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The library implements quantities and units which included to basic SI


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The library implements quantities and units which included to basic SI.

The International System of Units, internationally known by the abbreviation SI (from French Système International), is the modern form of the metric system and the world's most widely used system of measurement. Established and maintained by the General Conference on Weights and Measures, it is the only system of measurement with an official status in nearly every country in the world, employed in science, technology, industry, and everyday commerce.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding si to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:si, "~> 1.5.1"}

Basic usage

Unit creation

iex(1)> SI.Unit.Kilogram.create(12.3)
%SI.Unit.Kilogram{value: 12.3}

Unit converting

For example if we wanna convert kilograms to grams we can use following code:

iex(1)> kg = SI.Unit.Kilogram.create(12.3)
%SI.Unit.Kilogram{value: 12.3}
iex(1)> SI.Unit.Gram.create(kg)
%SI.Unit.Gram{value: 12300}

Adding custom conversions

By default library provides converting between units in the same quantity. That means, by default we can convert nanogram to kilogram or decagram to gram because they are belongs the same quantity. Converting between different quantities will raise an error.

iex(1)> SI.Unit.Gram.create SI.Unit.Ampere.create(123)
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol SI.Unit.Gram.Generator not implemented for %SI.Unit.Ampere{value: 123.0} of type SI.Unit.Ampere (a struct). This protocol is implemented for the
 following type(s): Float, Integer, SI.Unit.Attogram, SI.Unit.Centigram, SI.Unit.Decagram, SI.Unit.Decigram, SI.Unit.Exagram, SI.Unit.Femtogram, SI.Unit.Gigagram, SI.Unit.Hectogram, 
SI.Unit.Kilogram, SI.Unit.Megagram, SI.Unit.Microgram, SI.Unit.Milligram, SI.Unit.Nanogram, SI.Unit.Petagram, SI.Unit.Picogram, SI.Unit.Teragram
    (si 1.0.0) lib/unit/gram.ex:3: SI.Unit.Gram.Generator.impl_for!/1
    (si 1.0.0) lib/unit/gram.ex:3: SI.Unit.Gram.Generator.create/1
    iex:1: (file)

But you can make your own converting protocol if it necessary.

defimpl SI.Unit.Gram.Generator, for: SI.Unit.Ampere do
  def create(term), do: SI.Unit.Gram.create(term.value * 3)

and now new converting is allowed

iex(1)> SI.Unit.Gram.create SI.Unit.Ampere.create(123)
%SI.Unit.Gram{value: 369.0}

Available modules

Basically SI provides 7 quantities and 7 basic units for them.

Quantities and they inits

Name Typical symbol Module
time t SI.Unit.Second
length l SI.Unit.Meter
mass m SI.Unit.Kilogram
electric current I SI.Unit.Ampere
thermodynamic temperature T SI.Unit.Kelvin
amount of substance n SI.Unit.Mole
luminous intensity lv SI.Unit.Candela

Basic units

Name Symbol Module
ampere A SI.Unit.Ampere
candela cd SI.Unit.Candela
gram g SI.Unit.Gram
kelvin K SI.Unit.Kelvin
meter m SI.Unit.Meter
mole mol SI.Unit.Mole
second s SI.Unit.Second

Getting all default available modules

Getting all default quantities

iex(1)> SI.quantities
  mass: SI.Quantity.Mass,
  amount_of_substance: SI.Quantity.AmountOfSubstance,
  time: SI.Quantity.Time,
  thermodynamic_temperature: SI.Quantity.ThermodynamicTemperature,
  luminous_intensity: SI.Quantity.LuminousIntensity,
  length: SI.Quantity.Length,
  electric_current: SI.Quantity.ElectricCurrent

