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A set of extensions and tools to create and consume restful Web services using Siren as Hypermedia format.


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RESTyard (formerly know as Web Api Hypermedia Extensions)

This project consists of a set of Extensions for Web Api 2 Core projects. The purpose is to assist in building restful Web services using the Siren Hypermedia Format with much less coding. Using the Extensions it is possible to return HypermediaObjects as C# classes. Routes for HypermediaObjects and Actions are built using extended attribute routing.

Of course there might be some edge cases or flaws. Comments, suggestions, remarks and criticism are very welcome.

For a first feel there is a demo project called CarShack which shows a great portion of the Extensions in use. It also shows how the routes were intended to be designed, although this is not enforced.

To develop C# client applications there is a generic REST client.


The Extensions:

The Client:

UI client

There is a partner project which aims for a generic UI client: HypermediaUi

Key concepts

The Extensions allow you to build a restful web server which responds with Siren documents without building a Siren class and assigning URIs to Links and embedded Entities. For this the Extensions provide two main components: the HypermediaObject class and new RouteAttributes extending the Web Api RouteAttributes.

HypermediaObjects returned from Controllers will be formatted as Siren. All contained referenced HypermediaObjects (e.g. Links and embedded Entities), Actions, and Parameter types (of Actions) are automatically resolved and properly inserted into the Siren document, by looking up attributed routes.

Using it in a project

To use the Extensions just call AddHypermediaExtensions() on your DI container:

builder.Services.AddHypermediaExtensions(o =>
    o.ReturnDefaultRouteForUnknownHto = true; // useful during development

To configure the generated URLs in the Hypermedia documents pass a HypermediaUrlConfig to AddHypermediaExtensionsInternal(). In this way absolute URLs can be generated which have a different scheme or another host e.g. a load balancer.


This is the base class for all entities (in Siren format) which shall be returned from the server. Derived types from HypermediaObjects can be thought of as kind of a DTO (Data Transfer Object). A fitting name would be HTO, Hypermedia Transfer Object. They accumulate all information which should be present in the formatted Hypermedia document and will be formatted as Siren Hypermedia by the included formatter. An Example from the demo project CarShack:

[HypermediaObject(Title = "A Customer", Classes = new[] { "Customer" })]
public class HypermediaCustomer : HypermediaObject
    private readonly Customer customer;

    // Add actions:
    // Each ActionType must be unique and a corresponding route must exist so the formatter can look it up.
    // See the CustomerController.
    [HypermediaAction(Name = "CustomerMove", Title = "A Customer moved to a new location.")]
    public HypermediaActionCustomerMoveAction MoveAction { get; private set; }

    [HypermediaAction(Title = "Marks a Customer as a favorite buyer.")]
    public HypermediaActionCustomerMarkAsFavorite MarkAsFavoriteAction { get; private set; }

    // Hides the Property so it will not be pressent in the Hypermedia.
    public int Id { get; set; }

    // Assigns an alternative name, so this stays constant even if property is renamed
    [HypermediaProperty(Name = "FullName")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public int Age { get; set; }

    public string Address { get; set; }

    public bool IsFavorite { get; set; }

    public HypermediaCustomer(Customer customer)
        this.customer = customer;

        Name = customer.Name;

        MoveAction = new HypermediaActionCustomerMoveAction(CanMove, DoMove);

In short:

  • Public Properties will be formatted to Siren Properties.
  • No Properties which hold a class will be serialized
  • By default Properties which are null will not be added to the Siren document.
  • It is recommended to represented optional values as Nullable
  • Properties with a HypermediaActionBase type will be added as Actions, but only if CanExecute returns true. Any required parameters will be added in the "fields" section of the Siren document.
  • Other HypermediaObjects can be embedded by adding them as a HypermediaObjectReferenceBase type to the entities collection Property (not shown in this example, see HypermediaCustomerQueryResult in the demo project).
  • Links to other HypermediaObjects can be added to the Links collection Property, also as HypermediaObjectReferenceBase (not shown in this example, see HypermediaCustomersRoot in the demo project).
  • Properties, Actions and HypermediaObjects themselves can be attributed e.g. to give them a fixed name:
    • FormatterIgnoreHypermediaPropertyAttribute
    • HypermediaActionAttribute
    • HypermediaObjectAttribute
    • HypermediaPropertyAttribute

Important All HypermediaObject's used in a Link or as embedded Entity and all HypermediaAction's in a HypermediaObject require that there is an attributed route for their Type. Otherwise the formatter is not able to resolve the URI and will throw an Exception.

