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Modular HTTP/S server: mix 'n' match Auth, Caching, Proxy, and more


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mixnmatchttp is a modular HTTP/S server based on Python's http server that lets you "mix 'n' match" various functionalities. It defines several request handlers, which are wrappers around http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, as well as a ThreadingHTTPServer which can be used in place of Python's http.server.HTTPServer for multi-threading support.

Quick start

Request handlers define special endpoints and/or templates as class attributes.

Endpoints are the RESTful API of the server. A request which does not map to an endpoint is treated as a request for a file or directory (Python's http server handles it, unless your class overrides the do_(GET|POST|...) methods). A request which does map to an endpoint will call an endpoint handler: a method of your class by the name do_[{HTTP method}]_{underscope-separated path} with "path" being the most-specific (longest) path for which a method is defined and the HTTP method part being optional. Handlers are looked from most specific to less specific. E.g. a GET to /foo/bar/baz will look for do_GET_foo_bar_baz, then do_foo_bar_baz, then do_GET_foo_bar, then do_foo_bar, then do_GET_FOO, then do_foo, and finally do_default. do_default is defined in BaseHTTPRequestHandler but your class may want to override it.

Endpoints can also be variable, or parametrized, e.g. /person/{name}/age, where {name} can be anything. This maps to a handler do_person_age.

Template pages are parametrized response bodies. Templates specify a template page to be used with and give a dictionary of parameters and values to use with the template. Each parameter value may also contain dynamic parameters, which are given to the BaseHTTPRequestHandler.page_from_template method, which constructs the final page.

You can inherit from one or more of the *HTTPRequestHandlers. Each parent's endpoints/templates will be copied to, without overwriting, your child class' endpoints/templates.

Important notes:

  • If you need to override any of the HTTP method handlers (e.g. do_GET), you must decorate them with mixnmatchttp.handlers.base.methodhandler, as shown in the demo below. And if you need to call any of the parent's HTTP method handlers you must call the original wrapped method using the __wrapped__ attribute, as shown in the demo.

Defining endpoints

Endpoints, templates and template pages constructors have the same signature as for a dictionary. Endpoints are of type mixnmatchttp.endpoints.Endpoint, while templates and template pages are of type mixnmatchttp.utils.DictNoClobber. However, you can define them as a dictionary, or any type which has a dictionary-like interface, and BaseHTTPRequestHandler's meta class will convert them to the appropriate class.

For example you can define endpoints like so:

class MyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    _endpoints = mixnmatchttp.endpoints.Endpoint(
                '$allowed_methods': {'GET', 'POST'},
                '$nargs': 1,
                'some_sub_sub': {
                    '$nargs': endpoints.ARGS_ANY,
                    '$raw_args': True, # don't canonicalize rest of path

or like so:

class MyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    _endpoints = mixnmatchttp.endpoints.Endpoint({
            'some_sub': {
                '$allowed_methods': {'GET', 'POST'},
                '$nargs': 1,
                'some_sub_sub': {
                    '$nargs': endpoints.ARGS_ANY,
                    '$raw_args': True, # don't canonicalize rest of path

or like so:

class MyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    _endpoints = {
            'some_sub': {
                '$allowed_methods': {'GET', 'POST'},
                '$nargs': 1,
                'some_sub_sub': {
                    '$nargs': endpoints.ARGS_ANY,
                    '$raw_args': True, # don't canonicalize rest of path
            'some_other_sub': {}

Any keyword arguments or dictionary keys starting with $ correspond to an attribute (without the $) which specifies how an endpoint can be called. All other keyword arguments/keys become child endpoints of the parent; their value should be another Endpoint (or any dictionary-like object).

