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Releases: fingerthief/minimal-chat

v6.2.2 Enhanced File Management and Dialog Customization

09 Jun 00:32
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Release Notes for Version 6.2.2

Release Date: June 8, 2024

I am pleased to announce the release of version 6.2.2, which includes significant improvements to the StoredFiles component, enhancements to the DialogHeader component, and various bug fixes and performance optimizations. Below are the detailed changes:

New Features:

  • Model Selection Sidebar: Introduced a new model selecting experience with a sidebar for mobile layout, allowing users to select between models. [Commit 1945d33]


  • StoredFiles Component:

    • New transitions for opening and closing app dialogs.
    • Mobile model selection is now done via a clean slide out panel above the settings dialog. This greatly improves available space for mobile use.
    • Added filtering via text input for easier file management. [Commit caa6b4f]
    • Introduced new data rows for file size (in kilobytes) and file type. [Commit caa6b4f]
    • Added a quick action for downloading stored files. [Commit caa6b4f]
    • Included a DataTable footer for quickly adding new files. [Commit caa6b4f]
    • Updated file uploads to accept multiple files at once for batch uploads. [Commit caa6b4f]
    • Tweaked column widths for better readability and aligned transitions for all dialogs for consistency. [Commit f1206c5]
  • DialogHeader Component:

    • Updated to have properties for (lucide) icon and size, allowing for easy and consistent customization of icons across different components. [Commit 9af1753]
    • Added a settings icon to the configuration page's DialogHeader. [Commit f1206c5]
  • Components Folder Restructure:

    • Completed the reorganization of the components folder to improve maintainability and clarity. [Commit 44e5960]
    • Added a new MessageItem component to represent a single message item. The previous MessageItem component has been renamed to MessagesList to accurately reflect its function. [Commit 44e5960]

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an error caused by an incorrect attempt at accessing a value. [Commit 13ae329]
  • Fixed issues related to expanding and closing configuration sections. [Commit 68cf145]
  • Fixed a UX issue where users could not scroll the messages list if hovered over the padded left and right sides of the list. [Commit 2eceb45]
  • Fixed the token count showing incorrect numbers caused by the new messages object structure. [Commit b4e1205]
  • Fixed the issue with duplicate addMessage functions that had different logic. [Commit c55aea8]

Performance Improvements:

  • Uninstalled unused packages, including testing suites, and deleted associated files to reduce overall application bloat. [Commit 1f62731]
  • Removed unused files and global click event handler to improve performance and maintainability. [Commits 11958df, 828b849]

Updated StoredFiles Dialog


Updated Model Selector (Mobile Mode)

I hope these updates improve your experience using MinimalChat! As always, I appreciate your feedback and support.

Pull Requests

  • Enhance File Management with IndexedDB Storage and Improve Speech Detection by @fingerthief in #145
  • StoredFiles Component Improvements and Bugfixes by @fingerthief in #146
  • Completed Components Folder Restructure and Added New MessageItem Component by @fingerthief in #147
  • Improved StoredFiles Component, Multi-File Upload, and DialogHeader Enhancements by @fingerthief in #148

Full Changelog: v6.2.1...v6.2.2

Version 6.2.1: UI Design Overhaul, PDF Parsing, and Enhanced Vision Requests

02 Jun 21:10
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New Features

  • PDF File Parsing Support: Added the ability to parse PDF files and upload them as context to conversations. (#138)
  • Audio Queueing: Implemented audio queueing to prevent overlap TTS tracks and modularized the InteractMode component. (#141)


  • Settings Dialog Refactor: Refactored the SettingsDialog template code into individual configuration section components for better maintainability. (#143)
  • Vision Requests Enhancements: Updated vision requests to be saved to the conversation context and render the uploaded image on the screen. Vision requests are now integrated into the conversation flow, rather than being one-off requests. (#142)
  • Messages List UI Design: Updated the UI design of the messages list with larger left and right paddings to focus interactions in the center. User messages are now uniquely different but distinct from LLM response messages. (#142)
  • Conversations Panel Design Overhaul: Redesigned the conversations panel for a more streamlined and minimal look. This includes a new context menu, persistent "new conversation" option, and synchronized max tokens for titles across models. (#139)
  • Enhanced ChatInput UI: Improved the ChatInput UI with a flex-based layout and an InteractMode button. (#140)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Max Token Param: Corrected the max_token parameter name for GPT requests. (#139)
  • Fixed Overflow Bug: Addressed an overflow issue and moved the hover delete icon to the beginning of the text in the conversations panel. (#139)
  • Fixed Click Issue: Resolved a click issue with the conversation panel context menu icon. (#139)
  • Fixed Issue Importing Settings Files: Corrected an issue related to importing settings files. (#143)
  • Fixed copyText Logic Issue: Updated copyText to handle the updated messages object structure.

