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Open Source Live Chat For CRM

An app with AngularJS + Material Design on the fron, + Express + Node on the back.

Contains angular libraries, material design, test libraries and a bunch of scripts all preconfigured for instant web development gratification. Just clone the repo (or download the zip/tarball) and you're ready to develop your application.

This app shows how to wire together Angular client-side components with and Express on the server to create an chat application.

How to use it

Clone the Open-Source-Live-Chat-For-CRM repository and start hacking!

Running the app

Runs like a typical express app:

node app.js

Running tests

Coming soon!

Receiving updates from upstream

Just fetch the changes and merge them into your project with git.

Updating angular.js

Alternatively, you can update AngularJS with Bower:

bower update angular

Example Application

Comming soon

Directory Layout

app.js                  --> app config
bower.json              --> for bower
package.json            --> for npm
public/                 --> all of the files to be used in on the client side
  css/                  --> css files
    app.css             --> default stylesheet
  img/                  --> image files
  js/                   --> javascript files
    app.js              --> declare top-level app module
    controllers.js      --> application controllers
    directives.js       --> custom angular directives
    filters.js          --> custom angular filters
    services.js         --> custom angular services
  index.html            --> main page for app
  chat.html             --> template page for chat widget
  chat-builder.js       --> javscript template for chat widget
  partials/             --> angular view partials 
    angular/            --> angular.js
    angular-socket-io/  --> adapter for angular
  index.js              --> route for serving HTML pages and partials


For more information on AngularJS please check out For more on Express,