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Decky Plugin CLI

CLI to aid in development of plugins for Decky Loader. Used by the Decky Plugin Template.


A nightly version of rust is required to support the use of pre-release language features. Here's an easy method to get one:

  1. Install rustup.

  2. Use rustup to install a nightly version of rust:

    rustup toolchain install nightly


These additional dependencies are required to build:

apt install pkg-config libssl-dev


Build & Deploy

Build CLI for debugging (output to ./target/debug/decky):

cargo +nightly build

You can now copy the built binary in to a plugin project for testing (command assumes Decky CLI and your plugin have been cloned alongside each other):

cp target/debug/decky ../your-decky-plugin/cli/decky

Or, if you're planning lots of changes, you could symlink the plugin's binary to your build (command assumes Decky CLI and your plugin have been cloned alongside each other):

ln -fs ../../cli/target/debug/decky ../your-decky-plugin/cli/decky


Logging uses flexi_logger and is controlled via the RUST_LOG environment variable.

For example, to get debug level logs across the CLI:

RUST_LOG=DEBUG $CLI_LOCATION/decky plugin build $(pwd)

Local Release

Build CLI for release (output to ./target/release/decky):

cargo +nightly build --release