Embedded Entities and Links

References to other HypermediaObjects are represented by references which derive from HypermediaObjectReferenceBase. These references are the added to the Links dictionary or the Entities list of a HypermediaObject.

Option 1: If a instance of the referenced HypermediaObject is available

Use a HypermediaObjectReference to create a reference. This reference can then be added to the Links dictionary with an associated relation:

Links.Add("NiceCar", new HypermediaObjectReference(new HypermediaCar("VW", 2)));

or the Entities list (which can contain duplicates):

Entities.Add("NiceCar", new HypermediaObjectReference(new HypermediaCar("VW", 2)));

Note The used function is an convenience extension contained in RESTyard.AspNetCore.Hypermedia.Extensions

Option 2: If no instance is available or not necessary

To allow referencing of HypermediaObjects without the need to instantiate them, for reference purpose only, there are two additional references available.

use a HypermediaObjectKeyReference if the object requires a key to be identified e.g. the Customers id.

Links.Add("BestCustomer", new HypermediaObjectKeyReference(typeof(HypermediaCustomer), 1));

The reference requires the type of the referenced HypermediaObject, here HypermediaCustomer and a key which is used by the related route to identify the desired entity. The framework will pass the key object to the KeyProducer instance which is assigned to the HypermediaObject's route, here CustomerRouteKeyProducer. Explicit assignment of RouteKeyProducers is optional. KeyAttribute can be used alternatively on key properties of the HypermediaObject. For more details on attributed routes see [Attributed routes](## Attributed routes).

Example from the CarShack demo project CustomerController.cs

[HttpGetHypermediaObject("{key:int}", typeof(HypermediaCustomer), typeof(CustomerRouteKeyProducer))]
public async Task<ActionResult> GetEntity(int key)
        var customer = await customerRepository.GetEnitityByKeyAsync(key);
        var result = new HypermediaCustomer(customer);
        return Ok(result);

The CustomerRouteKeyProducer is responsible for the translation of the domain specific keyobject to a key which is usable in the WebApi route context. It must be an anonymous object where all propertys match the rout template parameters, here {key:int}`.

public object CreateFromKeyObject(object keyObject)
    return new { key = keyObject };

Option 3: If a query result should be referenced

Use a HypermediaObjectQueryReference if the object requires also query object IHypermediaQuery to be created e.g. a result object which contains several Customers. For a reference to a query result: HypermediaQueryResult it is also required to provide the query to the reference, so the link to the object can be constructed.

Example from HypermediaCustomersRoot.cs:

var allQuery = new CustomerQuery();
Links.Add(DefaultHypermediaRelations.Queries.All, new HypermediaObjectQueryReference(typeof(HypermediaCustomerQueryResult), allQuery));

Direct References

It might be necessary to reference a external source or a route which can not be build by the framework. In this case use the ExternalReference for links outside of the server or InternalReference for server routes. These objects work around the default route resolving process by providing its own URI or route name. It can only be used in combination with HypermediaObjectReference. As additional information for clients a external reference can contain a media type or a list of media types. This is useful if a client wants to switch the media type e.g. to a download or get the resource as image.

Example references of an external site:

Links.Add("GreatSite", new ExternalReference(new Uri("")));
Links.Add("GreatSite", new ExternalReference(new Uri("")).WithAvailableMediaType("image/png"));
Links.Add("GreatSite", new ExternalReference(new Uri("")).WithAvailableMediaTypes(new []{"application/xml", "image/png"}));

Links.Add("GreatSite", new InternalReference("My_Route_Name"));
Links.Add("GreatSite", new InternalReference("My_Route_Name", new {routevariable1 = 1}));
Links.Add("GreatSite", new InternalReference("My_Route_Name").WithAvailableMediaType("image/png"));
Links.Add("GreatSite", new InternalReference("My_Route_Name").WithAvailableMediaTypes(new []{"application/xml", "image/png"}));

Attributed routes

The included SirenFormatter will build required links to other routes. At startup all routes attributed with:

  • HttpGetHypermediaObject
  • HttpPostHypermediaAction
  • HttpDeleteHypermediaAction
  • HttpPatchHypermediaAction
  • HttpGetHypermediaActionParameterInfo

will be placed in an internal register.

