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Lightweight addition of useful assertions to XCTest

I've been using these assertions in different projects for a while and they proved quite handy, so I decided to move them to separate package. It is important that this package only contains the actual assertions without extra noise, to make it small and easy to add.


In Swift package:

  1. Add swifty-test-assertions to package dependencies in Package.swift:

    .package(url: "", from: "0.1.1"),
  2. Add SwiftyTestAssertions product dependency to test target(s) in Package.swift:

    .product(name: "SwiftyTestAssertions", package: "swifty-test-assertions"),
  3. Import SwiftyTestAssertions module where they need to be used:

    import SwiftyTestAssertions

In Xcode project/workspace:

  1. Go to File > Add Package Dependencies... in Xcode top navigation menu.

    • or go to project settings "Package Dependencies" and hit "+"
    • or go to "General" target settings tab, in target's "Frameworks and Settings" section choose "+", then select "Add Package Dependency..."
  2. Search for artem-y/swifty-test-assertions (paste this link into search):
  3. When Xcode finds the package, select "Up to Next Major Version" dependency rule and press "Add Package" button

  4. Choose a test target that needs to use this package and press "Add Package"

  5. Import SwiftyTestAssertions module where they need to be used:

    import SwiftyTestAssertions


        try sut.validate(colorHex: "ABCXYZ"), // tested expression
        throwsError: ArgumentValidator.ColorHexError.hasInvalidSymbols // check if this exact error is thrown

More code examples using these helpers can be found in examples-of-swifty-test-assertions repository. They are kept there separately to make this library as lightweight as possible.