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Open, powerful and accessible photo editing tool

Photostat is a native image editor designed to provide an easy to use and modern interface. It is built with GTK and Vala. The goal is to provide an open source, fast, powerful and accessible alternative to other photo editing tools.

🛠️ Compile

With Flatpak (Recommended)

Make sure you have the elementary sdk

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists --system appcenter
flatpak install -y appcenter io.elementary.Platform io.elementary.Sdk

flatpak-builder build com.github.photostat_editor.photostat.yml --user --install --force-clean

Once the command above is complete, you'll be able to launch the app from your applications list.

Note: Since flatpak apps runs in a sandbox, some development operations will be different from how you would usually perform them. Please refer to the Flatpak documentation for help:

Using Meson

Dependencies Required

Once the above mentioned dependencies are resolved, Photostat can be compiled and installed.

meson build --prefix=/usr
cd build
sudo ninja install

🤔 Questions

Feel free to join our public Matrix Channel, if you want to communicate.

👨‍💻 Contributing

Don't hesitate to contribute code, design, feature requests or bug reports to this project. If you are working on a new feature, please consider creating an issue about it before submitting a Pull Request. It is highly recommended to read our contributing guidelines 📃 before contributing anything.

📜 License

GNU GPLv3 / Creative Commons BY-SA

Copyright © 2021 The Photostat Project.