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A microframework designed to provide a simple interface for interacting with Kafka


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theTrial is a microframework designed to provide a simple interface for interacting with Kafka. With a concise and intuitive API, theTrial allows you to quickly set up consumers and producers for Kafka topics. Under the hood, it leverages the capabilities of confluent-kafka to ensure efficient and reliable communication with Kafka clusters.


You can easily install theTrial using pip:

pip install theTrial

Quick Start

Here's a simple example to get you started:

# Importing required models
from models import MyModel
from models import Result

# Importing the main application class from theTrial module
from theTrial import TheTrial

# Creating an instance of TheTrial class
app = TheTrial()

# Decorating the consumer function to specify the topics it interacts with
def consumer(msg: MyModel, topic: str) -> Result:
    """Message processing"""
    # This is where the message processing should take place
    # For now, a placeholder result is returned
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Running the app

In the example above:

  • We define a consumer using the @app.intopic decorator, specifying the topic from which messages will be consumed.
  • The consumer processes the message and returns a result.
  • The result is then serialized and sent to the "out_topic" topic, as specified by the @app.outopic decorator.

Additional Information:

  • The consumer function can have no arguments, one argument, or two arguments.
  • The first argument (if exists) is the Kafka message received, which has been deserialized and is provided as an instance of the Pydantic Model used for type hints.
  • The second argument (if exists) is the topic.

Models with Pydantic

All models in theTrial should be defined using Pydantic. This means you can leverage all the features of Pydantic, including data validation and more.


If you intend to use any of these models, please ensure you have Pydantic installed by running pip install pydantic.

Settings Configuration

theTrial utilizes an environment variable, SETTINGS_MODULE, to determine the location of the settings module. If this environment variable is not defined, the framework will, by default, search the current path for a module named

Inside the module, users are expected to define two key variables:

  1. CONFIG_CONSUMER: This should contain the configuration details for Kafka's consumer.
  2. CONFIG_PRODUCER: This should contain the configuration details for Kafka's producer.


# Kafka Consumer Configuration
    "bootstrap_servers": "localhost:9092",
    "group_id": "my-group",
    "auto_offset_reset": "earliest"
    # ... other Kafka consumer settings ...

# Kafka Producer Configuration
    "bootstrap_servers": "localhost:9092",
    # ... other Kafka producer settings ...

For a detailed explanation and additional configuration options, refer to the official Confluent documentation: Confluent Kafka Python Documentation.

User-Defined Settings

In addition to the predefined settings, users can define their own custom settings within the module. This allows for flexibility and extensibility tailored to specific application needs.

To ensure consistency and avoid potential conflicts, all user-defined settings should be in UPPERCASE. For example:


You can then retrieve this setting in your application by importing it:

from settings import MY_CUSTOM_SETTING

Logging Configuration

theTrial employs and extends Python's built-in logging module for system logging. The configuration for logging is driven by the environmental variable CONFIG_LOGGING.

To customize logging, including adding your own log handlers or any other logging configurations, you should define a CONFIG_LOGGING dictionary in your module.


    "version": 1,
    "disable_existing_loggers": False,
    "handlers": {
        "console": {
            "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
    "root": {
        "handlers": ["console"],
        "level": "WARNING",

Remember to structure the CONFIG_LOGGING dictioWnary according to the structure expected by Python's logging config module. Refer to the official Python logging documentation for more details on logging configurations.

CLI Commands

theTrial also comes with a set of CLI commands to help you set up and manage your projects:

Start Command

To initialize a new project structure, use the start command:

theTrial start --name [YOUR_APP_NAME]

By default, the main app file will be named You can specify a different name using the --name option.

This command will:

  • Create the main app file ([YOUR_APP_NAME].py).
  • Set up a file with default Kafka configurations.
  • Create a models/ directory with an and a file for defining your Pydantic models.


A microframework designed to provide a simple interface for interacting with Kafka








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