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Deployment environment for web applications and system administration, in a minimal desktop with antivirus, NIDS and a great multimedia experience, without systemd and with TOR. (for one "$USER").


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M1ND3V3NV1R0-FANCIFUL DevOps 1.0.0

	codecounter: code without blank lines, 
	without comments and without thirdparty
	not yet updated, because of mexx
  • Lines =4204

  • Words =60687

  • Chars =244242





M1ND3V3NV1R0-FANCIFUL DevOps 1.0.0

 Deployment environment for web applications and 
 system administration, in a minimal desktop with 
 antivirus, NIDS and a great multimedia experience, 
 without systemd and with TOR. (for one "$USER").
  • Soon for MacOSX and CentOS
  • VTWM minimal tweak, Xorg session with xdm.

  • Antivirus engine ClamAV and NIDS solution Snort.

  • Syntaxcheck: "python -m pgb | perl -wc | bash -n | php -l | tidy -e -q".

  • Changes MAC's, to obtain a new IP, by quit reverts the connected interface, to vendor's MAC.

  • Web surfing with Firefox-ESR and local/web media experience with VLC.

  • PlayOnLinux, to install win64 MS-Windows applications.

  • Libreoffice, Geany, Terminator, Transmission, Cheese, Brutalchess, GIMP, WiCD

  • Restarts apache2, mysqld, sendmail, snort, clamd, tor

  • Search script and MySQL(MariaDB) maintainers script.

  • Volatile $tmpfolder on /dev/shm

  • ScanOnAccess from ClamAV to "/" and to "/home/"

  • Transparently anonymizing traffic through TOR for a specific user with iptables.

  • For programmers and administrators.


  • A screen resolution of at least: 1280x800

  • A fresh base-install of Debian GNU/Linux 9 Stretch. (soon for CentOS and MacOSX)

  • Choose netinst CD image, and burn it on a blank CD-R.

  • Debian 9 GNU/Linux Stretch: (

  • While installing:

        Choose a root and an user password, (write both on a paper)
        Guided - use entire disk and set up envrypted LVM,
        Separate /home, /var, and /tmp partitions,
        Don't choose any desktop or servers, 
        but standard system utilities.
  • Root access, to make an entry for $USER in the /etc/sudoers file

  • An Internet connection


  • After base-install, "user@host:~sudo apt-get -y -f --fix-missing install git"

  • "user@host:~git clone"

  • "cd mindevenviro-fanciful"

  • "user@host:~/mindevenviro-fanciful/sudo ./mde-setup"

    Installs the "deployment environment" and the "minimal desktop" with "antivirus and NIDS":

Debian GNU/Linux 9

brutalchess libreoffice-writer tidy cheese gimp scrot mupdf terminator playonlinux wine64 
wine64-tools wine64-preloader mercurial libpurple-dev libpurple0 libjson-glib-dev pidgin 
xul-ext-noscript xul-ext-https-everywhere xul-ext-ublock-origin firefox-esr vlc feh xclip 
geany transmission xscreensaver wireshark dialog x11-utils vtwm oss-compat alsa-utils xcompmgr 
x11-apps xdm xorg openvpn zip rar openssl nmap clamav-freshclam clamav-milter clamav-testfiles 
clamdscan clamassassin clamav clamav-base clamav-daemon apparmor-utils php7.0 php7.0-cli php7.0-mcrypt 
php7.0-intl php7.0-mysql php7.0-curl php7.0-gd php7.0-soap php7.0-xml php7.0-zip php7.0-readline 
php7.0-opcache php7.0-json php7.0-gd dwww apache2 libmariadbclient-dev-compat default-libmysqlclient-dev 
mariadb-client mariadb-common mariadb-server sendmail python-mechanize python-gtk2-dbg shellcheck 
liblwp-protocol-socks-perl libcgi-pm-perl perl nmon figlet mc mutt eject nano pm-utils fancontrol 
thermald laptop-mode-tools cpufrequtils wicd 
  • running "mde-setup"

    Sometimes debian has updates, read the stdout please, sometimes it needs a restart. You can aprove to login in to your account, or just hit enter. Use "mde-setup" from the "mindevenviro-fanciful" folder, for a new install, for an update AND OR, to upgrade the system. The apt-get package manager is marked to, not install systemd related packages.


  • Login to X

      Click with the mouse in the lower right corner of the screen on a 
      four-cornered small frame and just drag the mouse to a corner 
      and let go. The middle area is reserved for the TV, the placeholder 
      for the program windows on the TV screen.

"F1 on the desktop" * quit's VTWM (refers to logout)

"F9 on active window" * circles windows down

"green button left corner on title-bar" * iconize window

"green button right corner on title-bar" * resize window

"Right click on the Desktop" * Change Background

"Right click on a Window-Title-Bar" * Puts Active-window as "last" in the list of open windows.

