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Here, I am providing solutions for Web Processing lab experiments(from experiment 1 to experiment 10) of B.Tech 5th semesters (under ASTU)

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1. Create a skeleton HTML page: Create a basic skeleton of HTML page with tags (head, body,title and meta tags), Document relevant information using comments, Insert CSS and JavaScript using (style and script) tags, Insert CSS and JavaScript using external files

2. Insert elements into the body of an HTML page: Use elements like(p, h1 - h6, b, strong, i , em , del , ins , sub , sup , br , hr , pre and div tags) for formatting, Insert images, videos and audio using (img,video and audio) elements, Insert hyperlinks using (a) element, Understand usage of HTML5 semantic elements like (article, section, nav, aside, header, footer, summary, etc).

3. Create lists and tables in a HTML page: Create unordered, ordered and description lists, Create table using (table , tr ,th and td) tags, Use colspan and rowspan attribute of table.

4. Create a HTML form to submit data to a server: Create a form with different ( text , password , email , tel , number , radio , checkbox , textarea , file ) input fields, Set default value and placeholder in input fields, Understand required , validate , disabled , readonly , autofocus , min , max and step attributes of input field, Validation of input (e.g., phone number, email) using Regular Expressions and pattern attribute, Understand GET and POST methods, Understand the action attribute

5. Process submitted form data using PHP: Process GET and POST data and display processed output, save uploaded file into a directory in the server, send email message to notify user

6. Style HTML elements using inline CSS: Set background color and image of page, Set text color, text alignment, font, font size and formatting, Understand shape of elements using border, Manipulate space inside and outside elements using padding and margin, Shape elements using box-radius

7.Select HTML elements for styling using CSS selectors: Understand class and id attribute of HTML elements, Select elements for styling using class and id simple selectors, Select elements using pseudo selectors

8. Position HTML elements on a page using CSS: Set absolute, fixed and relative positions of Elements, Design a grid layout of a HTML page using CSS Grid Layout module

9. Animate HTML elements on a page using CSS: Set transition effect of elements, Set animation on elements using @keyframes

10. Design a responsive page for multiple devices: Use @media query to make HTML page change design based on screen resolution and orientation


Here, I am providing solutions for Web Processing lab experiments(from experiment 1 to experiment 10) of B.Tech 5th semesters (under ASTU)







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