Getting all default available modules grouped by quantity symbols

iex(1)> SI.units
  time: [
    second: SI.Unit.Second,
    exasecond: SI.Unit.Exasecond,
    petasecond: SI.Unit.Petasecond,
    terasecond: SI.Unit.Terasecond,
    gigasecond: SI.Unit.Gigasecond,
    megasecond: SI.Unit.Megasecond,
    kilosecond: SI.Unit.Kilosecond,
    hectosecond: SI.Unit.Hectosecond,
    decasecond: SI.Unit.Decasecond,
    decisecond: SI.Unit.Decisecond,
    centisecond: SI.Unit.Centisecond,
    millisecond: SI.Unit.Millisecond,
    microsecond: SI.Unit.Microsecond,
    nanosecond: SI.Unit.Nanosecond,
    picosecond: SI.Unit.Picosecond,
    femtosecond: SI.Unit.Femtosecond,
    attosecond: SI.Unit.Attosecond
  thermodynamic_temperature: [
    kelvin: SI.Unit.Kelvin,
    exakelvin: SI.Unit.Exakelvin,
    petakelvin: SI.Unit.Petakelvin,
    terakelvin: SI.Unit.Terakelvin,
    gigakelvin: SI.Unit.Gigakelvin,
    megakelvin: SI.Unit.Megakelvin,
    kilokelvin: SI.Unit.Kilokelvin,
    hectokelvin: SI.Unit.Hectokelvin,
    decakelvin: SI.Unit.Decakelvin,
    decikelvin: SI.Unit.Decikelvin,
    centikelvin: SI.Unit.Centikelvin,
    millikelvin: SI.Unit.Millikelvin,
    microkelvin: SI.Unit.Microkelvin,
    nanokelvin: SI.Unit.Nanokelvin,
    picokelvin: SI.Unit.Picokelvin,
    femtokelvin: SI.Unit.Femtokelvin,
    attokelvin: SI.Unit.Attokelvin
  luminous_intensity: [
    candela: SI.Unit.Candela,
    exacandela: SI.Unit.Exacandela,
    petacandela: SI.Unit.Petacandela,
    teracandela: SI.Unit.Teracandela,
    gigacandela: SI.Unit.Gigacandela,
    megacandela: SI.Unit.Megacandela,
    kilocandela: SI.Unit.Kilocandela,
    hectocandela: SI.Unit.Hectocandela,
    decacandela: SI.Unit.Decacandela,
    decicandela: SI.Unit.Decicandela,
    centicandela: SI.Unit.Centicandela,
    millicandela: SI.Unit.Millicandela,
    microcandela: SI.Unit.Microcandela,
    nanocandela: SI.Unit.Nanocandela,
    picocandela: SI.Unit.Picocandela,
    femtocandela: SI.Unit.Femtocandela,
    attocandela: SI.Unit.Attocandela
  length: [
    meter: SI.Unit.Meter,
    exameter: SI.Unit.Exameter,
    petameter: SI.Unit.Petameter,
    terameter: SI.Unit.Terameter,
    gigameter: SI.Unit.Gigameter,
    megameter: SI.Unit.Megameter,
    kilometer: SI.Unit.Kilometer,
    hectometer: SI.Unit.Hectometer,
    decameter: SI.Unit.Decameter,
    decimeter: SI.Unit.Decimeter,
    centimeter: SI.Unit.Centimeter,
    millimeter: SI.Unit.Millimeter,
    micrometer: SI.Unit.Micrometer,
    nanometer: SI.Unit.Nanometer,
    picometer: SI.Unit.Picometer,
    femtometer: SI.Unit.Femtometer,
    attometer: SI.Unit.Attometer
  electric_current: [
    ampere: SI.Unit.Ampere,
    exaampere: SI.Unit.Exaampere,
    petaampere: SI.Unit.Petaampere,
    teraampere: SI.Unit.Teraampere,
    gigaampere: SI.Unit.Gigaampere,
    megaampere: SI.Unit.Megaampere,
    kiloampere: SI.Unit.Kiloampere,
    hectoampere: SI.Unit.Hectoampere,
    decaampere: SI.Unit.Decaampere,
    deciampere: SI.Unit.Deciampere,
    centiampere: SI.Unit.Centiampere,
    milliampere: SI.Unit.Milliampere,
    microampere: SI.Unit.Microampere,
    nanoampere: SI.Unit.Nanoampere,
    picoampere: SI.Unit.Picoampere,
    femtoampere: SI.Unit.Femtoampere,
    attoampere: SI.Unit.Attoampere
  amount_of_substance: [
    mole: SI.Unit.Mole,
    examole: SI.Unit.Examole,
    petamole: SI.Unit.Petamole,
    teramole: SI.Unit.Teramole,
    gigamole: SI.Unit.Gigamole,
    megamole: SI.Unit.Megamole,
    kilomole: SI.Unit.Kilomole,
    hectomole: SI.Unit.Hectomole,
    decamole: SI.Unit.Decamole,
    decimole: SI.Unit.Decimole,
    centimole: SI.Unit.Centimole,
    millimole: SI.Unit.Millimole,
    micromole: SI.Unit.Micromole,
    nanomole: SI.Unit.Nanomole,
    picomole: SI.Unit.Picomole,
    femtomole: SI.Unit.Femtomole,
    attomole: SI.Unit.Attomole
  mass: [
    gram: SI.Unit.Gram,
    exagram: SI.Unit.Exagram,
    petagram: SI.Unit.Petagram,
    teragram: SI.Unit.Teragram,
    gigagram: SI.Unit.Gigagram,
    megagram: SI.Unit.Megagram,
    kilogram: SI.Unit.Kilogram,
    hectogram: SI.Unit.Hectogram,
    decagram: SI.Unit.Decagram,
    decigram: SI.Unit.Decigram,
    centigram: SI.Unit.Centigram,
    milligram: SI.Unit.Milligram,
    microgram: SI.Unit.Microgram,
    nanogram: SI.Unit.Nanogram,
    picogram: SI.Unit.Picogram,
    femtogram: SI.Unit.Femtogram,
    attogram: SI.Unit.Attogram


