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Boldare Radar

Technology radar and knowledge source for Boldare. Radar uses Docusaurus as a framework for building documentations.

How to setup the project?


Node.js with version ^18.0.0. If you use Node Version Manager, you can just run a following command:

nvm use


Install all dependencies with Yarn


Run app in development mode

yarn start

How to build the production version?

Run build command

yarn build

How to run automated tests?

Run unit tests

yarn test

How to update the data?

Edit or add new file in docs or blog folder. You can use Markdown or Mdx for it. Each file in this folders creates a new page. To find more details, please check the Docusaurus documentation. For a new page you can use the template from here.

How to work with Ampli & Amplitude?

In Boldare Radar we are using Amplitude as an Analytics Software. With Amplitude we are also testing Ampli which is a new tool that allows us to verify if all defined events are used in Application.

What is Ampli?

Ampli allows us to generate code to track the events more easily, by using abstraction called ampli, which gives us option to treat all Analytics Events as methods, example:

ampli.viewItem({ name: "Microfrontends", quadrant: "Techniques", ring: "Scaling" });

How I can use Ampli?

Ampli is defined as dev-dependency in Boldare Radar. You can call the ampli by using methods:

ampli pull

And to verify if all events tracked in Amplitude are implemented in source code, you can run:

ampli status -u

How to run Amplitude on Dev Environment?

In order to run the Amplitude on dev environment you need to create .env file in your local repository. Inside that .env file create variable:


Replace the key with Development key that You can generate from Amplitude or obtain from Maintainers.