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A bootstrap for building envoy proxy server.


envoy is a front/service proxy written in C++, which supports HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and gRPC protocols etc.

Get Started


  • executable envoy

  • ansible

Build envoy

Recently, there are Pre-built binaries for docker users. However there is no any binary in different distributions. For building envoy, following bazel/

To get more building informations, go to building.

Run envoy

First, clone envoy-bootstrap into your lcoal directory.

git clone

cd envoy-bootstrap

Then, copy the executable envoy into envoy/bin directory.

cp /path/envoy ./envoy/bin

(Optional)On some centos machines, you could copy into the envoy/lib64 directory rather than installing gcc-4.9 .

Next, define your envoy proxy server in ansible's iventory files staging and production.



Now, you can deploy envoy to remote servers with ansible.

cd envoy/playbook

ansible-playbook -i staging -K envoy.yml -e user=envoy -e envoy_workspace=/home/envoy/workspace -e skip_libs=true

You can use variable user and envoy_workspace to define your server configuration.

Define skip_libs variable will skip files under envoy/lib64 directory.

The following is a output example,

master!envoy-bootstrap/playbook *> ansible-playbook -i staging -K envoy.yml -e user=root -e envoy_workspace=/root/envoy
SUDO password:

PLAY [envoy-servers] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [build envoy workspace] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => (item=/root/envoy)
ok: [] => (item=/root/envoy/bin)
ok: [] => (item=/root/envoy/conf)
ok: [] => (item=/root/envoy/lib64)
ok: [] => (item=/root/envoy/logs)
ok: [] => (item=/root/envoy/pb)
ok: [] => (item=/root/envoy/benchmark)

TASK [upload envoy files] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => (item={'src': '../envoy/bin/envoy', 'dst': '/root/envoy/bin/envoy'})
ok: [] => (item={'src': '../envoy/bin/', 'dst': '/root/envoy/bin/'})
ok: [] => (item={'src': '../envoy/bin/', 'dst': '/root/envoy/bin/'})
ok: [] => (item={'src': '../envoy/bin/', 'dst': '/root/envoy/bin/'})
ok: [] => (item={'src': '../envoy/conf/server.json', 'dst': '/root/envoy/conf/server.json'})
changed: [] => (item={'src': '../benchmark/', 'dst': '/root/envoy/benchmark/'})
changed: [] => (item={'src': '../benchmark/', 'dst': '/root/envoy/benchmark/'})
changed: [] => (item={'src': '../benchmark/', 'dst': '/root/envoy/benchmark/'})
changed: [] => (item={'src': '../benchmark/', 'dst': '/root/envoy/benchmark/'})
changed: [] => (item={'src': '../benchmark/', 'dst': '/root/envoy/benchmark/'})

TASK [upload library] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => (item={'src': '../envoy/lib64/', 'dst': '/root/envoy/lib64/'})

TASK [install monit on centos] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: []

TASK [install monit on debian] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [start monit service] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [compile envoy configuration] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []

PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************               : ok=7    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0


For benchmark of gRPC server, I use the h2load tool which is included in nghttp2. Before test, you should install h2load on your remote server.

Test gRPC server

Here I use the Hello world program in gRPC's python examples.

root@localhost:~/envoy/benchmark# cd benchmark
root@localhost:~/envoy/benchmark# ./
successfully create virtual environment.
Collecting grpcio==1.4.0
  Using cached grpcio-1.4.0-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
Collecting protobuf>=3.3.0 (from grpcio==1.4.0)
  Using cached protobuf-3.5.0.post1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
Collecting six>=1.5.2 (from grpcio==1.4.0)
  Using cached six-1.11.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in ./venv3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from protobuf>=3.3.0->grpcio==1.4.0)
Installing collected packages: six, protobuf, grpcio
Successfully installed grpcio-1.4.0 protobuf-3.5.0.post1 six-1.11.0
successfully install grpcio package.
runing gRPC server at

Benchmark with h2load,

root@localhost:~/envoy/benchmark# export GRPC_ENDPOINT=
root@localhost:~/envoy/benchmark# ./
Payload file has been generated.

======== start benchmark =======

starting benchmark...
spawning thread #0: 10 total client(s). 10000 total requests
Application protocol: h2c
progress: 10% done
progress: 20% done
progress: 30% done
progress: 40% done
progress: 50% done
progress: 60% done
progress: 70% done
progress: 80% done
progress: 90% done
progress: 100% done

finished in 5.55s, 1800.87 req/s, 28.77KB/s
requests: 10000 total, 10000 started, 10000 done, 10000 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored, 0 timeout
status codes: 10000 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 159.73KB (163568) total, 71.48KB (73198) headers (space savings 96.45%), 0B (0) data
                     min         max         mean         sd        +/- sd
time for request:     9.54ms     65.77ms     55.26ms      2.59ms    94.89%
time for connect:      173us      1.15ms       583us       296us    70.00%
time to 1st byte:     9.90ms     62.38ms     37.54ms     15.52ms    60.00%
req/s           :     180.10      181.51      180.81        0.45    60.00%

====Benchmark is finished.====

Why building this project

envoy is a great modern proxy server, which has a lot of features. However the building process is painful for the beginners. After trying more aspects, I decide to give a more simply process with ansible. envoy-bootsrap is out-of-box, if you're interested, you should have a try.


This repository is licensed under Apache 2.0.


A bootstrap for building envoy proxy server.








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