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Generative AI


Generative AI uses neural networks, deep learning, and machine learning to create new content based on existing data.

Initiatives 🚀

  • Catalog of Generative AI Projects, utilizing local 💻 and cloud-hosted ☁️ Large Language Models (LLMs).
  • Includes 🐍 Jupyter Notebooks for various LLMs like Llama-2 🦙, Mistral, Mamba, Google Gemini ✨, OpenAI, and more.

Development Roadmap 🛣️

  • Continuous enhancement with emerging Generative AI Technologies.


  • Language Generation: Explore text generation projects using Language Models. 📝🤖
  • Audio Generation (Coming Soon): Experience AI-generated Audio. 🔊🎶
  • Image Generation (Coming Soon): Dive into AI-generated images. 🖼️🌌

MindInventory Capabilities

MindInventory harnesses Generative AI through cutting-edge models and technologies for various applications:


Versatile AI model for content creation, text generation, and creative writing.


Collaborative AI tasks solution for improved performance and context-aware responses.


Focused on document ranking and relevance for information retrieval.

Google Gemini & Gemma

Generative models for human-like text generation and language understanding.


Customization tool for adapting pre-trained models to specific use cases.


Powerful language model for various NLP tasks.


Tool for creating semantic graphs from text data.


Sharded version optimized for large-scale language processing tasks.

Mixtral 8x7B

State-of-the-art language model for advanced applications.


Platform for experimentation, research, and development.


Pre-trained language model for language understanding and generation.

Retrieval Augmented Generation

Combines retrieval-based methods with generative models for enhanced generation.


Efficient tool for managing and querying large vector stores.


High-performance language model for real-time processing.


Explore projects showcasing MindInventory's Generative AI models:


Intelligent chatbots for natural conversations and assistance.

Sentiment Analysis

Accurate sentiment analysis for user-generated content.

PDF Summarizer

Efficient tool for generating concise document summaries.

Custom Projects

Tailored AI solutions for unique needs and challenges.

Getting Started

  1. Installation: Install required dependencies and libraries.
  2. Model Loading: Load desired model using provided scripts or APIs.
  3. Integration: Integrate chosen model into project, customizing parameters.
  4. Fine-Tuning (if required): Use LLMFineTuning for model adaptation.
  5. Launch Projects: Deploy chatbots, sentiment analysis tools, PDF summarizers, or custom applications.


  • Conversational AI: Enhance user interactions with intelligent chatbots.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Understand sentiment for improved user engagement.
  • Document Summarization: Generate concise document summaries for efficient review.


Check provided example scripts and projects for effective integration.


Licensed under MIT License.

For more details, visit MindInventory.

Contact us for collaboration or support:


  • OpenAI: Cutting-edge AI research. 🧠🔬
  • DeepLearning.AI: Educational resources on deep learning and AI. 📚👩‍💻
  • Langchain: Natural language processing resources and communities. 🔗📊
  • GitHub: More Generative AI projects. 🛠️📂