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Challenge at freeCodeCamp

Deploy it to Glitch

User Story

  • I can get the image URLs, alt text and page urls for a set of images relating to a given search string.
  • I can paginate through the responses by adding a ?offset=2 parameter to the URL
  • I can get a list of the most recently submitted search strings.

Usage with Custom Search Engine (Google API)

NPM package: googleapis

Reference here

Google API Key

GG_API_KEY=[api key here]

Custom Search Engine

  • Go to
  • Create new Search Engine (sites to search, maybe if you need)
  • After create, go to edit the engine
  • Image Search, check ON (to get thumbnail)
  • Sites to Search (check out Search the entire web but emphasize included sites)
  • Update
  • Test with your custom search in the website
  • Get code cx
  • Copy to file .env
GG_CX=[cx here]

Usage with NodeJS

Follow document/example at