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⭐ Simple example of web scraping with Selenium in Python



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💡 What is it?

The program make automated search on website to find interesting job offers according to keyword and location. Then, each job offer from search result is being collected. Subsequently result is exported through Pandas to create beautiful .xlsx file full of job offers. At the final step the .xlsx file is send to given email.

We are starting here: website
To get the result:
mail result - received job offers
excel result- received job offers

⚙️ How it works?

! The automation happens with use of Selenium.

We want to get to the section with advanced search and do appropriate scraping of job offers.

  1. Find advanced search and click it.
    advanced search position
  2. Find specific fields to enter keyword and location.
    advanced search
  3. Find "Pozostałe" (it means other) button and click it to add additional details to our search. We want to find only new offers (added within 24 hours). Then find and click the button that contains "Pokaż oferty"(Show offers).
    other details about search
  4. Collect each job offer from every page of result as block of "offer info".
    search result
    If there is more than one page of result: find next page button and until exists go to the next page to once again collect job offers.
    next page button
  5. Get job title, website with details and company name from each block with offer info.
    job offer details
  6. Create table from gathered data and export it to excel.
  7. Send the complete message with .xlsx attachment to recipient address.
  8. DONE! mail result - received job offers excel result- received job offers

🤔 How to use it?

  • Setup a virtual envinronment inside clone directory
  • Install modules from requirements.txt with: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Update variables:
    • searchKeyword
    • searchLocation
    • adblockPath - my is:
      C:\Users\nazyw\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom
    • senderAddress
    • senderKey - app key from you gmail account to authenticate use of your gmail account (e.g. Gmail, can be other)
    • receiverAddress
  • Run in IDE of your choice
  • Admire how amazing Selenium is