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Personal Curriculum Vitae ⚡️


This project showcases a personal CV built using Qwik, a high-performance web framework known for its speed, efficiency, and developer experience. It demonstrates the following capabilities:

  • Dynamic and Interactive Presentation: Leverages Qwik's innovative techniques to create a visually appealing and engaging CV, potentially using elements like animations or interactive components.
  • Optimized for Browser Printing: Ensures seamless formatting and presentation quality when printed for physical copies, adhering to standard CV layouts or your desired design choices.
  • Modern Web Technology Expertise: Highlights proficiency in Qwik, a rapidly evolving framework with a growing community and gaining traction in the web development landscape.

Project Structure

This project is using Qwik with QwikCity. QwikCity is just an extra set of tools on top of Qwik to make it easier to build a full site, including directory-based routing, layouts, and more.

Inside your project, you'll see the following directory structure:

├── public/
│   └── ...
└── src/
    ├── components/
    │   └── ...
    └── routes/
        └── ...
  • src/routes: Provides the directory-based routing, which can include a hierarchy of layout.tsx layout files, and an index.tsx file as the page. Additionally, index.ts files are endpoints. Please see the routing docs for more info.

  • src/components: Recommended directory for components.

  • public: Any static assets, like images, can be placed in the public directory. Please see the Vite public directory for more info.

Add Integrations and deployment

Use the bun qwik add command to add additional integrations. Some examples of integrations includes: Cloudflare, Netlify or Express Server, and the Static Site Generator (SSG).

bun qwik add # or `bun qwik add`


Development mode uses Vite's development server. The dev command will server-side render (SSR) the output during development.

bun start

Note: during dev mode, Vite may request a significant number of .js files. This does not represent a Qwik production build.


You can also use the optional Lefthook to check Prettier and ESLint before commit. Lefthook.yml powers this functionality.

lefthook install


The preview command will create a production build of the client modules, a production build of src/entry.preview.tsx, and run a local server. The preview server is only for convenience to preview a production build locally and should not be used as a production server.

bun preview


The production build will generate client and server modules by running both client and server build commands. The build command will use Typescript to run a type check on the source code.

bun build

Static Site Generator (Node.js)

bun build # You must build first
bun build.server