This means that for every HypermediaObject there must be a route with matching type. Example from the demo project CustomerRootController:

[HttpGetHypermediaObject("", typeof(HypermediaCustomersRoot))]
public ActionResult GetRootDocument()
    return Ok(customersRoot);

The same goes for Actions:

[HttpPostHypermediaAction("CreateCustomer", typeof(HypermediaFunction<CreateCustomerParameters, Task<Customer>>))]
public async Task<ActionResult> NewCustomerAction([SingleParameterBinder(typeof(CreateCustomerParameters))] CreateCustomerParameters createCustomerParameters)
    if (createCustomerParameters == null)
        return this.Problem(ProblemJsonBuilder.CreateBadParameters());

    var createdCustomer = await customersRoot.CreateCustomerAction.Execute(createCustomerParameters);

    // Will create a Location header with a URI to the result.
    return this.Created(new HypermediaCustomer(createdCustomer));

Note: Siren specifies that to trigger an action an array of parameters should be posted to the action route. To avoid wrapping parameters in an array class there is the SingleParameterBinder for convenience.

A valid JSON for this route would look like this:

	  "Name":"Hans Schmid"

The parameter binder also allows to pass a parameter object without the wrapping array:

	  "Name":"Hans Schmid"

Parameters for actions may define a route which provides additional type information to the client. These routes will be added to the Siren fields object as "class".

[HttpGetHypermediaActionParameterInfo("CreateCustomerParametersType", typeof(CreateCustomerParameters))]
public ActionResult CreateCustomerParametersType()
    var schema = JsonSchemaFactory.Generate(typeof(CreateCustomerParameters));
    return Ok(schema);

Also see See: extracting keys from action parameter URLs

Actions with prefilled values

Actions supply contain prefilled values so a form is already filled with server provided content. Actions with parameters have a optional parameter:

public class ActionWithArgument : HypermediaAction<ActionParameter>
    public ActionWithArgument(Func<bool> canExecute, ActionParameter prefilledValues) : base(canExecute, prefilledValues)

Actions with acceptable media type

The action attributes allow to specify a media type so it can be transmitted that a client should send the data in a acceptable format

  • HttpPostHypermediaAction
  • HttpDeleteHypermediaAction
  • HttpPatchHypermediaAction
  • HttpPutHypermediaAction
[HttpPostHypermediaAction("my/route/template", typeof(MyOperation), AcceptedMediaType = "multipart/form-data"))]

Will be rendered to siren as type on the action. Default is application/json.

File upload actions

Use the FileUploadHypermediaAction or ExternalFileUploadHypermediaAction to specify a file upload. Pass FileUploadConfiguration to send information to the client about allowed behaviour.

Controller example:

// controller
[HttpPostHypermediaAction("UploadImage", typeof(UploadCarImageOp), AcceptedMediaType = DefaultMediaTypes.MultipartFormData)]
public async Task<IActionResult> UploadCarImage()

// action definition
public class UploadCarImageOp : FileUploadHypermediaAction
    public UploadCarImageOp(Func<bool> canExecute, FileUploadConfiguration fileUploadConfiguration = null) : base(canExecute, fileUploadConfiguration)

Calling external APIs using Actions

If it is necessary to call a external API and expose that call as an action there is HypermediaExternalAction<TParameter> nad HypermediaExternalAction to be used as base for ActionTypes.

public class ExternalActionNoParameters :HypermediaExternalAction
    public ExternalActionNoParameters(Uri externalUri, HttpMethod httpMethod) 
        : base(() => true, externalUri, httpMethod) { }

public class ExternalActionWitParameter :HypermediaExternalAction<ExternalActionParameters>
    public ExternalActionWitParameter(Uri externalUri,
        HttpMethod httpMethod) 
        : base(() => true,
        new ExternalActionParameters(3)) { }

// usage in HTO:
public ExternalActionNoParameters ExternalActionNoParametersNoParametersTest { get; init; } = new ExternalActionNoParameters(new Uri(""), HttpMethod.POST);
public ExternalActionWitParameter ExternalActionWitParameterTestOp { get; init; }= new ExternalActionWitParameter(new Uri(""), HttpMethod.DELETE);

Routes with a placeholder in the route template

For access to entities a route template may contain placeholder variables like key in the example below. If a HypermediaObject is referenced, e.g. the self link or a link to another Customer, the formatter must be able to create the URI to the linked HypermediaObject. To properly fill the placeholder variables for such routes a KeyProducer is required.

