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This Symfony bundle provides a HTTP Server to manage OTA for Arduino with ESP8266 wifi chip


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The ArduinoOTAServerBundle provides a HTTP Server to manage OTA for Arduino with ESP8266 wifi chip.


This plugin is developer for Arduino core for ESP8266 WiFi chip. See section

Include in version 2:

  • New 'Program' Entity

  • New 'ArduinoOTAServerService' Service

  • New concole commands

Since v.1.2.0 compatible with [Arduino core for ESP32 WiFi chip] (

For documentation, see:



Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require uegmobile/arduino-ota-server-bundle

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter_ of the Composer documentation.

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...
            new UEGMobile\ArduinoOTAServerBundle\UEGMobileArduinoOTAServerBundle(),

        // ...

    // ...

Step 3: Register the Routes

Import the routing definition in routing.yml:

# app/config/routing.yml
  resource: "@UEGMobileArduinoOTAServerBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
  prefix:   /aotaserver

Step 4: Update Database Model

Run doctrine commands to update your database model:

$ php app/console doctrine:migrations:diff (Symonfy 2.*)
$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff (Symonfy 3.*)

$ php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate (Symonfy 2.*)
$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate (Symonfy 3.*)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Upgrades to v2.0.0 needs some tasks:

- create and execute doctrine migrations.
- register one program (see register program console command)
- update devices and set program and mode (see update device console command)

NOTE: Upgrades to v1.2.0 from previous versions require run doctrine commands again.


Register programs with Symfony console commands

  • Register new program to be available in OTA server

    $ php bin/console aotaserver:register:program porgramName


$ php bin/console aotaserver:register:program "Program A"
Register Program "Program A" with id X done!
  • List all programs availables in OTA server

    $ php bin/console aotaserver:list:program


$ php bin/console aotaserver:list:program
| Id | Binary Name     | Alpha            | Beta             | Prod             |
| 1  | Program A       | (none)           | (none)           | (none)           |

Register binaries with Symfony console commands

  • Register new binary to be available in OTA server

    $ php bin/console aotaserver:register:binary binaryName binaryVersion userAgent sdkVersion binaryPath


$ php bin/console aotaserver:register:binary binary.1.bin 1.0.0 ESP8266-http-Update '1.5.3(aec24ac9)' arduino.1.2.02.bin
Register arduino.1.2.02.bin done!
  • List all binaries availables in OTA server

    $ php bin/console aotaserver:list:binary


$ php bin/console aotaserver:list:binary
| Id | Binary Name  | User-Agent          | SDK Version     |
| 1  | binary.1.bin | ESP8266-http-Update | 1.5.3(aec24ac9) |

Register device with Symfony console commands

  • Register new device to be available in OTA server

    $ php bin/console aotaserver:register:device mac programId mode


$ php bin/console aotaserver:register:device '5C:CF:7F:8C:54:12' 1 BETA
Register 5C:CF:7F:8C:54:12 with id X done!
  • List all devices availables in OTA server

    $ php bin/console aotaserver:list:device


$ php app/console aotaserver:list:device
| Id | MAC Address       | Active | Program       | Mode  |
| 11 | 5C:CF:7F:8C:54:12 | N      | 1 - Program A | BETA  |

Update device with Symfony console commands

  • Update configuration device and set Beta, Alpha or Prod Mode in OTA server

    $ php bin/console aotaserver:update:device deviceId programId mode active


$ php bin/console aotaserver:update:device 1 1 BETA
Updated 12:23:44:55:66 with id 1 done!

Update device with Symfony console commands

  • Update configuration device and set Beta, Alpha or Prod Mode in OTA server

    $ php bin/console aotaserver:update:device deviceId programId mode active


$ php bin/console aotaserver:update:device 1 1 BETA
Updated 12:23:44:55:66 with id 1 done!

Update program with Symfony console commands

  • Update name progam in OTA server

    $ php bin/console aotaserver:update:program programId name


$ php bin/console aotaserver:update:program 1 "New program name"
Updated New program name with id 1 done!

Control entities from a Service

The ArduinoOTAServerService is available from the container:

$arduinoOTAServerService = $this->container->get('arduino_ota_server_service');

ArduinoOTAServerService public methods to get entities are:

  • public function getProgram(string $programId): ?OTAProgram
  • public function getDevice(string $deviceId): ?OTADeviceMac
  • public function getBinary(string $binaryId): ?OTABinary

ArduinoOTAServerService public methods to search entities are:

  • public function searchPrograms(string $programName = null, int $page = 1, int $limit = 10, array $sort = []): ?Pagerfanta
  • public function searchDevices(string $deviceMAC = null, int $page = 1, int $limit = 10, array $sort = []): ?Pagerfanta
  • public function searchBinaries(string $binaryName = null, string $binaryVersion = null, string $userAgent = null, string $sdkVersion = null, int $page = 1, int $limit = 10,array $sort = []): ?Pagerfanta

ArduinoOTAServerService public methods to register entities are:

  • public function registerProgram(string $programName): OTAProgram
  • public function registerDevice(string $deviceMAC, OTAProgram $program, string $mode = OTADeviceMac::MODE_ALPHA): OTADeviceMAC
  • public function registerBinary(string $binaryName, string $binaryVersion, string $userAgent, string $sdkVersion, $binaryFile): OTABinary

ArduinoOTAServerService public methods to update entities are:

  • public function updateProgram($programId, $programName = null, $binaryAlpha = null, $binaryBeta = null, $binaryProd = null): OTAProgram
  • public function updateDevice($deviceId, OTAProgram $program = null, string $mode = OTADeviceMac::MODE_ALPHA, bool $active = null): OTADeviceMAC

ArduinoOTAServerService public method to get OTA binary is:

  • public function searchBinaryByMACAddress(string $MACAddress): ?OTABinary

Configure arduino

See section

void upgrade_firmware(){

    t_httpUpdate_return ret = ESPhttpUpdate.update(CLOUD_SERVER_IP, 
    switch(ret) {
        case HTTP_UPDATE_FAILED:
            Serial.println("[update] Update failed.");
            Serial.println("[update] Update no Update.");
        case HTTP_UPDATE_OK:
            Serial.println("[update] Update ok."); // may not called we reboot the ESP
    Serial.println("upgrade_firmware...done!  ");


This bundle is released under the MIT license.


This Symfony bundle provides a HTTP Server to manage OTA for Arduino with ESP8266 wifi chip








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