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SpidrCLI Build Status

Command Line Interface (CLI) for the excellent spidr gem.


Install with

$ gem install spidr_cli


Print all found pages on site

$ spidr

Print all HTML/JS/CSS pages

$ spidr --content-types=html,javascript,css

Max 10 pages

$ spidr --limit=10

Spidr host

$ spidr host

Spidr a single site (this is the default)

$ spidr site

Start spidr from URL

$ spidr start_at

Any method that Spidr::Page responds to you can output, you can also choose to include the header in the output (which is valid CSV)

$ spidr --columns=code,content_type,url \
        --header                        \

Full usage instructions

Usage: spidr [<method>] [options] <url>
        --columns=[val1,val2]        Columns in output
        --content-types=[val1,val2]  Formats to output (html, javascript, css, json, ..)
        --[no-]header                Include the header
        --[no-]strip-fragments       Specifies whether the Agent will strip URI fragments (default: true)
        --[no-]strip-query           Specifies whether the Agent will strip URI query (default: false)
        --schemes=[http,https]       Only spider links with certain scheme
        --host=[example]             Only spider links on certain host
        --hosts=[]        Only spider links on certain hosts (ignored unless method is "start_at" or "site")
                                     Do not spider links on certain hosts (ignored unless method is "start_at" or "site")
        --ports=[80, 443]            Only spider links on certain ports
        --ignore-ports=[8000, 8080, 3000]
                                     Do not spider links on certain ports
        --links=[/blog/]             Only spider links on certain link patterns
        --ignore-links=[/blog/]      Do not spider links on certain link patterns
        --urls=[/blog/]              Only spider links on certain urls
        --ignore-urls=[/blog/]       Do not spider links on certain urls
        --exts=[htm]                 Only spider links on certain extensions
        --ignore-exts=[cfm]          Do not spider links on certain extensions
        --open-timeout=val           Open timeout
        --read-timeout=val           Read timeout
        --ssl-timeout=val            SSL timeout
        --continue-timeout=val       Continue timeout
        --keep-alive-timeout=val     Keep alive timeout
        --proxy-host=val             The host the proxy is running on
        --proxy-port=val             The port the proxy is running on
        --proxy-user=val             The user to authenticate with the proxy
        --proxy-password=val         The password to authenticate with the proxy
                                     Default headers to set for every request
        --host-header=val            The HTTP Host header to use with each request
                                     The HTTP Host headers to use for specific hosts
        --user-agent=val             The User-Agent string to send with each requests
        --referer=val                The Referer URL to send with each request
        --delay=val                  The number of seconds to pause between each request
        --queue=[val1,val2]          The initial queue of URLs to visit
        --history=[val1,val2]        The initial list of visited URLs
        --limit=val                  The maximum number of pages to visit
        --max-depth=val              The maximum link depth to follow
        --[no-]robots                Respect Robots.txt
    -h, --help                       How to use
        --version                    Show version


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Huge thanks to @postmodern for creating spidr