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Simple App to Display the top 100 albums across all genres from iTunes

This project is also implemented using UITableViewDiffableDataSource if you're interested in that checkout this branch or more specifically this viewController.

Setup Repo

  1. git clone
  2. cd Top100Albums.
  3. open -a "/Applications/" *.xcworkspace.
  4. Sign with your certificate.
  5. Run.

Sample Screenshots

Light was dark mode was handled automatically using system colors.

Alt Text Alt Text

Alt Text Alt Text

Sample Video

Alt Text


Top100 Albums is an MVVM app that follows the coordinator pattern.


Cocoapods were added to version control so you shouldn't need to install them.


  1. Alamofire
  2. CocoaLumberjack
  3. DeviceKit
  4. KingFisher
  5. PromiseKit
  6. SnapKit
  7. SwiftFormat
  8. SwiftLint

Testing Pods:

  1. OHHTTPStubs
  2. SnapshotTesting

Snapshot Testing

  1. Run tests using the iPhone 8 simulator iOS 14.
  2. The version of iOS on the simulator can cause snapshot tests to fail.