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Companion repo of "A 2-phase Strategy For Intelligent Cloud Operations"


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Intelligent Cloud Operations

This repo contains the companion material of the paper

A 2-phase Strategy For Intelligent Cloud Operations
Giacomo Lanciano*, Remo Andreoli, Tommaso Cucinotta, Davide Bacciu, Andrea Passarella
Under review

* contact author


In what follows, we provide instructions to install the required dependencies, assuming a setup that is similar to our testing environment. The test-bed used for our experiments was composed by:

  1. A Dell R630, equipped with: 2 Intel Xeon E5-2640 v4 CPUs (20 hyper-threads each) running at 2.40 GHz; 64 GB of RAM; a 3.3 TB Dell PERC H330 Mini hard disk; Ubuntu 22.04 LTS; Linux kernel 5.15.0. This host was used as controller and compute node.

  2. A Dell R740xd, equipped with: 2 Intel Xeon Gold 6238R CPUs (56 hyper-threads each) running at 2.20 GHz; 126 GB of RAM; a 2.2 TB Dell PERC H740P Mini hard disk; Ubuntu 20.04 LTS; Linux kernel 5.4.0. This host was used as compute node.

  3. A workstation, equipped with: an Intel Core i7-4790K quad-core CPU (8 hyper-threads) running at 4.00 GHz; 16GB of RAM; a 500 GB Samsung 850 SSD; Ubuntu 22.04 LTS; Linux kernel 5.15.0. This host was used as compute node.



The data used for this work are publicly available. We recommend using our utility to automatically download, decompress and place such data in the location expected by our tools. To do that, make sure the required dependencies are installed by running

apt-get install pbzip2 tar wget

To start the download utility, run make data from the root of this repo. Once the download terminates, the following files are placed in data/:

File Description
amphora-x64-haproxy.qcow2 Image used to create Octavia amphorae
distwalk-disk-load-<INCREMENTAL-ID>/ distwalk runs data
FINAL-rl3-*/ Cassandra runs data
model_dumps/ Dumps of the models used for the validation
test_load_disk_01-2tpi.dat distwalk load trace used to generate the workload
ubuntu-20.04-server-distwalk-683d9e7.img Image used to create Nova instances for the scaling group


Python 3.10 must be installed in order to install OpenStack (with Kolla) and run the Python code included in this repo.

If needed, consider using a tool like pyenv to easily install and manage multiple Python versions on the same system.


OpenStack yoga version is required to run our predictive auto-scaling strategy. On top of the other core OpenStack services, we leverage on the following:

  • Cinder
  • Heat
  • Manila
  • Monasca
  • Nova
  • Octavia

Follow the OpenStack documentation to install the required services.

Alternatively, this repo includes (in openstack/) the config files we used to set up an all-in-one OpenStack containerized deployment using Kolla (yoga version). Follow the kolla-ansible documentation to decide on how to fill the fields marked as TO BE FILLED in the such files. Then, assuming the following command to be issued from the openstack/ directory (unless otherwise specified), deploy OpenStack by applying these steps:

  1. If a local Docker registry is not already available, setup one by running ./

    NOTE: In this case, Docker must be already installed on the node where the registry is being deployed.

  2. Install Kolla dependencies by running ./

  3. Bootstrap all the involved nodes with the required dependencies by running ./

  4. Create Octavia certificates by running kolla-ansible octavia-certificates.

  5. On all nodes, enable block storage capabilities by running ./

  6. Perform the preliminary checks by running ./

    NOTE: If something fails here, the deploy will likely fail as well.

  7. Build the required Kolla images by running ./

  8. Start the deployment process by running ./

Once the deployment is up and running, complete the configuration by applying these steps:

  1. Create an SSH key-pair to be used for accessing the instances in the scaling group:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
  2. Initialize the current OpenStack project by deploying the resources defined in the openstack/heat/init.yaml Heat Orchestration Template (HOT):

    openstack stack create --enable-rollback --wait \
        --parameter admin_public_key="<PUBLIC-SSH-KEY-TEXT>" \
        -t heat/init.yaml init

    NOTE: the other parameters concerning networking configs are provided with default values that makes sense on our test-bed. Consider reviewing them before deploying.

