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decaf is a "lite" ORM (Object Relational Mapper), designed to fill the void between tools like Dapper and using a full blown ORM like EntityFramework.

Unsurprisingly, Dapper forms the foundation of how decaf executes the queries that it builds against the database. This is because what decaf aims to excel at is formulating queries and giving the developer precise control over those queries before they are executed.

Buy Me A Coffee

So what is decaf?
decaf is so named because it's like coffee, but without the kick.
The aim has always been to provide a intuitive development experience that allows performant queries to be written, while not re-inventing the wheel for accessing the database and materialising objects.

Where can I get some?
You can download Decaf using Nuget, all packages are published here:
You could also - if you're really keen build from source.


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  1. History
  2. Concepts
  3. Examples
  4. Reference


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Decaf originally came about because during the course of work we needed something that enabled us to write complex, performant queries, but at the time nothing existed (at least that myself or my team could find).

Hence we started on the journey of writing our own.

This proved to be a long but worthwhile one, but now the time has come for a ground-up-re-write; technology has moved on (for the better) and the original concepts behind the API; while useful, don't provide a particlarly good development experience.

For this re-birth if you will, the attempt is to make use of a fully fluent API and provide as much of an intuitive experience as possible.


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There are several core concepts within decaf.

  1. Everything should use a Fluent API
    query.Select().From("users", "u").Where(b => b.Column("email", "u").IsNot().Null());
  2. The API should be intuitive to use and follow common SQL language, or english language patterns.
    More specifically, statements should either:
    a) Make sense from a SQL statement as you would write it
    b) Read as understandable English
  3. It should integrate seamlessly into the default Dependency Injection Pipeline.


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In order to use decaf, you simply have to reference it and ensure that it is registered with your Dependency Injection provider.

The following options are available to be configured:

Item Description
Default Log Level This allows you to configure the default log level/verbosity of what decaf itself prints to the logs.
Default Clause Handling This allows you to configure the default "Where" clause handling, i.e. the default way that clauses are bundled together when using an IWhereBuilder.
Transient Tracking This allows you to enable or disable tacking of "Transients", which are effectively the unit by which decaf executes queries.

Extensions methods are provided for the built in .Net Dependency Injection framework, which work as follows:

  1. No Configuration, just use defaults
  2. Configuration passed in:
    var options = new DecafOptions();
  3. Configured using a provided Action:
    services.AddDecaf(o => {

Note: this documentation assumes a certain level of knowledge of dependency injection, specifically about the default provider included with .Net from version 5 onwards.
It is assumed that you know how to either create or configure the dependency injection for either:
a) A WebAPI project
b) A console application using bare metal IServiceCollection and IServiceProvider

To configure a given database provider, works in a very similar way; insofar as that an extension method is provided on the decafOptions which allows for the configuration.
For example, with PostgreSQL:

services.AddDecaf(o => {

Getting a Query

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decaf's default configuration provides an IUnitOfWorkFactory factory which is added to the service provider by default.
Once you have an IUnitOfWork created from the IUnitOfWorkFactory, you can begin to query it. Each query is managed by itself and executed seperately.
You may also, at configuration time call InjectUnitOfWorkAsScoped or InjectUnitOfWork to inject an IUnitOfWork instance into the pipeline either as scoped, or with whatever lifetime you require.

It is worth noting that it is the IUnitOfWork instance that controls the commit/rollback of the transaction which is associated with any queries created from it.

Once this is injected into your service, handler or other class it can be used in the following ways.


public class Example(IUnitOfWorkFactory factory)
   public async Task DoStuff()
       using var uow = await factory.CreateAsync();
       uow.WithCatch((ex) => Console.Error.WriteLine(ex.Message))
        .Query(q => ...)

Note: In the disposable case all queries are executed on exit of the disposable scope.


public class Example(IUnitOfWorkFactory factory)
   public async Task DoStuff()
       var uow = await factory.CreateAsync();
       uow.WithCatch((ex) => Console.Error.WriteLine(ex.Message))
        .Query(q => ...)

Note: using the "non-disposable" approach means that you need to call PersistChanges or PersistChangesAsync in order for any queries to be executed.

Creating a Simple Query

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There are two main ways that decaf can be used:

  1. Typed; and
  2. Un-typed

Each has their merits and will be covered in brief below, however for more details please see the Reference.