Default endpoint attributes are:

disabled=False|True            # specifies if the enpoint cannot be called directly;
                               # False for child endpoints but True for root endpoint
allowed_methods={'GET','HEAD'} # a set of allowed HTTP methods; HEAD is added to the
                               # set if 'GET' is present
nargs=0                        # how many slash-separated arguments the endpoint can take;
                               # can be a number of any of:
                               #   mixnmatchttp.endpoints.ARGS_OPTIONAL for 0 or 1
                               #   mixnmatchttp.endpoints.ARGS_ANY      for any number
                               #   mixnmatchttp.endpoints.ARGS_REQUIRED for 1 or more
                               # !!only reliable if raw_args is False!!
raw_args=False                 # whether arguments should not be canonicalized,
                               # e.g. /foo/..//bar/./baz will not be turned to /bar/baz
varname=None                   # the name of the parameter to record, default is parent
                               # endpoint's name; only valid for parametrized endpoints

Child endpoints are enabled by default, the root endpoint is disabled by default; if you want it enabled, either manually change the disabled attribute, or construct it like so:

class MyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    _endpoints = {
        'some_sub': { ... },
        '$disabled': False, # a request for / will now call do_ or do_default
                            # instead of do_(GET|POST|...)

Handling parsed endpoints

When a path resolves to an endpoint, ep, the corresponding endpoint handler (do_???) will be passed a single argument: a mixnmatchttp.endpoints.ParsedEndpoint (inherits from mixnmatchttp.endpoints.Endpoint) initialized from the original ep with the following additional attributes:

  • httpreq: the instance of BaseHTTPRequestHandler for this request
  • handler: the httpreq's method selected as a handler
  • root: longest path of the endpoint (with a leading /) corresponding to a defined handler, i.e. if the path is /foo/bar and do_foo is selected, root will be /foo; if using do_default, root is empty ('').
  • sub: rest of the path of the endpoint without a leading /, e.g. bar or foo/bar
  • args: everything following the endpoint's path without a leading /
  • argslen: the number of arguments it was called with (length of array from / separated args)
  • params: a dictionary with parameters from endpoint mapped to the path

Example: Implementing a server

Some methods that you may want to override, as well as implementing a custom endpoint and template, are shown below for MyHandler:

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import *
from future import standard_library
import re
import ssl
import sys

from http.server import HTTPServer
from mixnmatchttp.servers import ThreadingHTTPServer
from mixnmatchttp import endpoints
from mixnmatchttp.handlers import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, \
from mixnmatchttp.utils import DictNoClobber

class MyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    _endpoints = endpoints.Endpoint(
        foobar={},  # will use do_default handler
            '$nargs': endpoints.ARGS_OPTIONAL,
            # this way /parameter will raise "missing arg"
            '$nargs': 1,
            # this way /parameter will be treated by the GET handler
            # '$disabled': True,
            '*': {
                '$nargs': 1,
                'special': {},  # will use do_parameter__special
            # these are for when /debug is called
            '$allowed_methods': {'GET', 'POST'},
            'sub': {  # will use do_*debug handler
                # these are for when /debug/sub is called
                '$nargs': endpoints.ARGS_ANY,
                '$raw_args': True,  # don't canonicalize rest of path
            '*': {
                'debug': {
                    '*': {
                        '$varname': 'debug2'
    _template_pages = DictNoClobber(
            'data': '$CONTENT',
            'type': 'text/html'
            'data': '''
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
            'type': 'text/html'
    _templates = DictNoClobber(
            'fields': {
                'HEAD': ('<meta http-equiv="refresh" '
                'TITLE': 'Example',
                'BODY': ('<h1>Example page, will refresh every '
            'page': 'simplehtml',
            'fields': {
                'CONTENT': ('${info}You called endpoint $root, sub = '
                            '$sub, args = $args, params = $params'),
            'page': 'simpletxt',

    def do_refreshme(self):
        interval = self.ep.args
        if not interval:
            interval = '30'

        '''Handler for the endpoint /refreshme'''
        page = self.page_from_template(self.templates['refresh'],
                                       {'interval': interval})

    def do_parameter(self):
            'data': (
                '{} = {}'.format(self.ep.params['parameter'],
            'type': 'text/plain'})

    def do_parameter_special(self):
        self.render({'data': b'A very special parameter!',
                     'type': 'text/plain'})

    def do_debug(self):
        '''Handler for non-POST to the endpoint /debug'''
        # set a header just for this request
        self.save_header('X-Debug', 'Foo')
        page = self.page_from_template(
            {'info': '', 'root': self.ep.root, 'sub': self.ep.sub,
             'args': self.ep.args, 'params': self.ep.params})

