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Encrypted NFT Demo

This is an end to end implementation of the Encrypted NFT construction. The project consists of a Move smart contract package (package/), the application frontend (app/) and the backend server (backend/).

Here we go over how to deploy the smart contract, configure and run the backend and application frontend for the complete demo.

Install Sui CLI

First, follow the Sui installation instruction to get Sui CLI if needed. This demo uses devnet by default, so set up a devnet environment in the CLI if this is not done before:

cargo install --locked --git --branch devnet sui
sui client new-env --alias devnet --rpc
sui client switch --env devnet

Then make sure the active environment is devnet, and also confirm an active address is present in the keystore. This corresponds to the private key for deploying the smart contract.

sui client active-env
sui client active-address

If needed, create a new private key and its new address, then switch to use it:

sui client new-address secp256k1
sui client switch --address 0xYOUR_ADDRESS

Request some test coins from the devnet faucet, replace the recipient with the active address from above:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "FixedAmountRequest": {
        "recipient": "0xYOUR_ADDRESS"

Publish the Encrypted NFT Smart Contract

To publish the smart contract, run the script:

# make sure the active env is devnet
sui client switch --env devnet
sui client active-env

# build package and publish using the script
sui move build
cd package/publish/

If there is no error in.publish.res.json, the contract is published successfully and an app/.env file is created with the package id and the network you published to.

      "type": "published",
      "packageId": "0xCONTRACT_ADDRESS",
      "version": "1",
      "digest": "EkL2Dx3hp7v61wmwWg884jb61GFgqVjBUCqxVsNc2s4z",
      "modules": [

The app/.env should look like the following:

VITE_PACKAGE_ID=0xCONTRACT_ADDRESS # confirm using explorer the contract is indeed published
VITE_ACTIVE_NETWORK=devnet # should be devnet
VITE_BACKEND=http://localhost:3000/ # where the backend is running on

This sets the default server running at http://localhost:3000. This can be changed in backend/server.ts#175 by modifying the number after app.listen(3000 ...).

Configure Backend

The backend server holds the AWS S3 credentials and also stores the user address maps to users' encryption keys. It exposes endpoints that take an image and do the obfuscation, encryption and decryption based on the corresponding keys for the user address. It also obfuscated NFT and its ciphertext to S3 with its configured access keys.

Note that this backend serves as a demo purpose, an authentication system for a key server should be in place in production for all requests for decryption. This is because anyone who has access to the encryption private key can decrypt all private NFTs from ciphertext to its original form.

Alternatively, one can implement a wallet client that keeps an encryption private key secure and does encryption and decryption in place. See more in Encryption Key Management for discussion.

Set up AWS S3 (or storage solution of your choice)

Copy the backend/env.example file to backend/.env.

This example uses AWS S3 to store resources such as obfuscated image and the ciphertext. This part can be modified for other storage solutions, feel free to skip this section if not needed. For the purpose of this demo, an AWS S3 bucket can be set up as following:

  1. Go to
  2. Create a bucket with a name. Edit the BUCKET_NAME value in backend/.env with this name.
  3. Select "ACLs enabled", unselect "Block all public access" and acknowledge the warining. Leave everything as default. the "Create Bucket". Bucket setting Bucket setting continued
  4. Go to IAM (search from AWS services, e.g. Go to "Users" then "Create User" with any name. Create user
  5. Choose "Attach policies directly" then select "AmazonS3FullAccess". Click "Next", leave everything unchanged, then click "Create user". Permission
  6. Choose "Application running outside AWS", then "Create Access Key", copy the "Access key" value to BUCKET_KEY and the "Secret access key" value to BUCKET_SECRET to backend/.env. Access key Access key secret

The final backend/.env should be populated as follows:

BUCKET_REGION="us-east-1" # can be found in properties tab for the bucket. 
BUCKET_ADDRESS="" # update the region substring if needed, the rest of the string should not change. 
BUCKET_NAME="my-enft-bucket" # update to the bucket name from step 2. 
BUCKET_FOLDER="encryptedNFT" # this can any value you define, all resources will be saved in this folder. 
BUCKET_KEY="..." # update to access key value from step 6
BUCKET_SECRET="..." update to the secret access key value from step 6

Run backend and frontend

This example uses AWS S3 to store resources. This can be modified for other storage solutions. To set up an AWS S3 bucket, go to and create a bucket with a name, then update backend/.env.

To run the backend, from backend/ run pnpm install && pnpm dev. In another tab, to run the frontend, from app/ run pnpm install && pnpm dev.

Exploring the demo

Open a browser and navigate to frontend localhost:5173 (by default). If you changed the port, input the correct port. Connect wallet Upload image Enter metadata Mint Explorer object Transfer to a recipient The recipient can deobfuscate


We also provide all implementations in Rust, see cli/ for code and cli/ for instructions.

Encryption Key Management Considerations

  1. Wallet client: An encryption key can be managed by a non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet. With a wallet, the decryption operation with the private key happens in a secure context. To avoid additional burden to manage an additional encryption key, we propose SIP that leverages the key derivation path from wallet pre-existing master private key. If adopted by ecosystem wallets, users can import and export private key or mnemonics and a persistent encryption key can be derived and used everywhere.

  2. Key server: There are scenarios where a master private key is not available, such as zkLogin and Multisig wallet. We therefore propose an example key server design in this SIP.

Encryption Key Discoverability

The current implementation requires the buyer to first post his encryption public key when making an offer to buy. However, since the encryption public key is persistent and can be visible to anyone, we propose a standard (SIP)to make an encryption public key discoverable. This way, a seller can immediately deliver the encrypted NFT once the buyer had made an offer.

AWS S3 setup

When creating the bucket make it public with ACL enabled with the option Bucket Owner preffered. Next create an IAM user to get the access key and secret and explained here.