Every single basic unit by default has "prefixed" definitions.

Example for SI.Unit.Gram

Module Name Symbol Multiplier
SI.Unit.Exagram exagram Eg 1018
SI.Unit.Petagram petagram Pg 1015
SI.Unit.Teragram teragram Tg 1012
SI.Unit.Gigagram gigagram Gg 109
SI.Unit.Megagram megagram Mg 106
SI.Unit.Kilogram kilogram kg 103
SI.Unit.Hectogram hectogram hg 102
SI.Unit.Decagram decagram dag 101
SI.Unit.Gram gram dag 100
SI.Unit.Decigram decigram dg 10-1
SI.Unit.Centigram centigram cg 10-2
SI.Unit.Milligram milligram mg 10-3
SI.Unit.Microgram microgram ug 10-6
SI.Unit.Nanogram nanogram ng 10-9
SI.Unit.Picogram picogram pg 10-12
SI.Unit.Femtogram femtogram fg 10-15
SI.Unit.Attogram attogram ag 10-18

Every "prefixed" unit has been created using multiplier module

Name Prefix Multiplier Module
exa E 18 SI.Multiplier.Exa
peta P 15 SI.Multiplier.Peta
tera T 12 SI.Multiplier.Tera
giga G 9 SI.Multiplier.Giga
mega M 6 SI.Multiplier.Mega
kilo k 3 SI.Multiplier.Kilo
hecto h 2 SI.Multiplier.Hecto
deca da 1 SI.Multiplier.Deca
- - 0 -
deci d -1 SI.Multiplier.Deci
centi c -2 SI.Multiplier.Centi
milli m -3 SI.Multiplier.Milli
micro u -6 SI.Multiplier.Micro
nano n -9 SI.Multiplier.Nano
pico p -12 SI.Multiplier.Pico
femto f -15 SI.Multiplier.Femto
atto a -18 SI.Multiplier.Atto


The docs can be found at


The SI is released under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file.


The library implements quantities and units which included to basic SI








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