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A small Redis-based URL Redirect. The original base for was built from redisred.



  • Simple redirects for named URLs.
  • 404's for unfound URLs, with a link to the root page.
  • Visiting just / brings you to a designated root redirect.


  • /admin brings people to page where they can sign in with Google.
  • /admin/redirects lets people view and edit all of the redirects.
  • /admin/users to manage who has access to create redirects.
  • Link tracking, including a visit graph, and Google Analytics support
  • Edit URLs after creation
  • Import from (WIP)


All requests must be authenticated with a x-access-token header.

  • GET /admin/api/ returns a json of all the redirects
  • POST /admin/api/create creates a redirect with parameters key and url
  • POST /admin/api/delete deletes a redirect with parameter key

How to get up and running

Some quick easy steps:

  1. Make sure you have gcc, brew, node, and npm installed.
  2. Run brew install redis
  3. Run npm install && npm run create-config
  4. Edit the .env file to have the environment variables you like :)

How to run the app locally

npm run start (To stop the server, Ctrl+C)

Environment variables.

Variable Description
PORT The port this app should run on
ADMIN_EMAIL The email of the first admin
API_TOKEN The token to be used on all API calls
DOMAIN The url the site will be hosted from
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID Track visits with Google Analytics
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID Google OAuth Client id (from app console)
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET Google OAuth Client secret (from app console)
ROOT_REDIRECT The URL the root of your website should redirect to
SESSION_SECRET A secret key for verifying the integrity of signed cookies

License is released under the MIT license.