This is intended primarily for use where you want to write SQL, but you don't want it hard-coded into your application, and/or store-procedures or functions aren't your thing. This flexible API allows you to write the statement in a fluent manner while retaining readability.

var result = query
  .From("users", "u")
  .Where(b => b.Column("id", "u").Is().EqualTo(42))
  .Select(b => new {
    Id = b.Is<int>("id", "u"),
    Email = b.Is<string>("email", "u")

This is intended for use where you already have objects that represent your database tables, noting that they will either need to be a direct mapping to the tables themselves; or be modified using the various attributes that decaf provides to modify property and class names when parsed.

var result = query
  .From<User>(u => u)
  .Where(u => u.Id == 42)
  .Select(u => new {
    Id = u.Id,
    Email = u.Email


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Supported Query Types

decaf supports the most common query types:

  • Select
  • Delete
  • Update
  • Insert

If there is a specific variation (for example, PostgreSQL Upsert), then it will be added by the appropriate database implementation library.

Each of these supported query types is availble through the appropriate extension method on a query:


In general for each supported query type, the Fluent API follows how you would write the query in SQL, or as you would read it in plain English.

Note: That for all supported query types, both "typed" and "un-typed" methods are supported.

Several examples of "un-typed" usage:

// select statement
  .Where(b => 

// delete statement
  .Where(b => 

// update statement
  .Set("email", "")
  .Set("is_active", false)
  .Where(b => 

// insert statement
  .Columns(b => {
    email = b.Is<string>(),
    first_name = b.Is<string>(),
    last_name = b.Is<string>(),
    is_active = b.Is<bool>()
  .Value(new {
    email = "",
    first_name = "bob",
    last_name = "smith",
    is_active = false

Several examples of "typed" usage:

// select statement
  .From<User>(u => u)
  .Where(u => u.Id == 42);

// delete statement
  .Where(u => u.Id == 42);

// update statement
  .Set(u => u.Email, "")
  .Set(u => u.IsActive, false)
  .Where(u => u.Id == 42);

// insert statement
  .Columns(u => new {
  .Value(new User {
    Email = "",
    FirstName = "bob",
    LastName = "smith",
    IsActive = false


Select allows for a Select query to be built, using the Fluent API, and generally follows how you would write the query if you were doing so by handm with one primary exception.
That is, you select the columns you want to return after you have added your From, Join and Where clauses.


  1. Supported Methods on Properties
  2. Joins
  3. Selecting Results

Supported methods on Properties

decaf generally supports methods which translate well to their SQL counterparts, e.g. Contains() == Like and ToUpper() == upper() and so on.

The other difference is if you want to check if the column value is in a set of values, the parameter in the query is the constant list, making use of the Contains() method.
e.g. .Where(u => ids.Contains(u.Id))
This is only supported in the context of a Where clause, otherwise you will get exceptions, or no columns selected.
It is also worth noting, that a Where clause is also used as the conditional for a Join so it also works there.

  .From<User>(u => u)
  .Join<Audit>((u, a) => ids.Contains(u.Id) && u.Id == a.UserId)

The following methods are supported on Properties and/or columns:

string.Substring(int, int?)

Note that they are only supported in the context of either a Select or a Where Clause, for example:

  .Where(u => u.I == 42)
  .Select(u => new {
    Name = u.FirstName.ToLower(),
    Timestamp = u.CreatedAt.Year()

The result of which would be:

  lower(u.first_name) as "Name",
  date_part(year, u.created_at) as "Timestamp"
from user as u
( == @p1);

Or, if you are using the "typed" version;

  .Where(u => u.Id == 42 || u.FirstName.Contains("bob"))
  .Select(u => new {
    Id = u.Id,
    Name = u.FirstName.ToLower(),
    Email = u.Email.ToUpper()

The result would be:

select as "Id",
  lower(u.first_name) as "Name",
  upper( as "Email"
from users as u
  ( == @p1) or
  (u.first_name like @p2)


Joins are handled slightly differently depending on whether you are using the "typed" or "un-typed" versions of the Select.

The primary differences are as follows:

Feature Typed Un-Typed
One Table to another This is always done from the previous table that was in a From statment, or a Join and always done using an expression. The result allows you to perform typed where and select clauses across all joined tables. This can be done at any point until the where clause. However you are responsible for ensuring that all aliases used are correct, otherwise you are likely to get invalid SQL at the other end.
To a Query This is always done from the previous table that was in a From statement, or a Join statement and always done using an expression. However, you have to specify the type of the result, this is to ensure that selecting results works as you would expect. This can be done at any point until the where clause. However, as with joining from one table to another, you are responsible for ensuring that all aliases used are correct, otherwise you are likely to get invalid SQL at the other end.

