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Some utility views, utility classes, fragments and Activities for Android projects. It is intended to be used as an Android Library Project on Eclipse.

This is a not-yet-finished project and will be improved while I develop new stuff. I hope it is somehow useful for you!

Included components

Bitmap stuff

  • LRUBitmapCache: an implementation of an LRU cache especially designed for Bitmaps.
  • BitmapColorizer: utility class to get colorized copies of a given Bitmap.
    • CachedBitmapColorizer: utilizes an LRU cache to improve access speed.
  • BitmapManager class: manages bitmaps referenced by their path and depending on their location (resources, assets, private directory or external directory). Loads images using lazy load.
  • ReferencedBitmaps: class used to reference subsets of a BitmapManager, allowing to have just a BitmapManager per application.
  • IndexedBitmaps: same functionality as ReferencedBitmaps, allowing to refer to bitmaps by index.


  • Double hash map: hashmap that allows fast access by key and value (obviously uses more memory than a single hash map)
  • Double sparse array: a map with integer keys, with fast access by key but also by value.

Interface components

  • BitmapColorizer: useful class to colorize a Bitmap. Simplifies getting lots of colorized copies of an object. Supports different color configurations and transparency.

  • CachedBitmapColorizer: provides the same functionality as the previous class, but keeping an LRU cache with a maximum defined size. Useful if certain color combinations are more frequent. The bitmap size computation is compatible with older Android versions.


    This is a custom view to be used in the ActionBar, when the different Fragments of the Main Activity are accesed via a dropdown menu.


    • ColorDialog: a dialog to choose a color given ARGB values. These values are selected using SeekBars. Provides a simple preview of the choosen color, as well as over a desired image.


  • DialogSeekBarPreference: an integer preference using a SeekBar. Supports minimum, maximum, suffix and some description text.
  • InlineSeekBarPreference: an integer preference using a SeekBar, embedded in the preference, without opening a dialog.
  • ColorPreference: based on the ColorDialog, not yet finished!!!


  • Listenable class: thread-safe abstract class that includes methods to manage listeners using weak references.

Tasks and concurrency

  • QueuedTaskExecutor and Task: a QueuedTaskExecutor allows concurrently executing sets of tasks one after another. This way, you can for example execute three tasks and wait for all them before executing another set of tasks.

Utility classes

  • FrequentIntents: to launch common Android intents such as maps, call, email, etc.
  • Logger: wraps the android.util.Log class, while giving some extra methods.
  • IOUtils: includes methods to copy and move files from different locations, as well as some other small things.
  • XMLUtils: utility class to have a more direct and faster access to DOM XML objects.


  • AsyncImageView: image view that loads a bitmap in background, having an AbstractBitmapManager as backend.
  • AutoBackgroundButton, AutoBackgroundImageButton: buttons that change their background dynamically, avoiding to create two images for it.
  • AutoHeightImageView: ImageView that computes its height depending on the given width and a minimum proportion.
  • FontableButton, -EditText and -TextView: text components that easily allow using fonts located in the assets folder.
    • FontUtil: class with static methods used as a helper by the previous listed components.
  • PullToRefreshListView: pullable ListView originally created by Erik Wallentinsen ( with some small enhancements.
  • StepSeekBar: a seekbar that displays secondary thumb points in the available positions.
  • TextViewUtil: some static methods to set formatted text into TextViews.
  • ViewUtils: some utility methods to deal with View subclasses.


The project itself is an Android Library Project, to use it within your project, just import is as a library via right click -> Properties -> Android -> Add... (in the library section)


This project is released under the LGPLv3 license. Basically, it implies:

  1. If you make changes to any component, you must make your changes public.
  2. If you use use any component in an own project, please include a reference this original project.
  3. You can create closed-source using this project, just pay attention to point 2 :)

Demo Project

There is no demo project yet, it will be added soon!


Some utility classes for Android







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