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Rule Of Thumb™

Rule of Thumb™️ tracks the sentiment of their users on trending and controversial people from different fields, including politics, business, media and entertainment, etc. It's the best system out there for people to express their opinions on what currently goes on in the world.

It's also Zemoga's front-end engineering test, but don't tell anyone. 🤫

The Stack

Rule of Thumb™️ is a full-stack application built on top of React by using Next.js, React's full-stack framework. Server-side rendering allows for great SEO optimizations as well as increased page performance, taking into account the development experience. Built entirely on TypeScript.

For data persistence, it uses an AWS RDS instance, running PostgreSQL as the database engine (it also uses an S3 bucket in order to store profile pictures), communicated with the application through the Prisma ORM, which makes easy and fast accessing to database data while also maintaining the type-safety that the application needs, since Prisma and TypeScript make an awesome team.

For API interaction, this project uses the power of tRPC in order to create public & performant procedures that are also type-safe and share type information across all environments with ease.

Last, but not least, this whole project is deployed and hosted in Vercel fully automated through GitHub actions and preview deployments.

Here's a diagram containing the overall architecture of the system.

Getting Started

Getting started with the project is fairly simple, configured as any other full-stack application.


Before getting started, make sure you have:

  • Git
  • Node.js
  • Yarn
  • PostgreSQL

Getting Up and Running

First of all, clone the project (or fork it to your convenience), and cd into it:

$ git clone
$ cd rule-of-thumb

Install dependencies with Yarn:

$ yarn install # or simply `yarn`

Before doing anything, make sure you have a PostgreSQL user and database created for the project, this is needed in order to ensure database connection. See PostgreSQL's documentation for this matter.

Create the environment file by copying the built-in template:

$ cp .env.example .env

And place in DATABASE_URL your PostgreSQL connection string, which has the following shape:


After that, make sure to run the migrations by using the built-in migrate command from Prisma. Read more about Prisma migrations here and package.json for reference.

$ yarn migrate

Finally, you can choose to seed the database with initial values by running:

$ yarn seed

This will run the seed located under prisma/seeds/initialSeed.js. You should have some people on your database after that.

You can now safely run the project by doing:

$ yarn dev

Happy hacking!


This project contains both unit and end-to-end tests. Have a look below on how to run each of them.

Unit Tests

Unit tests are executed with Jest and React Testing Library, only the newly created unit components possess unit tests that focus on showcasing their individual behavior and data handling.

To run, use the test command:

$ yarn test

If you get an output like the following:

Hooray! Everything worked properly, as it is supposed to.

End-to-end Tests

E2E tests are achieved through Cypress, in order to run them, some more steps are required. Remember, E2E tests are expensive.

First, make sure you're running the app in development mode:

$ yarn dev

After that, open Cypress by running:

$ yarn e2e

A Cypress instance should launch and the automated browser should prompt you for your desired environment. Choose 'E2E tests' and then 'Google Chrome'. The Cypress automated window should open and search for

All tests should pass smoothly, as shown on above's picture.


Ever seen Lighthouse? You'll be happy to see that Rule of Thumb™️ scores a solid 100 on each and every section.

This is made possible by ensuring proper accessibility principles (such as aria attributes and semantic HTML along with good SEO) as well as very solid optimization techniques (such as image compression and webp formats).


This is a basic project that achieves the minimal MVP functionality, it's definitely not mass-production ready, and further improvements could be applied in the future:

  • Currently, there's no identity management. The application has no proper way to track individual users and their votes.
  • This leads to potential security and biasing problems since it's a weakness that can be easily exploited.
    • Someone could maliciously create an automated tool to vote and re-vote based on their personal preferences, therefore leading to results that do not represent reality.
  • Ideally, a re-voting limit should be applied to further prevent the same user voting more than once, or, at least rolling back their last vote and not persist it since it's not valid anymore.

Apart from that, this app has great potential to disrupt in the poll market and really become the number one service for the public opinion.