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Quick Start

brew install pnpm

pnpm install

pyenv local 3.11

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

pnpm ts-node cli.ts --suite transaction-block --params-file-path transaction-block/parameters.json --url your-url

python3 --file experiments/nameOfOutputFile.json

Recommend setting \pset pager off in your psql session to show results of explain [analyze] at once.

To run the Python scripts that interact with postgres, you will need to install libpq and the psycopg2 library.

To replay a benchmark suite, add --replay as a flag. To run a benchmark experiment from manually picked variables, pass --manual as a flag.

pnpm ts-node cli.ts --suite transaction-block --params-file-path experiments/queryTransactionBlocks-manual-2024-05-14T19:21:26.278Z.json --url --limit 10 --replay

pnpm ts-node cli.ts --suite transaction-block --params-file-path manual.json --url --limit 10 --manual


  • each query is run 10 times forwards, 10 times backwards. The first 3 runs of each set are considered warmup runs, and not included in metrics statistics.
  • filter combinations are generated from the input json file. All combinations are run by default.
    • special "type" filters like 0x2::coin::CoinMetadata<0x2::sui::SUI> will yield up to 4 variants, by package, p::m, p::m::t, and the fully-qualified type
  • each parameter combination is run sequentially
  • set up a local graphql service connected to some replica. I set the default request timeout to 5 seconds
    • general tolerance is 4 seconds for a website to load

Adding more to the benchmark

  1. Create new dir, such as transaction-block to represent a new collection to test.
  2. Add new queries under the dir in a new file, such as queries.ts.
  3. Add a parameters.json that specifies combinations to benchmark.
  4. Set the defaults in config.ts

Graphql setup

  • Modify with the following to print db queries
    fn result<Q, U>(&mut self, query: impl Fn() -> Q) -> QueryResult<U>
        Q: diesel::query_builder::Query,
        Q: LoadQuery<'static, Self::Connection, U>,
        Q: QueryId + QueryFragment<Self::Backend>,
        query_cost::log(self.conn, self.max_cost, query());
        let binding = query();
        let debugged = debug_query(&binding);
        println!("Query: {}", debugged);
  • Note that the checkpoint watermark task is very noisy, I like to set it to return a static result instead of constantly fetching from db.

Python scripts

  • does the initial clustering to facilitate reviewing results
  • - converts the debug_query display printed by graphql for each query into something you can copy and paste into psql
  • convert base58 to hex - useful for converting transaction_digest to something that can be run against transactions table
  • to merge multiple runs, select combinations that timed out, repro arbitrary runs


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