Typed Syntax

The typed syntax for joins, is the same regardless of how deep your joins are, although it is worth noting that at present only four levels of joins are supported.
There is one additional feature available when using the "typed" syntax, which is that you can additionally specify the "from" table as well using a type parameter.

// one level
  .From<User>(u => u)
  .Join<Audit>((u, a) => u.Id == a.UserId);

// two levels
  .From<User>(u => u)
  .Join<Audit>((u, a) => u.Id == a.UserId)
  .Join<AuditEvent>((u, a, ae) => a.Id == ae.AuditId);

// setting the "from" table
  .From<User>(u => u)
  .Join<Audit>((u, a) => u.Id == a.UserId)
  .Join<AuditEvent>((u, a, ae) => a.Id == ae.AuditId)
  .Join<User, Company>((u, c) => u.Id == c.PrimaryUserId);

There are a couple of things worth noting:

  1. Each subsequent join will mean that the return will effectively be:
    ISelectFromTyped<T1, T2, TN>
  2. The above also means that if you do a subsequent join, or add a where clause it will take the number of paramters that represent the numbeer of tables you have joined.

Un-Typed Syntax

The un-typed syntax for joins is as follows:

  .From("users", "u")
    .From("users", "u")
    .To("audit", "a")
    .On(b => {
      b.Column("id", "u").Is().EqualTo().Column("user_id", "a")

The following things should be noted:

  1. The From, To, On syntax is fixed, and parts of it cannot be skipped
  2. The builder provided to the On method, is an IWhereBuilder so follows the exact same conventions used for that, so if you are already familiar it works the same way.
    The main difference is that there are the following methods, which are more useful in this case:
    You will note that these, instead of taking a paramter allow you to chain a .Column() method on to complete the a.column = b.column idea.

Selecting Results

Selecting Results from a query works in a very similar way when it is "typed" or "un-typed", the primary difference is that the "un-typed" version does not have the type inference to allow you to specify the properties.

Typed Syntax

The typed syntax for selecting results will differ depending on how many tables you have joined, but effectively there are two variants:

  1. Dynamic:
    .Select(u => new {
  2. Concrete:
    .Select(u => new Result {
      UserId = u.Id,
      EmailAddress = u.Email

Un-Typed Syntax

The un-typed syntax for selecting results is the same regardless of whether you have joins etc, as you are still using the builder.Is<>() method to define the column you want to select.
The following methods are available on the builder:

object Is(string name);
object Is(string name, string alias);
T Is<T>(string name);
T Is<T>(string name, string alias);

The typed methods are particularly useful when you are returning a concrete result.

There are two kinds of selects for the un-typed version, in the same vein as for the typed version.

  1. Dynamic:
    .Select(b => new {
      Id = b.Is<int>("id", "u"),
      Email = b.Is<string>("email", "u")
  2. Concrete:
    .Select<Result>(b => new Result {
      Id = b.Is<int>("id", "u"),
      Email = b.Is<string>("email", "u")



Allows for an "update" to be performed on a given table, using one of the following methods:

  1. Manually providing the individual values
  2. From a query, which can be specified inline, or passed as a parameter

One simple example:

  .Table("users", "u")
  .Set("first_name", "Bob")
  .Where(b => b.Column("id", "u").Is().EqualTo(42))

As you would expect, the syntax reads the way that you would write the query normally, and you have the ability to specify as many "set" clauses as you need.
Updates have the same restrictions as per-normal, insofar that any column selected for "output", must exist in the table being updated.

