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ShelLuser edited this page Dec 4, 2018 · 12 revisions

Portmaster assist is a set of shell scripts which can make it easier to maintain your ports on FreeBSD while using Portmaster (see ports-mgmt/portmaster). The project consists of 3 main scripts:

  • refresh: This script updates the ports collection and checks for new versions. Version check is done using both 'portmaster -L' as well as 'pkg version'.
  • update: This script upgrades the installed ports for which a new version is available.
  • pmmove: Sometimes ports get moved to a new location within the ports collection ('renamed'), a good recent example being the KDE4 related ports. This script detects these in the portmaster.log logfile and performs the move; either by using portmaster to actually re-install the port (default) or using pkg to rebase the ports origin.

You can follow the above links to learn more about each shell script, or check out the Usage page which explains how to quickly start using this project.

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