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Angular utility to split text into words, lines or chars for subsequent animations.


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Split Text

NG-GX-SPLIT-TEXT - This is an Angular utility to split text into words, lines or chars for subsequent animations.

You can familiarize yourself with the demo version here - DEMO


Angular ng-gx-split-text
>=8.0.0 <9.0.0 v0.0.x


  • Split into chars
  • Split into words
  • Split into line-chars
  • Split into line-words
  • Defer init

Getting started

Step 1: Install ng-gx-split-text (npm):

npm install ng-gx-split-text

Step 2: Import NgGxSplitTextModule:

import { NgGxSplitTextModule } from 'ng-gx-split-text';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Step 3: Add directive to HTML node you want to split and template ID to reference this Directive in Component (example: #text):

<p #text ngGxSplitText>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus amet consequuntur culpa
  delectus, doloribus exercitationem ipsam, laudantium molestiae non numquam odit omnis optio praesentium quae ratione
  similique sit soluta voluptatem?</p>

Step 4: Add @ViewChild to access node words, lines and chars by previously assigned ID:

  @ViewChild('text', { static: true, read: NgGxSplitTextDirective }) text: NgGxSplitTextDirective;

Step 5: Work with split text using @ViewChild (Example for GSAP):

export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  @ViewChild('text', {static: true, read: NgGxSplitTextDirective}) text: NgGxSplitTextDirective;
  tlText = new TimelineMax();
  constructor() {}
 ngAfterViewInit(): void {

  textAnimation() {
      .to(this.text.words, 0.5, {
        opacity: 0,
      .staggerFromTo(this.text.words, 0.5, {
        opacity: 0,
        x: () => {
          return _.random(-100, 100);
        y: () => {
          return _.random(-100, 100);
        rotation: () => {
          return _.random(-25, 25);
        immediateRender: false,
      }, {
        opacity: 1,
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        rotation: 0,
      }, 0.03);




Name Description
NgGxSplitText Split your text (all options is default)
[splitOptions] Split your text (custom options)


Name Type Default Description
defer boolean false Defer initiation (for manual initiation use initSplit())
mask boolean false Add mask/wrap (overflow: hidden) for words
onlyWords boolean false Split only words without chars


<p #text ngGxSplitText>Lorem ipsum dolor...</p> // Default options
<p #text ngGxSplitText [splitOptions]="{defer: true, ...}">Lorem ipsum dolor...</p> // Custom options


Name Type Description
isInit boolean Is Split Text applied
nativeElement HTMLElement Container HTMLElement
words HTMLElement[] Words HTMLElement array
chars HTMLElement[] Chars HTMLElement array
line-words HTMLElement[][] Line array with words HTMLElement array
line-chars HTMLElement[][] Line array with chars HTMLElement array


this.text.isInit // console.log(true);
this.text.srcText // console.log(Lorem ipsum dolor...);


Name Description
initSplit() Initialize Split Text (For using in case defer: true)
resetSplit() Reset to source text


ngAfterViewInit(): void {
    // if Split Text already initialized (defer: false)
    this.text.initSplit(); // Return WARNING! Text already initialized
    // if Split Text not initialized (defer: true)
    this.text.initSplit(); // It's OK!