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tutorial on how to deploy a scalable autoregressive causal language model transformer using nvidia triton server

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tutorial on how to deploy a scalable autoregressive causal language model transformer as a fastAPI endpoint using nvidia triton server and fastertransformer backend

the primary value added is that in addition to simplifying and explaining for the beginner machine learning engineer what is happening in the NVIDIA blog on triton inference server with faster transformer backend we also do a controlled before and after comparison on a realistic RESTful API that you can put into production

Step By Step Instructions

enter into your terminal within your desired directory:

1. git clone
2. cd fastertransformer_backend

you may not need to use sudo

in docker build you can choose your triton version by for example doing --build-arg TRITON_VERSION=22.05 instead, you can also change ft_triton_2207:v1 to whatever name you want for the image

in docker build to build the image from scratch when you already have nother similar image, use --no-cache

if you have multiple GPUs, in step 4 and _ you can do --gpus device=1 instead of --gpus=all if you want to place this triton server only on the 2nd GPU instead of distributed across all GPUs

port 8000 is used to send http requests to triton. 8001 is used for GRPC requests, which are apparently faster than http requests. 8002 is used for monitering. I use 8001. to route gRPC to port 2001 on your VM do -p 2001:8001 you may need to do this just to reroute to an available port.

3. sudo docker build --rm --no-cache --build-arg TRITON_VERSION=22.07 -t triton_with_ft:22.07 -f docker/Dockerfile .
4. sudo docker run -it --rm --gpus=all --shm-size=4G  -v /path/to/fastertransformer_backend:/ft_workspace -p 8001:8001 -p 8002:8002 triton_ft:v1 bash


sudo docker run -it --rm --gpus device=1 --shm-size=4G  -v /home/carson/fastertransformer_backend:/ft_workspace -p 2001:8001 -p 2002:8002 triton_ft:v1 bash

the next steps are from within the bash session started in step 4

6. cd /ft_workspace
7. git clone
8. cd FasterTransformer

vim CMakeLists.txt and change set(PYTHON_PATH "python" CACHE STRING "Python path") to set(PYTHON_PATH "python3")

9. mkdir -p build
10. cd build
12. make -j32
13. cd /ft_workspace
14. mkdir models
15. cd models
16. python3
17. from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel
18. model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('gpt2')
19. model.save_pretrained('./gpt2')
20. exit()

you may have to run the next step again if the first attempt fails, in the example below we create a folder of binaries for each layer in /ft_workspace/all_models/gpt/fastertransformer/1/1-gpu

21. cd /ft_workspace
22. python3 ./FasterTransformer/examples/pytorch/gpt/utils/ -o ./all_models/gpt/fastertransformer/1/ -i ./models/gpt2 -i_g 1
23. cd /ft_workspace/all_models/gpt/fastertransformer
24. vim config.pbtxt

using the information in /ft_workspace/all_models/gpt/fastertransformer/1/1-gpu/config.ini, update config.pbtxt, for example

name: "fastertransformer"
backend: "fastertransformer"
default_model_filename: "gpt2-med"
max_batch_size: 1024

