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A Reusable Coordinator for pure SwiftUI project. No more need for using UIKit for coordinators to separate navigation logic from scenes. All you need to do is to create a subclass of a desired coordinator type (SwiftUICoordinator, NavigationSwiftUICoordinator, TabSwiftUICoordinator), provide a scene in a form of SwiftUI's View and coordinate to other coordinators.


  • XCode 14 and above
  • iOS 16 and above
  • Swift 5.7 and above
  • Swift Package Manager


You can either download ZIP and add the package locally or use SPM.


  • Go to your project > Package Dependencies
  • Tap add
  • Paste the repo link
  • Choose a desired version/branch/commit. (e.g., Up to next major 2.0.0-beta.2)

Or you can do it inside your Package.swift dependencies array. e.g.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "2.0.0-beta.2")


Creating a specific coordinator is as easy as just subclassing SwiftUICoordinator

final class HomeCoordinator: SwiftUICoordinator<Void> {
    override init(
        id: String
    ) {
        super.init(id: id)
        tabItem = .init(title: "Home", image: .local(.system("house"))) // Tab item used in case it's inside tab view.
    override func createScene() -> AnyView {
        let viewModel = HomeViewModel(coordinator: self)
        return AnyView(HomeScene(viewModel: viewModel))
    func openAccount() -> AnyPublisher<String, Never> {
        let coordinator = AccountCoordinator(id: "[ACCOUNT_COORDINATOR " + UUID().uuidString + "]")
        return coordinate(to: coordinator, presentationStyle: .custom(.scale))

If you need to return a non-Void result, you can change it to a desired type. e.g., String. Result is sent using a publisher which you can subscribe and handle it once coordinator is dismissed. Also, if the coordinator is inside navigation stack, you can use navigationRouter: NavigationPushing to push the coordinator instead of modally presenting it. navigationRouter will be nil if it's not inside navigation, so you can fallback to a modal presentation in this case.

final class AccountCoordinator: SwiftUICoordinator<String> {
    override func createScene() -> AnyView {
        let viewModel = AccountViewModel(coordinator: self)
        return AnyView(AccountScene(viewModel: viewModel))
    func dismiss(result: String) {
        finish(result: result)
    func openChat() -> AnyPublisher<Void, Never> {
        if let router = navigationRouter {
            let coordinator = ChatCoordinator(id: "[CHAT_COORDINATOR " + UUID().uuidString + "]")
            return router.push(coordinator)
        } else {
            let coordinator = ChatCoordinator(id: "[CHAT_COORDINATOR " + UUID().uuidString + "]")
            return coordinate(to: coordinator)

Navigation Coordinator

To create a navigation coordinator all you need to do is to subclass NavigationSwiftUICoordinator instead of SwiftUICoordinator and your scene will automatically be wrapped inside NavigationStack. You won't need to push through navigationRouter in this case as your coordinator is a navigation router itself. So you can simply call push method.

final class HomeCoordinator: NavigationSwiftUICoordinator<Void> {
    override init(
        id: String
    ) {
        super.init(id: id)
        tabItem = .init(title: "Home", image: .local(.system("house"))) // Tab item used in case it's inside tab view.
    override func createScene() -> AnyView {
        let viewModel = HomeViewModel(coordinator: self)
        return AnyView(HomeScene(viewModel: viewModel))
    func openAccount() -> AnyPublisher<String, Never> {
        let coordinator = AccountCoordinator(id: "[ACCOUNT_COORDINATOR " + UUID().uuidString + "]")
        return push(coordinator)

Tab coordinator

To create a tabbed experience you need to subclass TabSwiftUICoordinator and provide other coordinators as tabs.

final class MainCoordinator: TabSwiftUICoordinator<String> {
    let homeCoordinator = HomeCoordinator(id: "HOME_COORDINATOR")
    let chatCoordinator = ChatCoordinator(id: "CHAT_COORDINATOR")
    init(id: String) {
        super.init(id: id)
        setTabs([homeCoordinator, chatCoordinator])

Start initial coordinator

Starting initial coordinator is also pretty straightforward.

import SwiftUI

struct MyApp: App {
    private let rootScene = MainCoordinator(
        id: "[MAIN_COORDINATOR " + UUID().uuidString + "]"
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {


Kakhaberi Kiknadze – @Kakhi26 -

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


Coordinator for pure SwiftUI







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