global) and figures.some_figure_name.movement[] (action-specific). They are merged when it comes to deal with concrete movement.

complex_movement – list of complex movements

complex movement is an object that can have the following properties:

  • figures – list of movements, where each movement supplemented by properties figure (figure name) and relative_position (object like {"x": 1})
  • cell_actions – described in the end of the section above
"complex_movement": [{
    "figures": [{
        "figure": "king",
        "coordinates_delta": {
            "x": -2
    }, {
        "figure": "rook",
        "relative_position": {
            "x": -3
        "coordinates_delta": {
            "x": 2
    "cell_actions": {
        "destination": [{
            "actions": ["move"],
            "if": [{
                "self": {
                    "moves_made": 0
                "computed": {
                    "is_figure": false

complex movements are checked if no of the "simple" movements fit.

resources – resources for game (currently only figures images links)

"resources": {
    "images": {
        "figures": {
            "white": {
                "king": "",
                "queen": "",
                "rook": "",
                "bishop": "",
                "knight": "",
                "pawn": ""
            "black": {
                "king": "",
                "queen": "",
                "rook": "",
                "bishop": "",
                "knight": "",
                "pawn": ""

win_conditions – an object that defines win conditions for each player separately

  • keys are players names
  • values are lists of filter-check conditions
  • win conditions for player considered true if one or more filter-check condition considered true

filter-check condition is consists of 4 properties:

  • entity – entities type to filter (currently only cell type available)
  • filter – object to match entity to it to pass filter
  • type – check function name (currently only exists function available)
  • result – the result the function should return to filter-check condition to be considered true
"win_conditions": {
    "white": [{
        "entity": "cell",
        "filter": {
            "player": "black",
            "figure": "king"
        "type": "exists",
        "result": false
    "black": [{
        "entity": "cell",
        "filter": {
            "player": "white",
            "figure": "king"
        "type": "exists",
        "result": false

game_states -- an object that describes game states and transitions between them

  • keys are game states names
  • values are game states descriptions
"game_states": {
    "white_move": {
        "type": "move",
        "parameters": {
            "player": "white"
        "next": "check_white_win"
    "black_move": {
        "type": "move",
        "parameters": {
            "player": "black"
        "next": "check_black_win"
    "check_white_win": {
        "type": "check_win",
        "parameters": {
            "player": "white"
        "next": [{
            "state": "black_move",
            "if": [{
                "result": false
        }, {
            "state": "white_won",
            "if": [{
                "result": true
  • each game state have type
  • all game states except those of type end have property next
  • some game states have parameters

Available game state types and corresponding parameters are:

  • move -- when player parameters.player should make a move
  • check_win -- when computer should check if player parameters.player won
  • next_move -- when computer should increase current move number (for example, in chess next_move triggered after black moved)
  • end -- when game end

Property next is a list that defines which state and under what conditions will be next

  • next[].state -- name of next state
  • next[].if -- conditions; processed just like conditions for movements

initial_game_state -- name of initial game state

"initial_game_state": "white_move"