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Oxid banner


Instead of display the banner with a slider, you can change it into a banner wall.

If you create a new banner you can add them to a row/column. The system try to display the banner at that position. It try to fill from the top down, from the left to the right. The row/column will use for sorting.

If the system detect more then one banner on the same place, the system display a slider (nivo-slider) to display the information there at the same place.

You can select a categorie or/and a content page where the system should display the banner. If no categorie/content page selected, the banner will display on the start page.

Module was created for Oxid 6.2, "Wave" Theme.

New features:

* alternative title
* alternative description
* additional css class for banner caption
* change default nivo slider settings

Used third party modules:


  1. Open the teminal in you oxid root directory (the "source" folder is a subfolder there and a "composer.json" shoud be there)

  2. Execute following command within the terminal

     composer config git ThomasJanda/oxid-banner/
     composer require rs/banner:dev-master --update-no-dev --ignore-platform-reqs
  3. The installation script will now ask some question if you like to override existing files. Type always "n" for "No" and hit enter for confirmation.

  4. Template changes

     File: /source/Application/views/wave/tpl/layout/page.tpl add new block "rs_banner"
         <div class="[{if $blFullwidth}]container-fluid[{else}]container[{/if}]">
             <div class="row">
             [{block name="rs_banner"}]
             [{if $oView->getClassName()=='start' && $oView->getBanners() && !empty($oView->getBanners())}]
                 [{include file="widget/promoslider.tpl"}]
     File: /var/www/html/oxid6_1_dev/source/Application/views/wave/tpl/page/info/content.tpl
         <h1 class="page-header">[{$template_title}]</h1>
         [{block name="rs_banner"}][{/block}]
         <article class="cmsContent">
     File: /var/www/html/oxid6_1_dev/source/Application/views/wave/tpl/page/list/list.tpl
                     <a class="rss" id="rssActiveCategory" aria-label="RSS Current Category" href="[{$}]" title="[{$rsslinks.activeCategory.title}]" target="_blank">
                         <i class="fas fa-rss"></i>
         [{block name="rs_banner"}][{/block}]
         [{assign var="oPageNavigation" value=$oView->getPageNavigation()}]
         [{if $actCategory && $actCategory->getShortDescription() && $oPageNavigation->actPage == 1}]
             <p id="catDescLocator" class="categoryDescription">
  5. Open the shop admin and enable module in the oxid admin area, Extensions => Modules