    def do_POST_debug(self):
        '''Handler for POST to the endpoint /debug'''
        # set a header just for this request
        self.save_header('X-Debug', 'Foo')
        page = self.page_from_template(
            {'info': 'POST! ',
             'root': self.ep.root, 'sub': self.ep.sub,
             'args': self.ep.args, 'params': self.ep.params})

    def do_default(self):
        '''Default endpoints handler'''
        page = self.page_from_template(
            {'info': 'This is do_default. ',
             'root': self.ep.root, 'sub': self.ep.sub,
             'args': self.ep.args, 'params': self.ep.params})

    # Don't forget this decorator!
    def do_GET(self):
        # Do something here, then call parent's undecorated method

    def denied(self):
        '''Deny access to /forbidden'''
        if re.match('^/forbidden(/|$)', self.pathname):
            # return args are passed to
            # BaseHTTPRequestHandler.send_error in that order; both
            # messages are optional
            return (403, None, 'Access denied')
        return super().denied()

    def no_cache(self):
        '''Only allow caching of scripts'''

        return (not self.pathname.endswith('.js')) or super().no_cache()

    def send_custom_headers(self):
        '''Send our custom headers'''

        self.send_header('X-Foo', 'Foobar')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    use_SSL = False
    keyfile = ''  # path to PEM key, if use_SSL is True
    certfile = ''  # path to PEM certificate, if use_SSL is True
    srv_cls = HTTPServer
    # srv_cls = ThreadingHTTPServer # if using multi-threading
    address = ''
    port = 58080

    httpd = srv_cls((address, port), MyHandler)
    if use_SSL:
        httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
  • A request for /debug/sub/..//foo/../bar/./baz will call self.do_debug with ep, a copy of MyHandler._endpoints['debug']['sub']. ep.root will be "debug", ep.sub will be "sub", ep.args will be "..//foo/../bar/./baz". self.command will give the HTTP method.
  • A request for /debug/foo/../bar will canonicalize the path to /debug/bar (since raw_args for /debug is False) call do_debug with ep, a copy of MyHandler._endpoints['debug']. ep.root will be "debug", ep.sub will be "", ep.args will be "bar".
  • A request for /debug/../bar will raise mixnmatchttp.endpoints.NotAnEndpointError since the path will be canonicalized (as above) and result in /bar, and bar is not a valid endpoint.
  • A POST request for /foobar will raise mixnmatchttp.endpoints.MethodNotAllowedError since /foobar only allows HTTP GET.
  • A request for /debug/../foobar will call parent's do_default with ep, a copy of MyHandler._endpoints['foobar']. ep.root will be "", ep.sub will be "foobar", ep.args will be "".
  • A request for /debug/foo/bar will raise mixnmatchttp.endpoints.ExtraArgsError since /debug expect exactly one argument.
  • A request for /debug/bla/debug/foo will call do_debug with ep, a copy of MyHandler._endpoints['debug']['*']['debug']['*']. ep.root will be "debug", ep.sub will be "debug", ep.args will be "", and ep.params will be {'debug': 'bla', 'debug2': 'foo'}.
  • A request for /parameter or /parameter/foo will raise mixnmatchttp.endpoints.MissingArgsError since /foo expect exactly one argument.
  • A request for /parameter/foo/bar will call do_parameter with ep, a copy of MyHandler._endpoints['parameter']['*']. ep.root will be "/parameter", ep.sub will be "foo", ep.args will be "" and params['parameter'] will be "foo". The page will display "foo = bar"
  • A request for /parameter/foo/special will call do_parameter_special with ep, a copy of MyHandler._endpoints['parameter']['*']['special']. ep.root will be "/parameter/foo/special", ep.sub will be "", ep.args will be "" and params['parameter'] will be "foo". The page will display "A very special parameter!"
  • A request for /refreshme will render a page which refreshes every 30 seconds (default).
  • A request for /refreshme/5 will render a page which refreshes every 5 seconds.


