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CLI tool for TiKV with an interactive shell.


You can enter the interactive shell by root command.

  tikv-cli [flags]
  tikv-cli [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  delete      Delete a key
  get         Get a key
  help        Help about any command
  put         Put a key
  ttl         Get the TTL of a key
  version     Print the version number of tikv-cli

  -a, --api-version string   API version. v1/v1ttl/v2 (default "v2")
      --debug                Debug determines whether to enable logging in tikv/client-go
      --help                 Help for tikv-cli
  -h, --host string          PD host address (default "localhost")
  -m, --mode string          Client mode. raw/txn (default "txn")
  -k, --keyspace string      Keyspace name. (default empty)
  -p, --port string          PD port (default "2379")

Use "tikv-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Before using tikv-cli, you are gonna provision a TiKV cluster.

With docker-compose

docker-compose up -d

With TiUP

tiup playground --mode tikv-slim --kv 2 --kv.config ./hack/config/tikv.toml