model_transaction_policy {
  decoupled: False

input [
    name: "input_ids"
    data_type: TYPE_UINT32
    dims: [ -1 ]
    name: "input_lengths"
    data_type: TYPE_UINT32
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    name: "request_output_len"
    data_type: TYPE_UINT32
    dims: [ -1 ]
    name: "runtime_top_k"
    data_type: TYPE_UINT32
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    optional: true
    name: "runtime_top_p"
    data_type: TYPE_FP32
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    optional: true
    name: "beam_search_diversity_rate"
    data_type: TYPE_FP32
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    optional: true
    name: "temperature"
    data_type: TYPE_FP32
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    optional: true
    name: "len_penalty"
    data_type: TYPE_FP32
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    optional: true
    name: "repetition_penalty"
    data_type: TYPE_FP32
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    optional: true
    name: "random_seed"
    data_type: TYPE_UINT64
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    optional: true
    name: "is_return_log_probs"
    data_type: TYPE_BOOL
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    optional: true
    name: "beam_width"
    data_type: TYPE_UINT32
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    optional: true
    name: "start_id"
    data_type: TYPE_UINT32
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    optional: true
    name: "end_id"
    data_type: TYPE_UINT32
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    optional: true
    name: "stop_words_list"
    data_type: TYPE_INT32
    dims: [ 2, -1 ]
    optional: true
    name: "bad_words_list"
    data_type: TYPE_INT32
    dims: [ 2, -1 ]
    optional: true
    name: "prompt_learning_task_name_ids"
    data_type: TYPE_UINT32
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    optional: true
    name: "request_prompt_embedding"
    data_type: TYPE_FP16
    dims: [ -1, -1 ]
    optional: true
    name: "request_prompt_lengths"
    data_type: TYPE_UINT32
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    optional: true
    name: "request_prompt_type"
    data_type: TYPE_UINT32
    dims: [ 1 ]
    reshape: { shape: [ ] }
    optional: true
output [
    name: "output_ids"
    data_type: TYPE_UINT32
    dims: [ -1, -1 ]
    name: "sequence_length"
    data_type: TYPE_UINT32
    dims: [ -1 ]
    name: "cum_log_probs"
    data_type: TYPE_FP32
    dims: [ -1 ]
    name: "output_log_probs"
    data_type: TYPE_FP32
    dims: [ -1, -1 ]
instance_group [
    count: 2
    kind : KIND_CPU
parameters {
  key: "tensor_para_size"
  value: {
    string_value: "1"
parameters {
  key: "pipeline_para_size"
  value: {
    string_value: "1"
parameters {
  key: "data_type"
  value: {
    string_value: "fp16"
parameters {
  key: "model_type"
  value: {
    string_value: "GPT"
parameters {
  key: "model_checkpoint_path"
  value: {
    string_value: "/ft_workspace/all_models/gpt/fastertransformer/1/1-gpu/"
parameters {
  key: "int8_mode"
  value: {
    string_value: "0"
parameters {
  key: "enable_custom_all_reduce"
  value: {
    string_value: "0"

Run the triton server

24. CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 /opt/tritonserver/bin/tritonserver --log-warning false --model-repository=./all_models/gpt/

you can do the same as above outside the environment by exiting the bash session


you are no longer in the bash session. you could replace $(pwd) with the full path /path/to/fastertransformer_backend/, or within /path/to/fastertransformer_backend/ run:

24. sudo docker run -it --rm --gpus-all --shm-size=4G  -v $(pwd):/ft_workspace -p 2001:8001 -p 2002:8002 triton_ft:v1 /opt/tritonserver/bin/tritonserver --log-warning false --model-repository=/ft_workspace/all_models/gpt/

for example

24. sudo docker run -it --rm --gpus device=1 --shm-size=4G  -v /home/carson/fastertransformer_backend:/ft_workspace -p 2001:8001 -p 2002:8002 triton_ft:v1 /opt/tritonserver/bin/tritonserver --log-warning false --model-repository=/ft_workspace/all_models/gpt/

keep this terminal open, do not exit this terminal window, a successful deployment would result in output:

I1203 05:18:03.283727 1] Started GRPCInferenceService at
I1203 05:18:03.283981 1] Started HTTPService at
I1203 05:18:03.326952 1] Started Metrics Service at

in another terminal, if you check your nvidia-smi you will see the model has been loaded to your GPU or GPUs. if you exit from the above, the models will be off loaded. This step is meant to remain as so while the trion server is running. using docker compose you can keep this running as long as the VM is on using restart: "unless-stopped"

the docker compose equivalent of step 24 is:

version: "2.3"

    restart: "unless-stopped"
    image: triton_with_ft:22.07
    runtime: nvidia
      - 2001:8001
    shm_size: 4gb
      - ${HOST_FT_MODEL_REPO}:/ft_workspace
    command: /opt/tritonserver/bin/tritonserver --log-warning false --model-repository=/ft_workspace/all_models/gpt/
          - driver: nvidia
            device_ids: ['0']
            capabilities: [gpu]
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 90, in <module>
    print(generate_text('the first rule of robotics is',''))
  File "", line 84, in generate_text
    result = client.infer(MODEl_GPT, inputs)
  File "/home/carson/triton-ft-api/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tritonclient/grpc/", line 1431, in infer
  File "/home/carson/triton-ft-api/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tritonclient/grpc/", line 62, in raise_error_grpc
    raise get_error_grpc(rpc_error) from None
tritonclient.utils.InferenceServerException: [StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT] inference input data-type is 'UINT64', model expects 'INT32' for 'ensemble' in this example is the gRPC port

print(generate_text('the first rule of robotics is',''))
tritonclient.utils.InferenceServerException: [StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT] [request id: <id_unknown>] inference input data-type is 'INT32', model expects 'UINT64' for 'ensemble'

the above error refers to the type of these lines

random_seed = (100 * np.random.rand(input0_data.shape[0], 1)).astype(np.uint64)
#random_seed = (100 * np.random.rand(input0_data.shape[0], 1)).astype(np.int32) 


tutorial on how to deploy a scalable autoregressive causal language model transformer using nvidia triton server







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