Auth(Cookie|JWT)HTTPRequestHandler and Auth(Cookie|JWT)DBHTTPRequestHandler

These implement username:password authentication via form or JSON POST request. Have configurable file paths/endpoints for which authentication is required via the _secrets class attribute, see pydoc.

The AuthCookie... classes issue cookies, which the AuthJWT... classes issue JWT tokens and refresh tokens. Many configurable options, such as cookie/token lifetime and others, see pydoc.

The Auth*HTTRequestHandler classes store users and sessions in memory. The Auth*DBHTTRequestHandler classes store users and sessions in a database. SQLAlchemy is required. To connect the declarative base (set of tables) to the database use:

from mixnmatchttp.handlers.authenticator.dbapi import DBBase

DBConnection(DBBase, dburl)

Users can be loaded from a file with the load_users_from_file method. For JWT auth, a public/private key pair can be loaded with the set_JWT_keys method.

  • GET|POST /login: username and password authentication
    • Supported URL parameters:
      • goto: Redirect to this URL
    • Required body or URL parameters (unless no userfile was given, in which case it always authenticates):
      • username: Username (duh)
      • password: Password (duh)
    • Response codes:
      • 200 OK: Authentication successful; issues a SESSION cookie or sends a JWT access_token and a randon refresh_token
      • 302 Found: (For cookies only) Location is as requested via the goto parameter
      • 401 Unauthorized: Username or password invalid;
    • Notes:
      • Cookies are issued with the HttpOnly flag, and if over SSL with the Secure flag as well; Can optionally set SameSite
      • Cookie, JWT and refresh token lifetimes (as well as other settings) are configurable via class attributes, see pydoc.
  • GET|POST /logout: Clears the SESSION cookie from the browser and the server (if using cookies), or removes the refresh token (if given)
    • Supported URL parameters:
      • goto: Redirect to this URL
    • Optional body parameters (for JWT only):
      • refresh_token: Current refresh token to be expired server-side
    • Response codes:
      • 200 OK: Empty body
      • 302 Found: Location is as requested via the goto parameter
    • Notes:
      • The POST method is supported only for JWT auth
  • GET|POST /authtoken: Only for JWT; gets a new JWT
    • Required body or URL parameters:
      • refresh_token: The refresh token
    • Response codes:
      • 200 OK: Success; a new access_token is returned and possibly a new refresh_token.
      • 401 Unauthorized: Refresh token missing or invalid
  • GET|POST /register: Creates a new user
    • Supported URL parameters:
      • goto: Redirect to this URL
    • Required body or URL parameters:
      • username: Username (duh)
      • password: Current password
    • Optional body parameters (for JWT only):
      • roles: A list (for JSON requests) or a comma-separated list of roles to assign to the user
    • Response codes:
      • 200 OK: Success; user created
      • 302 Found: (For cookies only) Location is as requested via the goto parameter
      • 400 Bad Request: Username or password invalid, or user exists
    • Notes:
      • access to /register is controlled both by the _secrets and _can_create_users class attributes. See pydoc.
  • GET|POST /changepwd: Changes the password for a given username
    • Supported URL parameters:
      • goto: Redirect to this URL
    • Required body or URL parameters:
      • username: Username (duh)
      • password: Current password
      • new_password: New password (duh)
    • Optional body parameters (for JWT only):
      • refresh_token: Current refresh token to be expired server-side
    • Response codes:
      • 200 OK: Success; password is changed, current SESSION cookie or refresh_token is invalidated and a new session is given
      • 302 Found: (For cookies only) Location is as requested via the goto parameter
      • 400 Bad Request: New password is bad
      • 401 Unauthorized: Current username or password invalid


Allows saving of content as a named page for later request, or displaying the encoded (URL or base64) request content as a page in response.