Use attributes to indicate keys

Use the Key attribute to indicate which properties of the HTO should be used to fill the route template variables. If there is only one variable to fill it is enough to put the attribute above the desired HTO property. Note: A HttpGetHypermediaObject route must exists for the resolution to be added.

Example: The route template: [HttpGetHypermediaObject("{key:int}", typeof(MyHypermediaObject))] The attributed HTO:

public class MyHypermediaObject : HypermediaObject
    public int Id { get; set; }

If the route has more than one variable, the Key attribute receives the name of the related route template variable.

Example: The route template: [HttpGetHypermediaObject("{brand}/{key:int}", typeof(HypermediaCar))] The attributed HTO:

[HypermediaObject(Title = "A Car", Classes = new[] { "Car" })]
public class HypermediaCar : HypermediaObject
    // Marks property as part of the objects key so it is can be mapped to route parameters when creating links.
    public string Brand { get; set; }

    // Marks property as part of the objects key so it is can be mapped to route parameters when creating links
    public int Id { get; set; }


Use a custom KeyProducer

Us use a custom KeyProducer implement IKeyProducer and add it to the attributed routes: [HttpGetHypermediaObject("{key:int}", typeof(HypermediaCustomer), typeof(CustomerRouteKeyProducer))] to tell the framework which `KeyProducer to use for the route.

The formatter will call the producer if he has a instance of the referenced Object (e.g. from HypermediaObjectReference.GetInstance()) and passes it to the IKeyProducer:CreateFromHypermediaObject() function. Otherwise it will call IKeyProducer:CreateFromKeyObject() and passes the object provided by HypermediaObjectKeyReference:GetKey(IKeyProducer keyProducer). The KeyProducer must return an anonymous object filled with a property for each placeholder variable to be filled in the HypermediaObject's route, here key.

A KeyProducer is added directly to the Attributed route as a Type and will be instantiated once by the framework. See CustomerRouteKeyProducer in the demo project for an example.

[HttpGetHypermediaObject("Customers/{key:int}", typeof(HypermediaCustomer), typeof(CustomerRouteKeyProducer))]
public async Task<ActionResult> GetEntity(int key)

By design the Extension encourages routes to not have multiple keys in the route template. Also only routes to a HypermediaObject may have a key. Actions related to a HypermediaObject must be available as a sub route to its corresponding object so required route template variables can be filled for the actions host HypermediaObject. Example:



Clients shall not build query strings. Instead they post a JSON object to a HypermediaAction and receive the URI to the desired query result in the Location header.

[HttpPostHypermediaAction("CreateQuery", typeof(HypermediaAction<CustomerQuery>))]
public ActionResult NewQueryAction([SingleParameterBinder(typeof(CustomerQuery))] CustomerQuery query)
    // Will create a Location header with a URI to the result.
    return this.CreatedQuery(typeof(HypermediaCustomerQueryResult), query);

There must be a companion route which receives the query object and returns the query result:

[HttpGetHypermediaObject("Query", typeof(HypermediaCustomerQueryResult))]
public async Task<ActionResult> Query([FromQuery] CustomerQuery query)

    var queryResult = await customerRepository.QueryAsync(query);
    var resultReferences = new List<HypermediaObjectReferenceBase>();
    foreach (var customer in queryResult.Entities)
        resultReferences.Add(new HypermediaObjectReference(new HypermediaCustomer(customer)));

    var navigationQuerys = NavigationQuerysBuilder.Build(query, queryResult);
    var result = new HypermediaCustomerQueryResult(resultReferences, queryResult.TotalCountOfEnties, query, navigationQuerys);
    return Ok(result);


For some configuration you can pass a HypermediaExtensionsOptions object to AddHypermediaExtensions method.