UI/UX Enhancements

  • Mobile Layout Adjustments: Made width adjustments for messages in mobile layout for better readability. (#142)
  • Removed Redundant User Label: Removed the "user" label as it was deemed redundant, and updated message icons to be animated and scale up when hovered. (#142)
  • Interact Mode Enhancements: Updated interact mode to read responses of vision requests and made various layout and design adjustments. (#142)
  • Removed User Prompt for Image Upload: Eliminated the requirement for a user prompt when uploading an image to the conversation. (#143)
  • Tooltip for Token Count: Added tooltips to show token count in the conversation list for a more informative UI. (#139)
    • Final update removes tooltip and left data icon and instead display the token count directly below the title in a small font.
  • Added Copy Icon for User Messages: Added copy icon to user messages.

Updated UI and Interact Mode Demo


Thanks to @o-stahl for the continued work and improvements!

As always, thank you for your continued support and feedback!

v6.2.0 Introducing Hands-Free Conversations with Interactive Mode

01 Jun 23:09
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Release Notes

Version: 6.2.0


We are pleased to announce the release of Interactive Mode in version 6.2.0. This new feature allows users to engage in fully hands-free conversations by leveraging text-to-speech (TTS) and speech-to-text (STT) technologies. Responses are played back via TTS with automatic speech detection, providing a seamless and natural conversational experience.

New Features

  • Interactive Mode (experimental):
    • Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Speech-to-Text (STT) Integration: Enables hands-free conversations by converting spoken words to text and text responses back to speech.
    • Auto Speech Detection: Automatically detects when the user is speaking, allowing for a more natural conversational flow.
    • Push to Talk Mode: An optional feature that can be enabled or disabled in the general settings for more controlled interactions.
    • Dynamic Noise Floor: Implements a rolling average of the RMS value to maintain consistent speech detection across various microphone sensitivities.
    • TTS Model Selection and Audio Playback Speed: Users can select different TTS models and adjust the audio playback speed for a more personalized experience.
    • Whisper Temperature Slider: Added in the Interact Mode configuration section to improve accuracy for whisper requests.


  • Configuration and UI Improvements:
    • Default configuration sections are now closed for a cleaner initial look.
    • Input boxes for slider controls have been replaced with minimal labels displaying the current value, reducing clutter.
    • Side tab toggle size has been reduced to be less intrusive.
    • Improved loading animation for the input box with a more vibrant color range.
    • Reduced the max width of messages to avoid visual confusion.
    • Slight color and list item tweaks in the ConversationDialog for better visual consistency.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing the temperature sliders for GPT and Claude models to not be set on startup.
  • Resolved an issue where polling for speech would continue indefinitely even after exiting Interact Mode.
  • Fixed an annoyance in the settings page where viewing the general config section would unselect the current model.
  • Addressed a bug causing the demo prompt to be re-saved on every reload.
  • Fixed a bug generating titles for GPT models.


  • Updated version information.
  • Added support for Safari in Interact Mode.
  • Enhanced the settings walkthrough and improved the mobile settings experience, including the ability to collapse model selections easily.
  • Updated the application icon with higher resolution and slightly tweaked colors for a more polished look.

We hope you enjoy the new Interactive Mode and the improvements we've made. As always, we welcome your feedback to help us continue enhancing your experience.


Massive thanks to @o-stahl for creating and implementing the new base Interactive Mode feature!


v6.1.6 - Comprehensive Settings Page Redesign and Enhancements

27 May 03:04
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This release (v6.1.6) brings a comprehensive redesign of the settings page, along with several key updates and improvements aimed at enhancing the user experience across both mobile and desktop platforms.

Key Updates

  • Settings Page Redesign

    • Complete overhaul of the settings panel for improved usability and aesthetics.
    • Consistent design updates across both mobile and desktop layouts.
    • Enhanced user interface with a more intuitive layout.
  • DALL-E Configuration

    • Added the missing DALL-E configuration section to the settings page.
    • Introduced a "no model selected" indicator in the UI for better user guidance.
  • Walkthrough Adjustments

    • Minor tweaks to the walkthrough process to enhance clarity.
    • Removed the overlay effect from the mobile layout to improve visibility and interaction.
  • GPT Temperature Setting

    • Removed the older calculation method for the GPT temperature setting as the value is now correctly set in the reference and storage directly.
  • Code Cleanup

    • General code cleanup to improve maintainability and readability.

