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This repository contains an admin panel for managing videos, facilitating tasks such as user authentication, video uploads, and password management.

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Admin Panel for Video Management

This admin panel provides functionality for managing videos. It includes features for login, registration, uploading videos, and resetting passwords.

Technologies & Features Used

The Video Management System leverages various technologies and features:


  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Front-end technologies for creating a responsive and visually appealing user interface.
  • Bootstrap: Bootstrap is a front-end framework for building responsive and visually appealing websites and web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


  • PHP: Server-side scripting language for dynamic content generation and database interaction.
  • MySQL: Relational database management system for storing and querying student and attendance records.


  • XLSX: XLSX is a library for processing Excel files
  • jQuery: jQuery is a JavaScript library for simplifying frontend interactions and manipulation of HTML documents.
  • AJAX: Asynchronous requests to update attendance records without refreshing the entire page, enhancing user experience.
  • Sessions: User authentication and session management to control access to dashboard features based on login status.
  • Password Hashing: Secure storage and verification of user passwords using bcrypt hashing algorithm, ensuring data privacy and security.

The user interface of the Attendance System prioritizes simplicity, functionality, and responsiveness:

  • Responsive Layout: Built with Bootstrap for seamless adaptation to different screen sizes and devices.
  • Clear Presentation: Attendance details are presented clearly and organized, facilitating easy understanding and navigation.
  • Intuitive Controls: Buttons allow users to toggle attendance and save changes with ease, streamlining the attendance management process.


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Import the database schema from database.sql into your MySQL database.

  2. Update includes/database.php with your MySQL database credentials.

  3. Update SMTP Details in reset_password.php:

    If you are using SMTP for sending password reset emails, you need to update the SMTP details in reset_password.php file:

    // Replace the following SMTP details with your own SMTP configuration
    $mail->Host       = '';                  // Set the SMTP server to send through
    $mail->SMTPAuth   = true;                              // Enable SMTP authentication
    $mail->Username   = 'YOUR_GMAIL';                       // SMTP username
    $mail->Password   = 'GMAIL_PASSWORD';                   // SMTP password
    $mail->SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_SMTPS;        // Enable implicit TLS encryption
    $mail->Port       = 465;                                // TCP port to connect to
    $mail->setFrom('YOUR_GMAIL', 'INDTUBE');

    Replace 'YOUR_GMAIL' with your Gmail address and 'GMAIL_PASSWORD' with your Gmail password. Update other SMTP details like Host, Port, and any other authentication settings according to your SMTP server configuration.


Using Composer (recommended)

  1. Install PHP and Composer on your server.

  2. Create a new project:

composer create-project username/repository_name
  1. Set up your web server to point to the public directory.

  2. Install PHPMailer using Composer:

composer require phpmailer/phpmailer
  1. Access the admin panel in your web browser.

Manual Download

  1. Download the repository as a ZIP file and extract it.

  2. Upload the extracted files to your web server.

  3. Download PHPMailer from GitHub as a ZIP file.

  4. Extract the contents of the PHPMailer ZIP file.

  5. Copy the PHPMailer directory to your project directory.

  6. Now you should have a directory structure like this in your project:

├── PHPMailer/
│ ├── src/
│ └── ...
├── includes/
│ ├── database.php
│ └── ...
└── ...
  1. Access the admin panel in your web browser.


  • Login: Users can log in using their email and password.
  • Registration: New users can register for an account.
  • Video Upload: Admins can upload videos using an Excel file.
  • Password Reset: Users can reset their password using a link sent to their email.


  • index.php: Main file for the admin panel.
  • login.php: Login page for users.
  • registration.php: Registration page for new users.
  • videos.php: Page for managing and displaying videos.
  • reset_pass.php: Page for initiating the password reset process.
  • reset_password.php: File for handling the password reset process.
  • includes/: Directory containing PHP files for database connection and other functions.

Project Flow

Admin User Registration:

Admin users need to register their accounts to access the system.

Excel File Upload:

After registration, admins can upload Excel files containing video information. Each Excel file typically includes data like category, title, link, section, and subsection for each video.

Data Processing:

Upon file upload, the server processes the Excel data, extracting relevant information using JavaScript (possibly with libraries like XLSX). The data is then converted into JSON format for easier manipulation.

Database Update:

The processed video information is then uploaded to the database, likely in a structured format suitable for querying and retrieval.

Dashboard Display:

Once uploaded, the videos are displayed on a home or dashboard page. Videos are organized by section and subsection, possibly sorted in a specific order. Each video entry typically displays relevant information such as section, title, and a link to access the video.

User Interaction:

Users, including admins and possibly other roles, can interact with the dashboard to view, search, or filter videos based on their preferences.


Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting pull requests or reporting issues. Your feedback is highly appreciated.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Please replace your-username and your-repository with your actual GitHub username and repository name respectively. Also, make sure to replace the MySQL database credentials with your actual credentials in includes/database.php.


This repository contains an admin panel for managing videos, facilitating tasks such as user authentication, video uploads, and password management.







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