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katjes is a system for displaying visual content, intended to be accompanied by audio. It's based on web technologies. Visual content can be interactive sketches (Processing) and video clips.

The system consists of a central server, independent visualizers (slaves), and clients who influence the visuals. All these actors communicate with the server via WebSockets.


Install via npm install. Start server via node .. Link to cli-client via npm link and control server via katjes from anywhere, even a different machine. Visuals are served via HTTP.

Sample Material

There are sample files included in public/clips and public/processing.

REPL Commands

  • load: Load a new processing visual or a new movie clip. Emit file extension.
  • pause, stop: Might do the same: Just stop any animation or movie clip.
  • play: Opposite of pause or stop.
  • flush: Check for new processing visuals or movie clips (the folders are scanned at startup)
  • exit, quit: Close connection to server.