  • ReturnDefaultRouteForUnknownHto if set to true the IHypermediaRouteResolver will return a default route (see: DefaultRouteSegmentForUnknownHto) if a HTO's route is unknown. This is useful during development time when first writing some HTO's and not all controllers are implemented. Default is false.

  • DefaultRouteSegmentForUnknownHto a string which will be appended to <scheme>://<authority>/ as default route.

  • AutoDeliverJsonSchemaForActionParameterTypes: if set to true (default) the routes to action parameters (implementing IHypermediaActionParameter) will be generated automatically except when there is a explicit rout created.

  • ImplicitHypermediaActionParameterBinders: if set to true (default) actions receiving a IHypermediaActionParameter will have a automatic binder added. The binder allows to use the KeyFromUriAttribute attribute. See: extracting keys from action parameter URLs.

Extracting keys from action parameter URLs

When it is required to reference an other resource as action parameter it is often required to get the identifying keys from the resources URL. Enable ImplicitHypermediaActionParameterBinders to use this feature. This can be automated by using attributes in parameters. If there is only one key in use in the URL it can be attributed like this:

public class FavoriteCustomer : IHypermediaActionParameter
    [KeyFromUri(typeof(HypermediaCustomer), schemaProperyName: "Customer")]
    public int CustomerId { get; set; }
  • The first parameter typeof(HypermediaCustomer) gives the expected HypermediaObject so the frame work knows which route layout it should use, and there to what kind of Resource the provided URL should lead.
  • The second parameter schemaProperyName: "Customer" is to identify the property which holds the URL in the payload JSON object. Note: when using AutoDeliverJsonSchemaForActionParameterTypes the delivered schemas are adapted so a URL property with the name Customer is required.

The post would look like:

    "FavoriteCustomer": {
      "Customer": "http://localhost:5000/Customers/1"

The binder will then extract the customers value 1 from the URL and sets it to the parameter which is attributed.

More than one key

If your resource is addressed using more than one key the binder needs additional information.

Example HypermediaActionCustomerBuysCar.Parameter:

public class Parameter : IHypermediaActionParameter
    [KeyFromUri(typeof(HypermediaCar), schemaProperyName: "CarUri", routeTemplateParameterName: "brand")]
    public string Brand { get; set; }
    [KeyFromUri(typeof(HypermediaCar), schemaProperyName: "CarUri", routeTemplateParameterName: "key")]
    public int CarId { get; set; }
    public double Price { get; set; }

Not two properties have an attribute indicating that they should be filled: Brand and CarId. Both share the same type of resource and schemaProperyName because the source of their value is a single URL in the JSON payload. To configure which route template variable (see your attributed route) should be used to fill the parameter property routeTemplateParameterName is used. The route template: {brand}/{key:int}. Be careful to match the variable name and routeTemplateParameterName.

The corresponding post would look like:

    "HypermediaActionCustomerBuysCar.Parameter": {
      "CarUri": "http://localhost:5000/Cars/VW/2",
      "Price": 133

Recommendations for route design

The extensions were build with some ideas about how routes should be build in mind. The Extensions do not enforce this design but it is useful to know the basic ideas.

  • The API is entered by a root document which leads to all or some of the other HypermediaObject's (see HypermediaEntryPoint in CarShack) Examples
  • Collections like Customers are accessed through a root object (see HypermediaCustomersRoot in CarShack) which handles all actions which are not related to a specific customer. This also avoids that a collection directly answers with potentially unwanted Customers. Examples
  • Entities are accessed through a collection but do not host child Entities. These should be handled in their own collections. The routes to the actual objects should not matter, so no need to nest them. This helps to flatten the Controller hierarchy and avoids deep routes. If a placeholder variable is required in the route template name it key (see Known Issues below). Examples

Notes on serialization

  • Enums in HypermediaObjects and Action parameters can be attributed using EnumMember to specify fixed string names for enum values. If no attribute is present the value will be serialized using ToString()
  • DateTime and DateTimeOffset will be serialized using ISO 8601 notation: e.g. 2000-11-22T18:05:32.9990000+02:00

Known Issues


Building URIs which contain a query string uses the QueryStringBuilder to serialize C# Objects (tricky). If the provided implementation does not work for you it is possible to pass an alternative to the init function.