"Middle Click on the Desktop" * VTWM Version

"Left click on the Desktop" * Application Menu

"transparent" * Click with the cross pointer to set transparency.

"solid color" * Click with the cross pointer set solid color back.

"take shot" * Click with the mouse pointer on Desktop or Window to save picture to ~/

"refresh" * Restarts VTWM on opened $USER session.

"kill" * Click with the cross pointer on a window to end process.

  • logout/shutdown

"lock" * Locks the screen. xscreensaver prompt for $USER password.

"exit" * Quits VTWM. XDM login screen, returns.

"reboot" * reboot computer

"poweroff" * halt computer

VTWM Menu:

  • music

    VLC, Listen to your music and/or videos.

  • camera

    cheese, Tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam

  • network

    wicd, wired and wireless network manager

  • the gimp

    GIMP, GNU Image Manipulation Program

  • calculator

    xcalc, a scientific calculator desktop accessory

  • wireshark

    Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.

  • libreoffice

    Libreoffice Writer

  • messenger

    pidgin, graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client.

  • brutalchess

    3D chess game with reflection of the chessmen

  • playOnLinux

    PlayOnLinux manage's: win64 applications, (like Reason 5)

  • firefox-ESR

    type: localhost/dwww for dwww. ( dwww collects information from /usr/share/{man,doc} )

    type: localhost/testphp for your php stuff.

  • transmission

    lightweight BitTorrent client

  • geany

    fast and lightweight IDE

USAGE in Terminator:

  • terminator (Multiple GNOME terminals in one window.)

    "ctrl+PageUP" cycles TAB to right

    "ctrl+PageDOWN" cycles TAB to left

    "ctrl+TAB" swap's between Panned TAB's

    "ctrl+shift+T" does a new TAB.

  • openpdf (shell script)

    Open PDF files with pdf suffix

  • sCRYPtUPdater (shell script)

    syntax check and copy to path: like /usr/local/bin, /var/www/html, /etc ...

  • search (shell script)

    search by path and if grep true open's a file to edit or to take a look, you can exclude files, from search output with a word.

  • mysql_cp_db (shell script)

    To rename tables in database
     To dump database to ~/[databasename].sql
      To restore database from ~/[databasename].sql
       To delete zombie ID's because "lost php, xml"
  • redundanz (shell script)

    Puts serv-if-up daemon up and monitors servers reliability.

    Depends on: server-monitor, serv-if-up

  • nids-antivirus-up (shell script)


    "sudo nids-antivirus-up --nids" puts snort up for active interface.

    "sudo nids-antivirus-up --antivirus" restarts clamav-daemon.

  • shi3lD (shell script)

    USAGE: "sudo shi3lD" OR pull down "shi3lD" from VTWM "Menu".

    shi3lD will puff your MAC-Address, so you become a new IP.

    Refresh in the wicd GUI and connect.

    Keep trying, until shi3lD says "WE HAVE shi3lD".

    You will have two logs on ~/ :

    	- A list with MAC-ADDRESSES that works with your hardware
      - A list with MAC-ADDRESSES that doesn't work with your hardware

    Depends on: start_shield, stop_shield, nids-antivirus-up

  • log ~/.wH0rUNSon on Terminator.

    search: workflow, user/host control
    mysql_cp_db: workflow, user/host control
    sCRYPtUPdater: workflow, user/host control
    redundanZ: startups, failures
    shielD: macs
  • set_mysql_passwd (shell script)

    To set up the MariaDB root password, enter a friendly password, only: numbers,lower-case,upper-case, only "8" digits.

  • mde-setup (shell script)

    To install and update mindevenviro.

  • tor__(test_tor_connexion).pl (thirdparty)

    something thirdparty, to check tor connection.


in /root


in ~/











in ~/Pictures


in /usr/local/bin


- codecounter
- connected
- logdiskussage


- shi3lD
- start_shield
- stop_shield
- nids-antivirus-up
- iptablestranspprox


- sCRYPtUPdater
- search
- mysql_cp_db
- openpdf


- dwecker
- feh-bg
- hi
- hi_brutalchess
- hi_cheese
- hi_dwecker
- hi_firefox-esr
- hi_geany
- hi_gimp
- hi_libreoffice
- hi_pidgin
- hi_playonlinux
- hi_shi3lD
- hi_transmission-gtk
- hi_vlc
- hi_wicd-client
- hi_wireshark
- hi_xcalc
- takeshot
- tor__(test_tor_connexion).pl (thirdparty)


- server-monitor
- serv-if-up
- redundanz


- mde-setup
- set_mysql_passwd

in /var/www/html/testphp/


in /etc/X11/Xreset.d



Deployment environment for web applications and system administration, in a minimal desktop with antivirus, NIDS and a great multimedia experience, without systemd and with TOR. (for one "$USER").








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