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Code Repository for "Orthogonally Weighted Regularization for Rank-Aware Joint Sparse Recovery: Algorithm and Analysis" Authors: A. Petrosyan, K. Pieper, H. Tran

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(OWL) Orthogonally Weighted L_{2,1} regularizer

Multi-task Lasso model trained with Orthogonally Weighted L_{2,1} (OWL) regularizer. The model optimizes the following objective function:

$$ \frac{1}{2 \alpha} ||Y - AZ||_{\text{Fro}}^2 + ||Z(Z^TZ)^{-1/2}||_{2,1} $$

where $||Z||_{2,1}$ is defined as the sum of norms of each row: $\sum_i \sqrt{\sum_j Z_{ij}^2}$.

The class OrthogonallyWeightedL21 implements a direct variable metric proximal gradient iterative minimization algorithm with optional choice of $\alpha$ based on a discrepancy principle. The class OrthogonallyWeightedL21Continuation implements a numerical continuation strategy for the relaxed problem

$$ \frac{1}{2 \alpha} ||Y - AZ||_{\text{Fro}}^2 + ||Z(\gamma I + (1-\gamma)Z^TZ)^{-1/2}||_{2,1} $$

for a sequence of $\gamma \in (0,1]$ with $\gamma \to 0$ to improve robustness.

For more information on this model, please refer to "Orthogonally weighted $L_{2,1}$ regularization for rank-aware joint sparse recovery: algorithm and analysis" by A. Petrosyan, K. Pieper, H. Tran.


  • alpha (float, default=None): Regularization parameter $\alpha$. Defaults to None in which case a heuristic formula is used. If noise_level is set, the value will only be used for initialization, and then adapted according to a discrepancy principle.
  • noise_level (float, default=None): Estimated noise level $\delta$. If set to a positive value, $\alpha$ will be adapted until $\tau_1 \delta \leq ||Y - AX|| \leq \tau_2 \delta$.
  • max_iter (int, default=1000): The maximum number of iterations, including failed updates.
  • tol (float, default=1e-4): The tolerance for the optimization based on the objective functional. The optimization code checks a termination criterion for optimality and continues until it is smaller than tol.
  • gamma (float, default=1): The initial value of the continuation parameter $\gamma$ that will be used (only OrthogonallyWeightedL21Continuation).
  • gamma_tol (float, default=1e-6): The smallest value of the continuation parameter $\gamma$ that will be used (only OrthogonallyWeightedL21Continuation).
  • normalize (bool, default=False): If True, the regressors A will be normalized before regression by subtracting the mean and dividing by the l2-norm. Warning: this decreases the spark of A.
  • data_SVD_cutoff (float, default=None): If set to a non-negative number, a singular value decomposition will be preformed and the data vector Y will be replaced with a full rank Y_reduced of dimension (n_features, n_targets_reduced) with Y approximating Y_reduced @ Q for some orthogonal Q with $|| Y_{reduced} Q - Y ||$ smaller than data_SVD_cutoff. The problem will be solved on the reduced representation with n_targets_reduced.
  • warm_start (bool, default=False): When set to True, reuse the solution of the previous call to fit as initialization. Otherwise, erase the previous solution and perform random or zero initialization.
  • verbose (int, default=False): Print information on updates. When set to True, prints at every step. When set to a integer N, prints every N steps.


  • coef_ (ndarray of shape (n_features, n_targets)): Parameter vector (Z in the cost function formula). If a 1D data array Y is passed in at fit (non multi-task usage), coef_ is then a 1D array.


from base import OrthogonallyWeightedL21
import numpy as np

owl = OrthogonallyWeightedL21(noise_level=0.0001,

A = np.array([[0.2, 1., 0., 0., 0.],
              [0.2, 0., 1., 0., 0.],
              [0.,  0., 0., 1., 0.],
              [0.,  0., 0., 0., 1.]])

X = np.array([[0., 0., 0., 1.,  1.], 
              [0., 0., 0., 1., -1.]]).transpose()
Y = A @ X, Y)

print('Z = ', owl.coef_)
print('singular values = ', np.linalg.svd(owl.coef_, full_matrices=False)[1])
print('fit = ', np.linalg.norm(A @ owl.coef_ - Y))


Code Repository for "Orthogonally Weighted Regularization for Rank-Aware Joint Sparse Recovery: Algorithm and Analysis" Authors: A. Petrosyan, K. Pieper, H. Tran







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