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Retrowks it the realtime retrospective solution that allows you to keep a realtime case board during the retrospective and the sprint. It’s convenient to keep notes and add ideas to the board at any time through the understandable user - friendly interface.


  • Retrospective room creation
  • QR code generating for room access
  • Retro Board for the big screen with realtime updates of marks during the retro
  • Dashboard layout for projectors and big screens
  • Mobile interface for participants
  • Real-time update on all devices


At the current moment available only Firebase backend, check the Git Hub project for feature updates or for contributing.

If you need fast deploy with firebase

  1. Install global Firebase CLI;
  2. Run yarn in the project folder;
  3. Run yarn build in the project folder;
  4. Login to your Firebase by using the console with following command firebase login
  5. Create .env file in the project folder following next template:
VUE_APP_API_KEY = 'firebase api key'
VUE_APP_AUTH_DOMAIN = 'firebase auth domain'
VUE_APP_DATABASE_URL = 'firebase databaseURL'
VUE_APP_PROJECT_ID = 'firebase projectId'
VUE_APP_STORAGE_BUCKET = 'firebase storageBucket'
VUE_APP_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID = 'firebase messagingSenderId'
VUE_APP_APP_ID = 'firebase appId'

All this data you can find in your Firebase console, click on create a new project and choose config for the web. More info at official documentation

  1. Run the firebase deploy

Congratulations! Your application online.
