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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 23, 2023. It is now read-only.


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A scaffolding repo to develop a myriad of different javascript apps and libraries. It comes in different flavors organized in branches, all of them for different purposes, setups and/or platforms:

status branch description
done master main features will be added here before spreading to the other branches
done process NodeJS long-running processes (like an HTTP server)
todo lib Libs that must work on both sides, nodejs and the browser
todo lib-node Libs that should work on NodeJS only
todo lib-browser Libs that should work on the browser only
done react-app Frontend React Apps based on create-react-app


All the above flavors includes:

  • The option to write code in typescript, ES2018 or both.
  • First class support in visual studio code:
    • Linting on the IDE by using tslint or eslint
    • Auto format via prettier (support files like .ts, .js, .tsx, .jsx, .json, .md and more).
    • run the current file on the IDE with a simple shortcut without the need of compile (babel-node is used for regular files and jest for test files).
    • easy debugging.
  • Convenient ways to lint, fix and auto format the source code via yarn scripts
  • Testing with JEST:
    • support for typescript and ES2018 without the need of any previous compilation.
    • support for inline snapshots via prettier.
  • Easy configurable GIT Hooks to make testing, linting, type checking, code fixing and formatting, etc..

How to start

  1. Create a new repo in your local machine (or clone it from your account).
  2. Add a new remote referencing this one (for example: upstream): git remote add upstream
  3. Fetch the latest data from upstream: git fetch upstream.
  4. Now let's say you want to base your work on top the process branch from upstream, then: git merge upstream/process. Now you master branch should contain the same content as the process branch.

How to sync

Integrate the latest changes that may have happened on upstream

# update upstream data
$ git fetch upstream

# merge your branch with the same branch from upstream as before
$ git merge upstream/process

Recommended vscode extensions:

This project works better with this specific vscode plugins/extensions:


$ yarn install

Common scripts valid vor all branches

$ yarn build
# build for prod (should run prebuild automatically)

$ yarn prebuild
# run `clean`, `fix`, `lint` & `checkTypes`

$ yarn test
# run all the test files using JEST

$ yarn checkTypes
# check for typescript errors

$ yarn lint
# check for lint errors using tslint for `.ts` files and eslint for `.js`.

$ yarn fix
# run auto format and auto fix using `prettier-tslint` and `prettier-eslint`

$ yarn checkConflicts
# detect eslint/tslint configurations that can collide with prettier

$ yarn checkTslint
# check for any conflict between `tslint` and prettier configs. Run this when
# you add new rules to your tslint.json file. It will warn you about what are
# the rules that you should avoid.

$ yarn checkEslint
# same as above but for `eslint`

$ yarn clean
# remove the build folder

Check the README and package.json in the branch of your choice for more.

Vscode shortcuts reference:

  • CTRL+i: auto fix/format current file using prettier.
  • CTRL+ALT+N: run the current file. It uses babel-node for regular files and jest for test files.
  • F5 launch the debugger.

Note: auto format will also run on file save and/or paste (check config at .vscode/settings.json).

Git Hooks

All the branches includes a pre-commit hook that runs fix, lint and checkTypes in your staged files to check for errors and auto fix them when possible before commits. It will abort the commit phase if errors prevails after the auto fixing. It uses husky and lint-staged for that.


Use jest for tests.

  • Test can be written in typescript or ES2018. inline-snapshots are also supported!
  • You can run the current test file in the IDE with ctrl+alt+n. No need for compile.

Read the README in the branch of your choice to know more.


The typescript configuration is very strict and types are checked even in javascript files! It's up to you to make it less restrictive if you want. Check tsconfig.json.

Some links


Vscode Extensions:

Guides, references: