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Releases: MiguelCastillo/3dub


10 Jan 16:24
Choose a tag to compare

Added option to disable logging of noisy messages that occur when watching detects file updates.

   "log": false
$ 3dub --log false


10 Jan 16:23
Choose a tag to compare

Fixed issue with history option not properly working when a string is passed in. Now you can just pass

   "history": "index.html"

and things work as expected.


20 Dec 15:33
Choose a tag to compare

After lots of use I think this is ready for v1.

To serve up the content of your current directory, all you have to do is install 3dub and run it on the local directory.

$ npm install -g 3dub
$ 3dub .

And voila, you have an http serving up your current directory, with file watching so that every change to anything in the current directory will cause the browser viewing the site to refresh.

Release v0.0.1

08 Sep 14:27
Choose a tag to compare

Initial release