Tested for:

  • Classes, with nesting
  • Primitives
  • IEnumerable (List, Array, Dictionary)
  • DateTime, TimeSpan, DateTimeOffset
  • String
  • Nullable

Release Notes

RESTyard v4.1.0

  • New Actions available FileUploadHypermediaAction and ExternalFileUploadHypermediaAction

    • Allows to specify a action which allows file upload
    • Configuration allows for:
      • File size limit
      • File type
      • single or multiple file upload
    • Siren will have an action containing a single field with configuration values
  • Actions now have a filled class which indicates the class of the action:

    • ParameterLessAction
    • ParameterAction
    • FileUploadAction

RESTyard v3.0.3

  • Moved projects to .net 6
  • Fixed HypermediaExternalObjectReference could not be used as Link, this is provided for convenience. A link should be build using a ExternalReference instance.
  • Add HypermediaExternalAction<TParameter>and HypermediaExternalAction to allow calling external endpoints as actions.
  • Removed the possibility to pass a execute lambda to HypermediaActions since this was violating layers in architecture. The HTO should not be concerned with logic execution. This lead to also removing HypermediaFunctions since HTOs do not execute logic, we do not need to provide means to return values. Therefor removed.
  • Add new HTTP method available for operations:
    • PUT
  • Fix serializing HTO properties which are using polymorphic serialization by e.g. casting List<MyObjectBase> to List<object>. For Enumerables of type <object> each item is inspected now.
  • Fix serializing a property of Type. It is now serialized as the full name of the type.
  • Fix [KeyFromUri] did not work if url contained a controller token: [controller]
  • Add possibility to use nested properties for [KeyFromUri]

RESTyard v2.0.0

  • Rebrand all projects to common name "RESTyard".

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.10.0

  • Extend HttpDeleteHypermediaAction, HttpPatchHypermediaAction and HttpPostHypermediaAction attributes so a media type can be configured which is accepted by the action. Rendered as type in siren action.
  • Relax requirement for relations list from List<string> to IReadOnlyCollection<string>

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.9.0

  • Add InternalReference wich allows to build a link to a route by name
  • Add capability for ExternalReference and InternalReference to specify media types. This will be rendered as type on a Siren link. This is intended for clients, so they can switch media type e.g. to a download or other than Siren via link.

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.8.2

  • Fix no route key producer was added when template was null but controller still might contain a route template with variables

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.8.1

  • Bugfix: controller route templates were not used in automated RouteKeyProducers so full templates were needed on all methods. Now the Controller template is added to the one from the method
  • Rework initialization so all classes are build from DI
    • Additional options to allow replacement of IRouteRegister and IQueryStringBuilder if needed

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.8.0

  • Reworked initialization of the framework so a single method call on the service collection is enough
    • more general approach
    • configuration is now done using a lambda
  • Removed unneccessary ProblemJsonFormatter. Instead use the configured formatter.

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.7.0

  • Add new HTTP methods available for operations:
    • PATCH
    • DELETE

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.6.1

  • Bumped supported projects:
    • from netcoreapp3.0 to netcoreapp3.1
    • from netstandard1.6 to netstandard2.0

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.6.0

  • Fix: Fix options were not passed down on init, so they were not active.
  • Move UrlConfiguration and converter configuration to options so it can be configured and is not hidden. This enables more configurations when using AddHypermediaExtensions()

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.5.0

  • Actions now can be created with a prefilled parameter object. Its will be passed as value in the action fieldsExample:CreateCustomerAction = new HypermediaFunction<CreateCustomerParameters, Task>(CanCreateCustomer, DoCreateCustomer, new CreateCustomerParameters{Name = "John Doe"});`
  • Fix: nullable enums are now also serialized as string (like enums)

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.4.2

  • Add netcoreapp3.0 as target to support Core 3.x

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.4.1

  • Add option to generate lowercase URLs
  • FIX bug where ParameterBinder was not triggered
  • Type parameter route matching is now case insensitive
  • Replace [controler] and [action] token in routes so deconstructing routes works using the template matcher.
  • Better exception messages
  • Fix nullreference exception when generating routes for controller without RouteAttribute
  • Responses for ProblemJson now have media type: 'application/problem+json'
  • Add SourceLink to GitHub

