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Jonas Mueller edited this page Aug 26, 2022 · 9 revisions

Ideas for Contributing to Cleanlab

There are many ways you can contribute to the cleanlab library! Here are a few sources of ideas:

Feel free to propose new ideas and ask follow-up questions in our Slack Community or in GitHub Discussions.

Before writing code, please read through our Contributing and Development guides.


This FAQ is only intended for queries specific to GitHub/git. For most code related questions, see our:

If your question is not answered there, please ask it as others likely have the same question!

When I git pull, I get a fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting.

We did a one-time restructuring of the Cleanlab repos on December 27, 2021, to separate the core Cleanlab code from examples. This involved rewriting Git history, which complicates the fetch/pull process for old clones. If you had cloned the cleanlab repository before this time and you want to update your clone, you can:

  • git fetch && git reset --hard @{u}: this will fetch the latest changes from the cleanlab repo and discard any local changes, resetting the current branch to match the upstream branch
  • Delete the repository and download a fresh clone: if you're not as comfortable with Git, this might be the fastest solution

If you have made changes in a local branch based on the old history, you can rebase those changes onto the new history using git rebase -i (interactive rebase). If you are less comfortable with Git, another solution is making a fresh clone in a separate directory, manually copying changed files from the old repo to the new clone, and then committing the changes in the new repo.

If you were doing this for the purpose of submitting a pull request and are having trouble, please open an issue and we can help you through the process.