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This repo contains all source code for the *Release* webpage.
A live version of the porject can be found here:

All HTML, JS, CSS, images, and videos for the project can be found here. 
What is currently the live version is located in the "final draft" sub directory.
Here is a map of the final draft folder:

├── Dyslexia.html
├── css
│   ├── custom_landing.css
│   ├── normalize.css
│   └── skeleton.css
├── extras
│   ├──
│   └── paper_graph.jpeg
├── img
│   ├── momsletter.jpg
│   ├── strengths.jpg
│   ├── summary1.jpg
│   ├── summary2.jpg
│   ├── summary3.jpg
│   ├── summary4.jpg
│   ├── youngeval1.jpg
│   ├── youngeval2.jpg
│   └── youngeval3.jpg
├── index.html
├── js
│   ├── audio.js
│   ├── shuffle.js
│   ├── switch.js
│   └── text.js
├── sound
│   ├── Color.m4a
│   ├── Death.m4a
│   ├── Dreams.m4a
│   ├── Goodbye.m4a
│   ├── Krystal\ Clinical.m4a
│   ├── Krystal\ Language\ 1.m4a
│   ├── Krystal\ Language\ 2.m4a
│   ├── Krystal\ Medical.m4a
│   ├── Krystal\ Weakness.m4a
│   ├── Sophie\ -\ Social\ 2.m4a
│   ├── Sophie\ -\ Strengths.m4a
│   └── Start.m4a
└── vid
    └── IMG_0160.MOV

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at:
 - email:
 - twitter: Death_by_kelp

This README was last updated on 29/4/17