Visual Reference

Before Update:

Screenshot_26-5-2024_164817_minimalgpt--pr129-enhancement-mobile-s-lnp98xzc web app

After Update:

Screenshot_26-5-2024_21569_minimalchat app

Mobile Version:

chrome-capture-2024-4-26 (1)


This release focuses on providing a smoother and more intuitive user experience, with a consistent and functional design across all devices. The redesign of the settings page, along with the added configurations and code improvements, ensures that users have a more efficient and pleasant interaction with the application.

Full Changelog: v6.1.5...v6.1.6

v6.1.5 Enhanced Mobile Experience and New User Onboarding

26 May 04:54
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This release includes several updates and improvements aimed at enhancing mobile support, providing a new user walkthrough, fixing dependencies, and updating documentation and configuration files. Below is a summary of the key changes:

Key Changes

  1. Mobile Enhancements:

    • Improved Mobile Swipe Support: Users can now activate swipe actions from anywhere on the screen starting from the edge of the left or right side.
    • New Quick Action Context Menu: Users can now press and hold anywhere on the messages list for a brief period of time and a context window will appear with quick options for starting a new conversation or deleting the current conversation.
    • Improved Mobile PWA Support: Enhancements to the Progressive Web App (PWA) experience on mobile devices.
    • Aligned Mobile Dialog Color Themes: Consistent color themes for dialogs on mobile.
  2. New User Onboarding Experience:

    • Guided Tutorial/Walkthrough: Introduced a guided tutorial that walks new users through the basic features of the application upon their first visit. This experience is tailored separately for desktop and mobile users to ensure a seamless and helpful onboarding process.
  3. Code and Dependency Management:

    • Dependency Fix: Addressed a dependency issue with the got package.
    • Uninstalled got Package: Removed the got package as it was no longer needed.
    • Moved Custom API Config Logic: Refactored custom API config logic into the settings-utils library for cleaner code organization.
  4. General Updates:

    • Application Icon and Build Tweaks: Updated the application icon and made minor tweaks to the build process. Fixed some theme issues.
    • Documentation: Updated the for better clarity and guidance.
    • CI/CD: Updated the firebase-hosting-merge.yml for continuous integration and deployment.
    • Animations Updated transitions and animations for various areas (conversations list, settings open, etc..) providing a more fluid experience.
  5. Miscellaneous:

    • Cache: Implemented caching strategies to improve performance.
    • Higher Contrast Messages Option: Added an option that adds more distinct backgrounds to messages for users that prefer the message bubble look.
    • Bug Fixes and Improvements:
      • Fixed issues with message regeneration and browser model generation.
      • Removed double compressions being done in the build process.
      • Fixed bug in regen and edit previous message logic that caused double responses to be added to the conversation.
      • Renamed components to follow a consistent naming format ComponentNameHere.vue.


Guided Walkthrough for New Users


Updated Mobile Experience


New Mobile Quick Action Menu


Full Changelog: v6.1.4...v6.1.5

v6.1.4 Refactor Complete and Other Improvements

24 May 03:24
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What's Changed

This release completes a large refactor of the ChatLayout component. App functionality is now properly contained within the appropriate library file or component. This makes it much easier to understand the code structure and also just general cleanliness of the code.

As a result of all of these changes, performance has also improved again. Massively reducing the amount of event emitters being fired off due to the previous architecture and the use of spread operators in many areas that weren't needed. The UI is noticeably snappier when interacting (switching conversations etc..).

Improved build process to adjust caching and compressing methods and additional tree shaking has also helped reduced initial site loading and reloading times.

Pull Requests

  • ChatLayout Refactor and Expanding Library Files Suite by @fingerthief in #125
  • Fix Issues With Message Regens and Browser Model Message Generation by @fingerthief in #126


Full Changelog: v6.1.3...v6.1.4

v6.1.3 Code Refactoring and Site Loading and Caching Performance Improvements

19 May 18:49
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Release Notes

Major Refactor and Component Optimization

This release features a significant refactor of the main application component, resulting in a more maintainable and streamlined ChatLayout component. Numerous functions have been converted and moved into new dedicated library files, such as message-processing and files-processing and more. This reorganization not only reduces the size of the ChatLayout component but also enhances its maintainability. Additionally, these library files now contain reusable exports for various functions related to the application's tasks.