  • POST /echo: Render the requested content
    • Supported URL parameters:
      • data: The encoded content of the page to be rendered (required)
      • type: The content type of the rendered page (defaults to text/plain)
    • Supported formats:
      • application/json with base64 encoded data
      • application/x-www-form-urlencoded (with URL encoded data)
    • Response codes:
      • 200 OK: The body and Content-Type are as requested
      • 400 Bad Request: Cannot decode data or find the data parameter
  • POST /cache/{name}: Temporarily save the requested content (in memory only)
    • Supported URL parameters and formats are the same as for POST /echo
    • Response codes:
      • 204 No Content: Page cached
      • 500 Server Error: Maximum cache memory reached, or page {name} already cached
    • Notes:
      • Once saved, a page cannot be overwritten (until the server is shutdown) even if it is cleared from memory (see /cache/clear)
  • GET /cache/{name}: Retrieve a previously saved page
    • Response codes:
      • 200 OK: The body and Content-Type are as requested during caching
      • 500 Server Error: No such cached page, or page cleared from memory
  • GET /cache/clear/{name}: Clear a previously saved page to free memory
    • Response codes:
      • 204 No Content: Page cleared
  • GET /cache/clear: Clear all previously saved pages to free memory
    • Response codes:
      • 204 No Content: All pages cleared
  • GET /cache/new: Get a random UUID
    • Response codes:
      • 200 OK: Body contains a randomly generated UUID; use in POST /cache/{uuid}


Redirects (with 307) to any address given in the URL.

  • GET /goto/{address}: Redirect to this (URI-decoded) address
    • Response codes:
      • 302 Found: Location is the address which follows /goto/; if domain is not given (i.e. address does not start with schema:// or //) it is taken from the Referer, Origin, X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-For or Forwarded
      • 200 OK: Empty body; this happens if address was relative (no domain) and neither of the aforementioned headers was given
    • Notes:
      • Unlike the address given as a goto parameter to some of the other endpoints, the address here is not URI-decoded
      • The {address} is not parsed at all, its path is not canonicalized unlike calls to other endpoints. I.e. /login///foo.baz/../..//cache will call /cache, but /goto///foo.baz/../..//cache will redirect to //foo.baz/../..//cache (remote host foo.baz with path ../..//cache)

Known issues

  • On python2 directory listing does not work, even if enabled (returns: 404). Solution: Wait for a fix soon... Or better yet, don't use python2 anymore!
  • Overriding a parent endpoint sometimes doesn't work for classes which inherit multiple classes. Solution: Wait for a fix...
  • Clearing of cache is not done safely in mutli-threaded context. You may experience issues under heavy load. Solution: Wait for a fix...
  • When running as a signle thread (default), the server sometimes hangs. It seems to be an issue whereby some browsers don't close the socket. Solution: Run the server in multi-thread mode.

Coming soon

  • Brute force protections and account lockout
  • A configurable declarative base to use with BaseAuthSQLAlchemyORMHTTPRequestHandler
  • Command-line option for paths shouldn't be cached
  • Command-line option for paths which need authentication (_secrets)
  • An option to disable access to certain files
  • Log rotation
  • MT-safe saving and clearing of cache
  • Option for case-sensitivity of endpoints (and separately for variable endpoint names)
  • Endpoints or paths: list of required parameters and raise an error if any missing
  • A configurable list of file extensions which should be served as attachment.
  • Anti-CSRF, maybe? How?

Internal TODO notes

  • Smarter way of merging endpoints with parent's (remembering which ones were explicitly set, and which inherited). Do the same for _secrets in handlers.authenticator
  • Remove _ prefix from class attributes
  • Do not save expanded env variables to config file
  • Test with nginx proxy setup (it was behaving weirdly, need to find if it's a bug here)
  • Add back --no-multithread option
  • Remove methodhandler and instead override one of the server or request handler methods called at the start of a request
  • Is it possible to catch any exception from a request handler (maybe in a request shutdown hook of the server class) and sent a 500 response?
  • Cmdline options to disable request_log and logdir if set in config
  • Move stuff from JWT class to cryptoutils module
  • Merge _secrets and _can_create_users with those of parent classes, like endpoints
  • --add-users: password input should not be displayed
  • Fix path canonicalization for endpoints, .e.g //login does not match an endpoint
  • Default column for short value in object_to_dict should use the first primary key, not hardcoded id.

Possibly coming at some point

  • Database storage of users and sessions

Demos and source

The demos work with the latest stable version, 0.2! Not currently working with the master branch (TODO).

Source code and demo scripts which build on the handlers can be found at