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Idrinth API Bench

Idrinth API Bench

This is the repository for the API test framework, it's CLI, it's documentation website and other related tooling.


This is the core team, we are doing out best to help you gain the most from using the tools we provide.

Name Role(s) Image Introduction
Akhil Core-Developer Akhil I'm a master's student with experience in web development gained through open source contributions and research projects, and I believe in learning through hands-on experiences and sharing knowledge.
Angelina Quality-Assurance Angelina I am a core developer with over a year of experience working on self-made projects and contributing to open-source projects enhancing my skills.
Björn Reviewer Björn As developer since 2007 and a webdeveloper since 2010, always exited to learn more and help others learn.
Hussain Ali Core-Developer Hussain Ali I am a software engineer with 2 years of experience, contributing to open-source projects to learn and experience new technologies.
Jay Quality-Assurance Jay American hobbyist developer working in Quality Assurance since 2020. Always looking for problems to tackle and new skills to acquire.
Marika Reviewer Marika Italian frontend developer with 5+ years of work experience and a passion for coding since 2014. Currently pursuing a Computer Science Bachelor's while contributing to open source and exploring singing in free time.


Reviewers are the final decision makers for merging. They are Core-Developers and additionally handle the reviews. Be patient with them, since they do it in their free time.

Quality Assurance

The quality assurance focusses on improving the quality of out automated testing. They are also part of the Core-Developers and don't get payed for their help either.


The core developers are regular contributors, adding to issues and code where required. They may take up related tasks from time to time, since their work is the backbone of this organisation.

Project parts

The framework is the core of the project. It is built without a framework in Typescript and runs on Node.js.

This command line tool is free of frameworks and runs on Node.js. It serves as a tool to generate code for use with the framework.

This vue and electron tool wraps the framework to provide a nicer, easier to use UI for framework execution.

The documentation website is a React application written in Typescript. It serves as the central web presence and documentation for all involved projects.

These are examples based on @idrinth/api-bench (the framework). Try them out to see how it works and what the framework provides.

The history microservice is a Fastify application, that serves as the central point of access to historical benchmark run data.

The history website is a svelte application, that serves as the central point of access to historical benchmark run data.

These are the docker containers for ci and history visualisation.

The brainstorming solution we use. It is based around markmap, a markdown to mindmap generator but consists of a lot of custom logic.

This plugin extracts modular css files instead of creating a big one.

A small plugin to provide sensible standard deviation displays.

This repository is our website deploy and update tool to minimize github api queries.

This is the issue repository for a typescript framework meant to performance test anything even remotely rest-like and related tools.

The organisation's code standards.

A typescript solution for translations.

These are shared assets between multiple repositories.

These are the defaults of our projects, so make sure to use this for creating new repositories or updating existing ones.

A survey builder that focusses on being the least annoying to the surveyed as possible.

This small library checks media queries for duplicate style definitions.

File based routing with default react routers.


You can find the documentation on the Documentation Website. Additionally, we host the mindmap that assists the decision-making at the Mindmap Website.

CI Images

We have ready-to-be-used CI Images:


We provide a monitoring solution out of the box.


Please follow our socials to stay updated on the project:

LinkedIn URL Slack URL


Commercial support and training is provided via Björn Büttner.

Privacy and Compliance

The @idrinth-api-bench framework and it's CLI do not collect any kind of information about it's users or the API's being tested. All data is local to the device you run it on or the database server you configure it to dump data in.


If you have Feedback you don't want to put into a discussion or issue, feel free to use the link.


  1. issues issues Public

    This is the issue repository for a typescript framework meant to performance test anything even remotely rest-like and related tools

    46 48


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