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TV application for my grandma, making it simple and clear for her to select what she wants to watch. Also has a chatbot tailored to telling her what shows are on what streaming service.

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Grandma's TV

Version Website

A simple project to make navigating to various streaming services simple and easy for my grandma. This site is loaded directly onto a microprocessor behind their TV (it's secretly just a website, don't tell her) and is opened automatically when they turn their TV on.

As of 1.1.0, now has a GPT 3.4-turbo -powered chat bot tailored for her to type the name of a show, and if it's a valid show on Netflix or Youtube, have the option to instantly navigate to the show on the website.


Setting up hardware

This app is intended to run on Ubuntu 24.04 connected to a TV. These steps assume that you already have Ubuntu 24.04 on the computer.

For help with that, Google "how to flash .iso to harddrive."

After installaing Ubuntu, there's a few config items to change to make sure the grandma's TV is ready-to-go. After installaing Ubuntu, there are a few config items to change to make sure the grandma's TV is ready-to-go.

Start on-screen keyboard takes advantage of Ubuntu 24's very clean and robust on-screen keyboard. To use it, simply enable it in the accessibility section in settings.

Settings > Accessibility > Enable "Screen Keyboard"

Setup fullscreen script

Grandma's TV is an illusion because it's actually nothing fancy under the hood. But to give that illusion, the website needs to be in fullscreen mode. Grandma doesn't have access to a keyboard, so pressing F11 everytime is not acceptable. Do the following steps so that Firefox can automatically open in fullscreen mode.

Disable Wayland

Ubuntu 24 swapped from XOrg to Wayland. Though a more effecient way to interface with low-level graphical systems, Wayland significantly changes how keystrokes are handled in scripts because there's no longer an X11 server to easily interact with.

Edit the config file in /etc/gdm3/

$ sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf

Make sure the WaylandEnable config option is uncommented and set to false.


Run tv script on startup

We need to add a task so that our script is run on startup. This will allow to pop-up when grandma turns it on.

Place the startup script in /usr/local/bin/

sudo mv /usr/local/bin/

Make sure it has executable rights.

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

Create a serivce file and move the contents of /start_tv.service into it.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/start_tv.service
Description=Script to startup Firefox for grandmas TV

#Restart=on-failure # optional


Add it to systemctl.

You should see a sysmlink created.

sudo system enable start_tv.service

And you're done! When the system reboots, you should be greeted with

Here are some common systemctl commands when debugging or developing.

# Reload the daemon. This is useful if you edit start_tv.service.
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

# Restart the script. This is useful if you're developing because it saves you having to reboot every single time.
$ sudo systemctl restart start_tv.service

Deploying app code changes

There is no software that runs on the computer/tv to host It is just a website that is loaded in full-screen mode. The only software that is run is the script for on the computer's startup, which is covered in above section.

To deploy code to grandma's TV, merge code into the "main" branch. GitHub Actions will comment on your PR with the preview site, and deploy it when it's merged.

This website is a SvelteKit app hosted on Azure Static Web Apps. Storage and other services are also on Azure.

SvelteKit development commands

Build script

npm run build

To deploy the app, the SvelteKit app needs this Azure SWA adapter. Learn more about adapters here.

Preview production build

npm run preview

Preview production build

npm run preview

Start development build

npm run dev, or if you're cool, npm run dev -- --open auto-opens the browser.

Common errors

SOME_SECRET_HERE" is not exported by "$env/static/private", imported by "src/lib/server/{file}"

The environment variables are not set. SvelteKit does not automatically create this file, but will throw an error if the app's environment variables are missing. So you need to create it wherever the app builds, i.e. in the pipeline or configuration files on Azure.

        - name: "Create .env file"
            run: |
                touch .env
                echo "OPENAI_API_KEY=${{ secrets.OPENAI_API_KEY }}" >> .env
                echo "OPENAI_ORGANIZATION_ID=${{ secrets.OPENAI_ORGANIZATION_ID }}" >> .env
                echo "WHITELISTED_USERS"="" >> .env

Dockerbuild failed with exit code 1

If Azure Static Web Apps fails to build and there are no other errors, it is most likely caused by deployment limits due to caching on Azure Static Web Apps. Because this project uses the free tier of ASWA, I have a limited number of deployments sites allowed. If rapidly developing and deploying, it is possible a new deployment request is sent before the previous deployment site is fully deleted.

Wait a few minutes then try again.

(on computer) gdk_window_get_position: assertion 'GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed

There are tons of reasons why firefox --kiosk doesn't work. Ubuntu 24 switched from XOrg to Wayland, which appears to mess up all sorts of things that relied on the X11 server for keystroke manipulation.

Try disabling Wayland in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf.

See the section in these docs for disabling Wayland.


TV application for my grandma, making it simple and clear for her to select what she wants to watch. Also has a chatbot tailored to telling her what shows are on what streaming service.