  3. Upload the image to be used for creating LB instances by running ./

  4. As it is the case for our test-bed, Octavia may get stuck at creating amphorae due to the provider network subnet being different from the host network. When experiencing similar issues, try and apply our workaround by running ./


We use distwalk to generate traffic on the scaling group. To install the specific version used for our experiments (i.e., commit 683d9e7), run

git clone
cd distwalk
git checkout 683d9e7

The binaries for the client and server modules (client and node, respectively) will be generated in distwalk/src/.


We use stress-ng to generate external load that interfere with the VMs in the scaling group. It is recommended to install the specific version used for our experiments: 0.13.12.


This repo includes Python scripts, that can be also opened as Jupyter notebooks. To install JupyterLab, assuming that pip3 is the version of pip associated with Python 3.10, run

pip3 install -U pip
pip3 install jupyterlab==3.1.12 jupytext==1.11.2

Note that we leverage on jupytext such that each notebook is paired (and automatically kept synchronized) with the corresponding Python script, that is what is actually versioned in this repo. To enable jupytext, append the following lines to your Jupyter configs (e.g., ~/.jupyter/

## Manage paired notebooks with Jupytext
c.NotebookApp.contents_manager_class = "jupytext.TextFileContentsManager"
c.ContentsManager.comment_magics = True

Also, make sure that JupyterLab is displaying hidden files, such that the configurations specified in .jupytext can be properly applied.

NOTE: To open a paired Python script as a notebook from JupyterLab, right-click on the script and then click on "Open With" > "Notebook".

Running the notebooks

The Python scripts included in this repo can be opened as Jupyter notebooks to interactively visualize the results of the runs, and to train the time-series forecasting models used in this work. Here is a summary of what can be found in notebooks/:

File Description Module containing constant values Module containing utility functions to load and manipulate experiment results Module containing utility functions to manipulate metrics exported from Monasca Notebook that plots the metrics exported from Monasca Notebook that plots the distribution of distwalk client-side response times Notebook that allows for training the corrective actions classifier on the distwalk dataset Notebook that allows for training the corrective actions classifier on the Cassandra dataset Notebook that allows for training the anomaly detection model on the distwalk dataset Notebook that allows for training the anomaly detection model on the Cassandra dataset

To run the scripts/notebooks, it is necessary to set up a virtual env to be used as a kernel, by running make py3.10 from the root of this repo. Once the command terminates, a new kernel named pred-ops-os will be available for the current user. The notebooks are set to use this kernel by default.

Example of plots generated by

cpu plot disk plot

Example of plot generated by

times plot

Launching a new distwalk run

We assume all the following commands to be issued from the root of this repo (unless otherwise specified). Here are the steps to apply to launch a new run:

  1. Make sure the current user is provided with credentials granting full-access to an OpenStack project that was initialized according to the provided instructions.

  2. Create and upload the image to be used for creating the instances in the scaling group by running ./

  3. Deploy the required OpenStack resources using the openstack/heat/heat-auto-scaling.yaml HOT. Run:

    openstack stack create --enable-rollback --wait \
       --parameter auto_scaling_enabled=false \
       --parameter lb_policy_method=LEAST_CONNECTIONS \
       --parameter instance_delay=0 \
       --parameter instance_cpu_policy=dedicated \
       --parameter cluster_desired_size=3 \
       -t openstack/heat/heat-auto-scaling.yaml \

    NOTE: It is possible to send requests to the system as soon as the operating_status of the load-balancer turns to ONLINE. Such condition can be checked with the following command:

    $ openstack loadbalancer status show <OCTAVIA-LB-ID>
       "loadbalancer": {
          "id": "<OCTAVIA-LB-ID>",
          "name": "<OCTAVIA-LB-NAME>",
          "operating_status": "ONLINE",
          "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE",
  4. Copy config.conf.template to config.conf and fill in the fields marked as TO BE FILLED.

  5. To launch distwalk run, possibly injecting anomalies, use specifying the type of anomaly to be injected and a log file named according to the following convention:

    ./ [--fault | --stress] --log data/distwalk-disk-load-<INCREMENTAL-ID>/run.log

    NOTE: The other output files will be created in the same directory, and named accordingly. Such naming convention is the one expected by the provided Jupyter notebooks to automatically plot the results of the new run.

  6. At the end of the run, the corresponding plots will be generated in notebooks/results-img.

Launching a new Cassandra run

The instructions required to launch a new run of our Cassandra experiments are provided in our sibling repo.