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An Android-Gradle plugin to set the build version based on the last APK uploaded on PlayStore


On your build.gradle add:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
    dependencies {
        classpath 'gradle.plugin.gmazzo:play-autoincrement-plugin:+'

apply plugin: ''

Visit Gradle plugins for further details on how to apply it

The plugin creates one task per `build-variant. In a simple Android project you will have:

  • computeNextDebugVersion
  • computeNextReleaseVersion

Be aware of those tasks will run in a very early step on your Gradle build (between preReleaseBuild and checkReleaseManifest tasks). If your Gradle Sync fails on Android Studio (due an Internet unavailability for example), see the section Fail on errors


On your build.gradle add:

autoincrement {
    jsonFile '<path-to-google-api-json-token>'

Working with Triple-T/gradle-play-publisher

If you have configured the gradle-play-publisher (or going to), then you don't need to add the autoincrement closure the Gradle script. Just apply the plugin that it will pick the configurtion from Triple-T's play closure.

Advanced configuration

This plugin supports low-level GoogleCredentials API by providing an InputStream with the JSON API Key content:

autoincrement {
    jsonStream 'http://myserver/google-api-key.json'.toURL().openStream()

Target specific variants

By default, the plugin will only target any non-debuggable build variant. You can customize this behaviour with the targetVariants closure.

For example, an hypothetical flavor1Release variant only do:

autoincrement {
    targetVariants { variant -> == 'flavor1Release' }


Custom logic for version code calculation:

autoincrement {
    codeFormatter { code, variant -> code + 1 }

Set it to null for leave the versionCode untouched

Custom logic for version naming:

autoincrement {
    nameFormatter { code, variant -> "${variant.versionName}.$code-${new Date().format('yyyyMMdd-HHmmss')}" }

Set it to null for leave the versionName untouched

Fail on errors

By default, the plugin will fail on any error and leave the version untouched. You can change this by setting:

autoincrement {
    failOnErrors false