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API Gateway with Lambda services

In case you need a simple API solution with Lambda "nano" services, this is a small sample project with AWS SAM. Make sure to choose between the HTTP and REST API models. Look into the best authentication model, and add appropriate monitoring and tracing capabilities.

Run the commands from the integration directory:

cd integration

Build and deploy the application:

sam build
sam deploy --guided

Services will be available using POST published in the API Gateway endpoint in the $default stage:

curl -X POST https://<api-id>


Commands reference:

sam init --name integration --package-type Zip --architecture arm64 --runtime java21
sam build
sam validate
sam local invoke
sam sync --stack-name {{stack-name}} --watch
sam deploy --guided
sam local generate-event sqs receive-message --body '{"hello": "world"}'
sam local invoke ServerlessConsumerFunction --event events/sqs.json
sam delete