The main difference to the above example when using a query to get the values for the update is as follows:

  .Table("users", "u")
  .From(q => {
    q.From("person", "p")
      .Where(b => b.Column("last_name", "p").Is().Null())
      .Select(b => new {
        id = b.Is<int>("id", "p"),
        first_name = b.Is<string>("first_name", "p")
  .Set("first_name", "first_name")
  .Where(b => b.Column("id", "u").Is().EqualTo().Column("id", "q"));

The things to note in the above query are:

  1. q.KnownAs(alias), this is required for the "set" and the "where" to know where to get their values from
  2. The query inside the .From(query) follows normal select syntax and limitations
  3. When you are using the .Set(destination, source) method you do not need to specify the aliases of the respective destination table, or source query as they are already known

See below for a simple example using the typed syntax:

  .Table<User>(u => u)
  .Set(u => u.FirstName, "Bob")
  .Where(u => u.Id == 42);


The following methods are supported:

Method Description
.Table(name, alias) Sets the destination (to be updated) table for the query.
.Table<T>() Sets the destination (to be updated) table for the query using a strongly typed argument.
.Table<T>(expression) Sets the destination (to be updated) table for the query, using a strongly typed argument, and an expression of the form u => u to specify the alias.
.Set<T>(column, value) Sets the value for a given column. Note that the column name is a string value, whereas the value can be any value and will be inferred from usage.
.Set<T, TValue>(expression, value) Sets the value for a given column, using an expression of the form u => u.Id to specify the column, and then taking in the value whose type will be inferred from the type of the property selected.
.Set(values) Set the values of multiple columns using an anonymous object. e.g. new { first_name = "bob" }
.Set<T>(value) Set the values of multiple columns using a concrete object. Note: This should be used with caution, as if certain fields have meaning in their default state (null, 0, etc) then it may have unintended side-effects.
.From(query) Set a query as the source for the update statement. Either specifying the query inline as method, or method group.
.Set(destination, source) Set the value for a given column to the value from the column in the source query.
.Set<TDestination, TSource>(destination, source) Set the value for a given column to the value from the specified column in the source query using expressions of the form u => u.Id to specify each.
.Where(builder) Filter the rows to be updated using standard IWhereBuilder syntax.
.Where<T>(expression) Filter the rows to be updated using an expression based on the type representing the table to be updated.
.Where<T, TSource>(expression) Filter the rows to be updated using an expression based on both the table to be updated and the query use as the source.
.Output(column) Return a selected column as part of the query result.
.Output<T>(expression) Return a selected column (using an expression of the form u => u.Id) as part of the query result.


Allows for an "insert" to be performed on a given table, using one of the following methods:

  1. Manually providing either individual values, or a set of values
  2. From a query, this can be specified inline, or passed as a parameter

One simple example:

  .Columns(b => new {
    email = b.Is<string>(),
    first_name = b.Is<string>(),
    last_name = b.Is<string>()
  .Value(new {
    email = "",
    first_name = "Bob",
    last_name = "Smith"

As you would expect, the flow of the Fluent API follows the way that you would write the query naturally.
The primary difference is when you are inserting using a query, which looks like this:

  .Into("users", "u")
  .Columns(b => new {
    email = b.Is<string>(),
    first_name = b.Is<string>(),
    last_name = b.Is<string>()
  .From(q => {
      .Where(p => p.CreatedAt > DateTime.Now)
      .Select(p => new {
        email = p.Email,
        first_name = p.FirstName,
        last_name = p.LastName

Of course, the query that you use to select the data for your insert follows all the same rules as a normal select query, see Select for more information.


The following methods are supported:

Method Description
.Into(string table, string alias = null) Un-Typed "into", alias is entirely optional.
.Into<T>() Typed "into", with no alias specified.
.Into<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>>) Typed "into", with an expression specifying the alias.
.Columns(Expression<Func<IInsertColumnBuilder, dynamic>>) Un-Typed column selection, returning a dynamic set of columns.
.Columns<T>(Expression<Func<T, dynamic>>) Typed column selection, returnning a dynamic set of columns.
.Value(dynamic) Add a row which conforms to the set of columns previoiusly selected using a dynamic/anonymous object.
.Value<T>(T) Add a row providing an instance of the type to insert.
.Values(IEnumerable<dynamic>) Add a number of rows which conform to the set of columns previously selected using dynamic/anonymous objects.
.Values<T>(IEnumerable<T>) Add a number of rows which are of the type being inserted.
.From(Action<ISelect>) Add rows based on a provided query. See Select for more information.


// Un-Typed "into", alias is entirely optional
.Into(string table, string alias = null)
// Typed "into", no alias selector
// Typed "into", with alias selector
// Usage: .Into<Person>(p => p)
.Into<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> expression)

Selecting Columns

.Columns(Expression<Func<IInsertColumnBuilder, dynamic>> expression)
.Columns(Expression<Func<TSource, dynamic>> expression)



decaf-orm is an ORM without the kick, like decaf...








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