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The OptScale ML profiling tool by Hystax

Arcee is a tool that helps you to integrate ML tasks with OptScale. This tool can automatically collect executor metadata from cloud and process stats.


Arcee requires python 3.7+ to run.

pip install optscale-arcee


First of all you need to import and init arcee in your code:

import optscale_arcee as arcee
# init arcee using context manager syntax
with arcee.init('token', 'task_key'):
    # some code

To use custom endpoint and enable\disable ssl checks (supports using self-signed ssl certificates):

with arcee.init('token', 'task_key', endpoint_url='https://my.custom.endpoint:443/arcee/v2', ssl=False):
    # some code

Alternatively arcee can be initialized via function call. However manual finish is required:

arcee.init('token', 'task_key')
# some code

Or in error case:

arcee.init('token', 'task_key')
# some code

To send stats:

arcee.send({"loss": 2.0012, "iter": 2, "epoch": 1})

(key should be string, value - int or float, multiple values can be sent)

To add tags to model run (key, value):

arcee.tag("project", "torchvision demo")

To add milestones:

arcee.milestone("Download test data")

To add stages:


To add hyperparameters:

arcee.hyperparam("epochs", 5)

Logging datasets

To log a dataset, use the dataset method with the following parameter:

  • path (str): the path of the dataset.


To create a model, use the model method with the following parameters:

  • key (str): the unique key of the model
  • path (str): the path of the run artifacts
arcee.model("my_model", "/home/user/my_model")

To set a custom model version, use the model_version method with the following parameter:

  • version (str): version name

To set a model version alias, use the model_version_alias method with the following parameter:

  • alias (str): alias name

To add tags to model version (key, value):

arcee.model_version_tag("env", "staging demo")