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there are still small errors that happen
if you can fix those errors you can do that
user input adds speech synthesis to all new pages
page creation template will speak keyword page user is on
var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('$value');
I reprogramed index.php
to write the broswer.json file in realtime
when a new page is created
user text input automatically apears on the sidebar menu
using browser.json js calls the file up to
css side menu
computer science
best practices.
there are benifits programming css style
left: 0;
right: 0;
width: 95%;
height: 80%;
i don't merge the css together like above
i use only to perfect the scopes aim.
width: 95%;
height: 80%;
proof reading the robots.txt file
trying to define the best practices for 2025
added image template for create pages input form
the image name must match keyword
and has to be uploaded to img folder
added folder named ai to experiment
with simplified ai
added str_replace to commands on index.php
this will replace user input that has spaces
between words with underscores.
and give users more freedom to create
longer titles and ask questions in search input
yes you can edit all the files
and folders if you know how
if you don't know how ask questions
Recent Updates
i created a folder named ai.
in this folder is the simple way
i build ai not like other developers
the Search box located on index.html page collects user input data sends
it to the PHP software
that outputs the page on
an HTML page in en folder also writes
a template for the page create page input box and delete button for page
and the short url # link is added to pile of links of the homepage
the pile of short url hashlinks are a list of links with common css classes used by the search box
javascript located on homepage creates hash url
welcome to:


For educational purposes only.
i created handle on my iphone.
i downloaded an app called phpwin the free version.
i used phpwin self host localhost http php server to build this demo slowly.
to self host developers will need
http server,
php server,
understand how to edit html,js,css, and php.
website langauges.
index.html links to all of the webpages created for each search.
when a page is deleted the link is still located on index.html.
i will fix that in this repository in future updates.
the folder named [list] stores all of the webpages created for each search.
PHP Creates HTML pages with template when user searches keyword.
for user to create and delete HTML pages
webmaster: morgan shatee' byers,

Visit website to see handle demo

handle github repository