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.4.0


  • Action parameter objects no longer need to be wrapped in an array
  • Automatic rout key producers added, so in most cases no RouteKeyProducer is needed
  • Automatic mapping of HTO parameter URLs to parameter object values by URL decomposition, also represented in generated JsonSchema
  • Option to auto deliver JsonSchema for ActionParameter types by crawling assemblies for parameter objects
  • Option to deliver virtual URLs to HTOs which are not jet developed to ease development
  • IEnumerable and arbitrary Objects in HTO properties are now serialized to Siren
  • Configuration via IMvcCoreBuilder
  • Work on HypermediaClient
    • Use a single HttpClient instance
    • Add basic authentication


  • Update Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc for security reasons.

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.3.0


  • Routes with multiple variable templates are now supported, also the dependency on route variable names is removed. The KeyProducers now handle that. See documentation for details.
  • Multiple Relations are now allowed for Links
  • Add configuration option to SirenBuilder so writing null properties in the JSON output can be disabled
  • Allow HypermediaObjects with no self link as specified by Siren
  • An Exception is thrown if a route template has parameters but no KeyProvider is specified
  • Add extension methods for convenience when working with embedded entities
  • Add Exception if null is passed to HypermediaObjectReference
  • Add ExternalReference to work around situations where a route or URI can not be constructed by the framework.
  • Added a ApiMap to the CarShack project which shows an overview on the navigation possibilities for the API
  • Updated CarShack project to show new features: see 'Cars' routes with multiple variable templates
  • Updated


  • Generalize Formatter concept so there can be other Formatters
  • Renamed HypermediaAction with return value to HypermediaFunction
  • Simplified Siren builder
  • Rename RoutKeyProducer to KeyProducer because functionality is not tied to Web Api
  • Remove some reflections
  • Renaming for clarity
  • Now using NJsonSchema to generate JSON schemas
  • HypermediaQueryResult: Remove NavigationQueries from constructor
  • HypermediaQueryResult: Entities are no longer added by constructor
  • Rename EmbeddedEntity to RelatedEntity to make usage more general
  • Cleanup solution and folder structure, so now there is only one solution
  • Extracted some shared functionality to Hypermedia.Util project.


  • Most Attributes are now sealed for performance reasons
  • QueryString builder now accepts null and returns string.Empty
  • Fix create customer action did not set customer name
  • Fix HypermediaQueryResult exposed Query property

Hypermedia Client Prototype:

There is a new project: HypemediaClient. This is a prototype which explores a the possibilities of a generic client which still has strong types for Hypermedia documents. To execute it see the test project: HypermediaClient.Test. The client expects a local CarShack service to communicate with.

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.2.0

  • ADD: It is now possible to configure generated URIs by providing a HypermediaUrlConfig (host, scheme) for links
  • ADD: QueryStringBuilder can serialize IEnumerable, so it is possible to have queries containing List<>
  • ADD: QueryStringBuilder can handle DateTimeOffset
  • ADD: HypermediaObjectQueryReference now accept a key
  • ADD: Siren JSON creation now uses ISO 8601 format for DateTime and DateTimeOffset
  • ADD: Unit test project
  • CHANGE: Enum handling: If enum has no EnumMember attribute no exception is thrown anymore
  • CHANGE: Serialize actions and entities of embedded entities according to Siren specification
  • FIX: QueryStringBuilder did not serialize nullables
  • FIX: NavigationQueryBuilder next page was build but not valid
  • FIX: DisablePagination() did not set PageOffset to 0
  • FIX: Siren JSON creation:
    • Primitives like integers and bools were not serialized properly (serialized as string)
    • Null properties were not serialized to null but a string "null"
    • Nested classes in properties were serialized
    • Enum values were serialized as string

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.1.0

  • Added relations support for embedded Entities. The entities list is now filled with EmbeddedEntity objects
  • Added extension methods for easy adding of embedded Entities AddRange(..) and Add(..)
  • Updated CarShack demo project
  • Added net452 as target framework
  • Some renaming DefaultHypermediaLinks -> DefaultHypermediaRelations
  • Work on

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.0.1

  • Added XML Comments file

WebApiHypermediaExtensions v1.0.0 release notes

  • Initial release


A set of extensions and tools to create and consume restful Web services using Siren as Hypermedia format.








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