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Here is quick HOWTO use terragrunt with multiple environments.


Terragrunt allows to store terraform manifests separately from terraform [sensitive] values and support multiple environments.

In this example we have 3 envs - dev,staging, and prod. Adjust all the terragrunt.hcl files to suit your environments. Let's deploy staging env. Start from infra deployment.

  • Init
cd examples/live/staging/infra
terragrunt init
  • Check terraform plan
terragrunt plan
  • Apply changes, it takes some time, 10-30min
terragrunt apply -auto-approve

We should get infrastrucrute similar to following scheme

Similar for basic preparations inside k8s

cd examples/live/staging/in-k8s
terragrunt init
terragrunt plan
terragrunt apply -auto-approve
  • Destroy all the staff, when required
cd examples/live/staging/infra
terragrunt destroy