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Releases: cemolcay/MusicTheory


15 May 08:49
Choose a tag to compare

Fixes failing unit tests.

Added More Scales

16 Jan 14:53
Choose a tag to compare

110 scales in total.

Init Pitch with negative midi numbers

17 Nov 10:32
Choose a tag to compare

Fix midiNote init with negative numbers

Harmonic Functions

30 Jun 15:42
Choose a tag to compare

Added harmonic functions support!
Now you can create harmonic functions from a scale and get possible directions for a key according to its harmonic function in the scale.

Added Swift Package Manager Support

17 Jun 08:43
Choose a tag to compare

Update Swift 5

30 Apr 07:46
Choose a tag to compare

Update Swift 5

Add CustomChordType

09 Apr 00:57
Choose a tag to compare

Represents a custom chord type for the chords that can not be represented by the current data structures.
Can be initialized with the custom intervals.

Data structure changes and new chord functionality

09 Dec 13:11
Choose a tag to compare
  • Generate roman numerics for chords
  • Make ScaleType and ChordProgression struct instead of enum

Added Chord Progressions

24 Aug 16:24
Choose a tag to compare

You can create chord progressions now. It supports custom ones with Codable protocol, that you can store and use later.

let progression = ChordProgression.i_ii_vi_iv
let cSharpHarmonicMinorTriadsProgression = progression.chords(
  for: cSharpHarmonicMinor,
  harmonicField: .triad,
  inversion: 0)

ExpressibleByStringLiteral Support

10 Aug 06:39
Choose a tag to compare

You can create Pitches and Keys from string now.

let p: Pitch = "c#2"
let k: Key = "a#"