Enhanced Bundling and Build Process

The application's bundling and build process has undergone extensive updates to boost site loading and caching performance. Key improvements include:

  • Compressed Distribution Files: Achieving a substantially faster initial loading process.
  • Tree Shaking: Ensuring only the necessary modules are included in the application.
  • Improved PWA Compatibility: Enhanced support for Progressive Web Apps with Service Workers.
  • Optimized Asset Caching: Proper caching of assets such as icons and fonts.

These enhancements contribute to significantly faster initial page loading and reload times, aligning with this projects goal of maintaining a lightweight and efficient application.

Pull Requests

New Contributors


Full Changelog: v6.1.2...v6.1.3

v6.1.2 Styles Refactoring and UI Message Text Streaming Restructure

18 May 04:58
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What's Changed

  • Removed the streaming message text element.
  • Updated so that the actual message object is being updated when a response is being streamed.
  • This Fixes Issue #100 Where streaming text is not visible at all at times
  • This fixes Issue #110 Where streaming text does not always keep scrolled into view
  • This also fixes the screen/text flashing after a message stream has finished and is saved. Saves now are not noticeable to the user aside from the context window length value updating in the conversations list.
  • Refactored the chatLayout component, a longstanding bloated styles section since the Vue conversion.
  • Refactored the conversation-dialog component, another large and messy styles sections.
  • Refactored the settings-dialog component rounds out the big 3 files. It also contained many redundant or unused styles
  • Refactored the message-item component. Not much to change here, a previous refactor did 99% of the work already.
  • Updated the chat-input component. Redesigned the component and cleaned up the styles.
    • In desktop mode the input box is now not full screen width making it easier to read the entered text as it gets longer.
    • Removed the loading spinner and instead added a pulsating border to the input box while in the loading state.
  • Reduced the font size in the conversations list, as a secondary element it shouldn't really have some of the largest text on the screen.
  • Reduced the font size for the header in the settings-dialog

Pull Requests

  • [Enhancement] Site Design Consistency Improvements and Styles Refactor by @fingerthief in #115
  • Restructured Message Text Streaming UI Updating Process by @fingerthief in #116

Smooth Saving Demo (finally)

chrome-capture-2024-4-17 (5)

Full Changelog: v6.1.1...v6.1.2

v6.1.1 Save Multiple Custom Endpoint Configurations and Save Multiple System Prompts

17 May 23:15
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What's Changed

I'm happy to introduce a suite of enhancements designed to elevate your user experience, particularly in the realm of endpoint configuration and custom system prompts. This latest update empowers you to effortlessly save and switch between multiple API Endpoint configurations. Allowing users to easily configure and switch between setups for various services and apps like OpenRouter, TogetherAI, and LM Studio, among others. This functionality is poised to significantly benefit our power users, streamlining their workflow and boosting efficiency.

Additionally, we've made substantial improvements to the performance of general conversation saving, ensuring a smoother and more responsive experience.

Changes Highlights

  • Added The ability to save multiple custom model configs. The configs are automatically created when a new API Key value is detected in the custom model config section.
    • Each custom config saved also contains all the values shown in the rest of custom config section. Values like temperature, top_P, repetition_penalty, maxTokens etc... This allows for each saved config to have fully customizable param values by default.
  • Delete saved custom configs
  • Added the ability to save multiple system prompt values to a list. This allows for users to easily create multiple useful prompts they can switch between whenever they want easily.
  • Improved conversations saving performance
  • Partial fix for issue causing the live streamed text to not always be in view. Greatly reduced the general likelihood of this occurring in my testing.
  • Added a bottom border to conversations list items for better distinction between unselected conversations.
  • Added estimated Context Length text to each saved conversation. This is nice for easily seeing how large a conversation is and if the context will fit within the model being used currently.

Pull Requests

Changes Demo

chrome-capture-2024-4-17 (1)

Full Changelog:

v6.1.0 Add Settings Importing/Exporting and Auto Load Available Models for Custom API Endpoints

14 May 22:07
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What's Changed

  • Add import/export functionality to settings-dialog - @o-stahl
  • Updated custom model config section to automatically return a list of available models based on the API Endpoint configured instead of requiring users to manually enter the model's name in a text field.
  • Added GPT-4o model option
  • Removed standard GPT-4 option as it is considered a legacy model at this point
  • Fixed issue causing conversation importing to fail.
  • Increased the default width of the settings panel when opened.

Pull Requests

  • Add import/export functionality to settings-dialog by @o-stahl in #107

Full Changelog: v6.0.9...v6.1.0